Dayananda Saraswathi

Dayananda Saraswathi
Bho Shambho Shiva Shambho
Dakshinamoorthe Amurthe
Hey Govinda Hey Gopala
Madura Madura Meenakshi
Ramam Bhaje

Bho Shambho Shiva Shambho
By Dayananda Saraswathi
Translated By P. R. Ramachander

Raga Revathi
Tala aadhi

Bho Shambho, Shiva Shambho, Swayambho


Gangadhara Shankara Karunakara,
Mamava bhava sagara Tharaka


1. Nirguna parabrahma swaroopa, gama agama bhootha prapancha rahitha,
Nija gunanihitha nithantha anantha Ananda athishaya Akshaya linga.

2. Dhimita dhimita dhimi dhimikita kitathom thom thom tarikita tarikitakita thom
Matanga munivara vandita Isha, sarva digambara vestitha vesha, Nithya Niranjana Nithya Natesa Isha Sabesha Sarvesha

English Translation

Oh Lord Shiva, Shiva the destroyer,
Shiva who appeared himself.


God Shiva who carries Ganga and is merciful,
Who helps me to cross the ocean of birth.


1. He who is Para Brahma without any characteristics,
He who is beyond everything that is going, coming and the past.
He who is beyond properties, who is infinite,
He who is endless, joy filled, wonderful and deathless Shivalinga.

2. God who does vigorous dance to the beat of drums,
The God worshipped by sage Mathanga,
He who is clad by the sky,
The God who cannot be seen in true form,
The God who is forever spotlessly pure,
The God who is forever dancing,
The Lord of the stage, the Lord of everybody.

Dakshinamoorthe Amurthe
By Dhayananda Saraswathi
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Raga Ranjani
Thala Aadi


Dakshinamoorthe, amurthe,
Sanakadi muni jana hrun moorthe


Agama sara, paripoorna athma jijnasu manogatha murthe


Praseeda hrud isha, aadhi brahma twaktha,
sarvam yukthamanam Thwa charanagatham maam.

English Translation


Oh Lord Dakshinamurthy, who is formless,
And lives in the heart of sages like Sanaka.


The God who is the essence of Vedas, who is complete,
And is the one who is attained by the mind of searcher of Athma.


Be pleased oh God of the mind,
Everything seems to be all right,
With respect to primeval Brahman,
And I seek the protection of your feet.

Hey Govinda Hey Gopala
By Dayananda Sarawathi
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Raga Hindolam
Thala Thisra Yeka


Hey Govinda, Hey Gopala, Uddhara maam,
Deenam, athi dheenam Balakanaam


Vihitha viheenam, viparyaya jnanam,
Sanchitha sarva kalusha kalapam.


Vedam na jane, vedyam na jane,
Dhyanam na jane, dhyayam na jane,
Mantram na jane, Tantram na jane,
Padyam na jane, Gadyam na jane.

English Translation


Hey Govinda, Hey Gopala, uplift me,
Who is oppressed, greatly oppressed and a child.


I am not suitable, I do not have great knowledge
I have only a medley of all that is turbid.


I do not know Vedas, nor its applications,
I do not know meditation nor whom to meditate,
I do not mantras nor Thanthras,
I do not know poems nor prose.

Madhura Madhura Meenakshi
By Dayanantha Saraswathi
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Raga Bhageswari
Thala Thisra Eka


Madhura Madhura Meenakshi,
Madhura puri nilaye, Amba, jagadamba


Madhura madhura Vag vilasini,
Mathangi, Marakathangi,
Mathar mama hrudaya vilasini,
Maam pahi santhapariharini


Sundareshwara bhageswari,
Suvaradi Jagadeeswari chaye,
Pathit athma paritharini maye,
Parama guhya parabrahma sahaye.

English Translation


Oh sweet Meenakshi of Madurai,
Who lives in the town of Madurai,
Oh mother, Oh mother of the world.


Of goddess with sweet, sweet word usage,
Daughter of Mathanga, she who wears emeralds,
The mother who shines in my mind,
Protect me, Oh destroyer of sorrow.


She who is the partner of Lord Sundareshwara,
She who gives good boons and goddess of all worlds,
The Maya who redeems the fallen souls,
She who is the most secret helper of Para Brahma.

Ramam Bhaje
By Dayananda Saraswathi
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Ragam Durga
Thalam aadhi

Ramam bhaje shyamam manasa
Ramam Bhaje Shymam bhaje vachasa

Vibheeshana Anjaneya pooritha karanam,
Vasishta munigana veditha hrudayam,
Vaseekrutha mayakareetha vesham,
Yetam purusham sarvesam.


Nila megha shyamalam, nithya dharma charinam,
Dandinam kodandinam
Durachara khandanam janma mruthyu jara vyadhi
Dukha dosha bhava haram.

English Translation

Hey mind pray Lord Rama, who is black,
Pray Rama who is black by words.

The cause of happiness of Vibheeshana and Anjaneya
The Vedic heart of Vasishta and other sages,
A very attractive form that creates magic in us,
Is the description of Him who is God of all.

He who is blue like a cloud, He who is forever Brahmachari,
He who punishes with his Kodanda bow,
He who berates bad behavior, He who destroys birth, death,
Old age, disease, sorrow and bad birth.

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