Chathu Sloki Gita

Chathu Sloki Gita
[Gita in four Verses]
Translation by P. R. Ramachander

[These 4 verses (8-11) occurring in the tenth chapter of Bhagwad Gita viz the essence of God is considered by large number of savants as the essence of the Gita but appears to me as containing a succinct definition of the way of devotion (Bhakthi Marga) of Bhagwad Gita, I am giving the meaning of these 4 verses in a simple transparent language here.]

Aaham sarvasya prabhavo,
Matha sarvam pravarthate,
Ithi mathwa bhajanthe maam,
Budha bhava samanvitha. 10-8

The wise man with devotion,
Sings praises of me understanding that,
I am the power behind everything,
And everything works because of me.

Math chitha math gatha prana,
Bodayantha parasparam,
Kadayanthascha maam nithyam,
Thooshyanthi cha ramanthi cha. 10-9

The wise men thinking about me,
And devoting their lives to me,
Talk with each other about me,
And become satisfied and happy.

Tesham sathatha yukthanam,
Bhajatham preethi poorvakam,
Dadahami budhi yogam tham,
Yena maam upayanthi they. 10-10

They always sing my prayers,
With love and concentration,
And I grant them unified wisdom,
So that they can attain me.

Tesham yevanukambartha,
Aham agnanajam thama,
Nasayamyath mabhavastha,
Jnana deepena bhaswatha. 10-11

With great compassion for them,
Dwelling deep in their heart of hearts,
I destroy their darkness of ignorance,
With a shining lamp of wisdom.

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