Ganga Sthavam

Ganga Sthavam
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This prayer occurs in Kalki Purana. There is already a translation available at: I have not followed that text or translation but the one in a book called Stotra Rathna published in Malayalam. There seems to be some difference.]

Iyam sura tharangini bhavana varidhe sthaarini,
Sthuthaa hari padaambhujaa dhupagatha jagat samsada,
Sumeru shikharamara Priya jalaa malakshalini,
Prasannavadanaa shubhaa bhava bhayasya vidhravini. 1

Let this divine river who makes us cross the sea of life,
Who is praised by the world, who started from the lotus feet of Vishnu,
Who is liked by the Gods on the Meru mountain, who washes away sins,
Who has a pleasant look, who does good and who removes the fear of birth.

Bhageratha radhanugaa sura kareendra darpapahaa,
Mahesa mukuta prabhaa giri sira pathakaasithaa,
Suraasura naroragai raja bhavachyuthai samsthuthaa,
Vimukthi phala nasini kalusha naasini rajathe. 2

Who accompanied the chariot of Bhageeratha,
Who destroyed the pride of the divine elephant by her colour,
Who shines on the crown of Lord Shiva,
Who appears like a white flag hanging from mountain top,
Who is praised by devas, asuras, men, snake, Lords Shiva and Vishnu,
And who destroys sins and grants salvation, shine.

Pithamaha kamandalu prabhava mukthi bheeja latha,
Sruthi smruthi gana sthutha dwija kulaalaavruthaa,
Sumeru shikharaadbidha nipathithaa, trilokavruthaa,
Sudharma phala shalini sukha palaasini rajathe. 3

The Ganga who came out of the water pot of Brahma,
As the seed of salvation and spread like a climbing plant,
Who is praised by Vedas, smruthi as well as songs,
Who is completely by the bund of Brahmins,
Who started her journey as three branches from Meru mountain,
And went and reached all the three worlds,
And who gives good dharma and a pleasant life, shines.

Chard wihaga malini sagara vamsa mukthi prabhaa,
Muneendra vara nandini, divi madascha mandhakinee,
Sada duritha Nasini, vimala vari sandarsana-,
Pranaama guna keerthi nadhishu jagathsu samrajathe. 4

The Ganga who moves along with a series of clouds,
Who assured salvation to the entire clan of Sagaras,
Who is the darling daughter of sage Jahnu,
Who is the slow moving river respected all over heaven,
Who always destroys all sort of sufferings,
Shines because the world visits, salutes and sings her praises.

Mahabhisha suthaanganaa Hima gireesa koota sthanaa,
SAphena jala hasini, sitha maraala sacharinee,
Chalalla hari sathkaraa vara Saroja maala dhara,
Rasoloositha gamini, jaladhikjamini rajathe. 5

The darling of the sea, who was the wife of King Santhanu,
Whose breasts are like the peaks of Mount Meru,
Who has a laugh like the flow of water with foam,
Who has the movement of the pretty swans,
Who has the moving hands of her tide,
Who wears garlands of lotus flowers,
And who moves with pretty joyful emotion, shines.

Kwachin muni ganai sthuthaa, kwachidanantha sampoojithaa,
Kwachith kala kala swanaa, kwachidha dheerayadho ganaa,
Kwachidhra vikarojjwala, kwachidhudagra pathaa kulaa,
Kwachi jjana vigahithaa, jayathi Bheeshma matha sathee. 6

The Ganga is praised by groups of sages in some places,
Is praised and worshipped by Adhisesha in some places.
Is moving with the sound, Kala, Kala in some places,
Is full of fighting and squirming river animals in some places,
Is very hot and full of emotion in some places,
Is falling from great heights in some places,
And is used as a playful companion in some places.

Sa yeva kusalee janaa pranamatheeha bhagerathim,
Sa yeva thapassaam nidhir japathi jahnavee maadharaal,
Sa yeva purushothama smarathi sadhu mandhakineem,
Sa yeva vijayee Prabhu sura tharangineem sevathe. 7

They who salute the Ganges are the only ones that live happily,
They who respect and meditate on Ganges are the only seers,
They who sing the praises of Ganges are only greatest among men,
They who serve the river Ganges are the only victorious lords.

Thavamala jalachitham Khaga srugaala meenakshatham,
Chalalla hari lolitham ruchira theera jambalitham,
Kadhaa nija vapor mudhaa sura naroragai samsthutho,
Pyaham tripadha gamini priyamatheeva pasyaamyaho. 8

Oh river who grows in three different paths,
In your clear waters birds, small foxes, fish and storks
Are floating, biting, playing and moving and jumping,
In the tides of yours and once they reach your banks,
They are coated with your mud,
And when I would be able to see my body with happiness,
In your waters, being praised devas and men.

Thaw there vasathim thava amala jala snanam, thava prekshanam,
Thwan nama smaranam thavodhaya kadhaa samlaapanam pavnam,
Gange may thava sevanaika nipuno pyanandhitha thascha drutha,
Sthuthwaa chodh gatha pathako bhuvikadhaa santhascharishyamyaham 9

When will I ever get a chance, to live in your shores, bathe in thy pure waters,
Get sprinkled by your water, meditate on your names, hear stories about your birth,
Oh Ganges, When will I become an expert in serving you,
When will I wear you and become happy and joyous and live with contentment?

Ithyedads rishibhi proktham gangasthavanamuthamam,
Swargyam yasaya mayushyam, padanath sravanaadhapi. 10

Reading or hearing this divine prayer addressed to Ganges,
Would lead us to long life with fame and later to salvation.

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