Guru Stuthi

Guru Sthuthi
[Prayer to Guru]
By Poonthanam
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[Poonthanam was possibly one of the greatest fore runners of Bhakthi cult in Kerala and his greatest work was Jnana Pana. Loosely it can be translated as "Pot of Knowledge". But "pana" here is not pot but a style of folk poem. This is written in a common man's language and in a common man's verse. It preaches the greatness of repetition (singing) of the Holy God's names. In between Poonthanam wrote about the world he saw and the world he wanted to see. Some people term it as the Bhagavad Geetha of Malayalam. Here is a great prayer in two stanzas addressed to the Guru in Malayalam. It has unmatched simplicity and grandeur.]

1. Ajnanam ullavayokke kalayanam
Vijnanam ullil vardhikkenam,
Aajnapichidenam nalla Vazhikenne,
Nithyam Guru Nadha Kumbidunnen.

You should destroy all ignorance in me,
The science in my heart should increase,
You should order me to follow the correct path,
Oh Teacher, who is my Lord, I daily salute you.

2. Anandam nalgunna pada renukkalaal,
Manasamayoru darpanathil,
Malinyam pokkichu, nanma varuthenam,
Nithyam Guru Nadha Kumbidunnen.

Using the dust of your feet which gives happiness,
You should remove all the dirt,
From the mirror of mind and bring goodness to me,
Oh teacher who is my lord, I daily salute you.

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