Maha Periyavaa Ashtaka Stotram

Maha Periyavaa Jagat Guru Ashtaka Stotram
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[Jagatguru Swami Chandra Shekara Saraswathi who was the previous Peedathipathi of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam was a living God to his devotees and continues to be even after Samadhi. All his devotees in a hushed tone full of devotion refer to him as "Maha Periyvaa" meaning the "Great One". I got this stotra written in Tamil from]

1. Namothesthu Guru Nadham,
Kanchi peedam sura poojitham,
Divya jnana Abhaya hastham,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum Namosthuthe.

My salutations to my Guru who is my lord,
Who occupies the Kanchi Peeda, worshipped by Devas,
Who has divine knowledge and shows sign of protection by his hands,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

2. Namasthe Shiva prakasam,
Budhimathaam varishtam,
Loka Samastha papa hare,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

Salutations to the one who radiates Lord Shiva,
Who is the greatest among wise people,
And who destroys the sins of all people,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

3. Jyothirmayam, thejomayam,
Roga vinasana moksha pradham,
Sarva Dukha nivaranam,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

He who is full of light, He who is full of luster,
Who cures diseases, who grants salvation,
And who removes all type of sorrows,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

4. Aapadbhandhavam Anadha Rakshakam,
Samasara mama daivatham,
Sakala soka vinasanam,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

A friend during time of danger,
Protector of those who have no protector,
My God in this domestic world,
The destroyer of all type of sorrows,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

5. Chandra mouleeswara priya
Sad guru nadham Prathyakshama deivatham,
Sarva daridra vinasanam,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

The Great Guru who is loved by,
Lord Chandra Mouleeswara (Shiva wearing a crescent)
My God who is visible to me,
The destroyer of all poverty,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

6. Sumanoharam Apara karuna moorthim,
Paramathmabhavam, Bhaktha jana mithram,
Soubhagya dayaka hare,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

One who s very pretty, who is very greatly merciful,
One who looks like the divine soul, Friend of his devotees,
Oh Sage who gives me prosperity and luck,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

7. Bhaskara Prakasam, Loka Nayakam,
Para Brahma swaroopam shubham,
Kaivalya navaneetha sadhanam,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

One who shines like Sun God, the Lord of the world,
One who has the form of divine soul who is auspicious,
And one who is the butter like material leading to salvation,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

8. Jnana sagaram, Krupa Sagaram,
Mandahasa aravind sankasa vadanam,
Sathya samrakshanam, Guru avatharam,
Kanchim Jagad Gurum namosthuthe.

Sea of wisdom, Ocean of mercy,
Whose smiling face is like a lotus flower,
One who protects truth and is an incarnation as Guru,
I salute that Guru of the world from Kanchipuram.

9. Jagat guru ashtaka stotram,
Ya padethi bhakthimam nara,
Sarva manobheeshta sidhikara devam,
Ashta Sidhi vara pradham.

If a man with devotion reads,
This octet of prayers addressed to the Jagat Guru,
That God would fulfill all the desires of his mind,
And he would also give him eight type of occult powers.

10. Pratha kale paden nithyam,
Roga soka aanthaye,
Yeka kale paden nithyam,
Papa, Shathru vinasanam,

If this is daily read in the morning,
Sorrow and diseases would come to an end,
If it daily read once,
It would destroy his sins and enemies.

11. Dwikalam ya paden nithyam,
Aayu arogya sidhitham,
Trikalam ya paden nithyam,
Sarva karyeshu sidhitham,

If this is read twice daily,
He would get a healthy long life,
And if it is read thrice,
He would be able to, with success complete all his works.

Sri Jagad Gurum nithya smaranartham,
Sarva Mangalani Bhavanthu

Let all auspicious things happen,
To those who remember the great Guru.

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