Apamarjana Stotram

Apamarjana Stotram
[Prayer for Mind and Body Cleansing]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[Aparjana stotram is a prayer addressed to various forms of Vishnu as well as Sudarshana Chakra to clean our body and mind of various sickness as well as afflictions by evil spirits as well as planets. This occurs in the Vishnu Dharmothara Purana. At the beginning of the prayer Saint Dhalabhya requests sage Agasthya for the benefit of all living beings, the method of getting cured of all the sicknesses and afflictions. Sage Agasthya then teaches him this great prayer. The Sanskrit text of this stotram along with an introduction and commentary is available at:
www.ibiblio.org/sadagopan/ahobilavalli/apamarjana.pdf. I have consulted this great work before making my own translation. Apamarjana Kavacham from the Vishnu Dharmothara Purana has been recently translated by me and can be found at this website. This Kavacha apart from giving the Armour also gives the apamarjana manthra for doing the meditation.]

Sri Dhalabhyua Uvacha
Sage Dhalabya asked

1. Bhagwan pranina sarve Visha rogadh upadravai,
Dushta grahibigathaischa sarva kalamupadhruthaa.

Oh Sage, all beings suffer from troubles of poison, diseases,
Effect of bad planets always and are troubled.

2. Abhicharaka kruthyabhi sparsa rogaischa darunai,
Sadaa sampeedayamaanasthu thishtanthi muni sathama

Oh great sage they are affected by black magic,
As well as horrible diseases of the skin.
And remain troubled always.

3. Kena karma vipakena Visha roghadyupadhrava,
Na bhavanthi nrunaam thanme yadhavad vakthumarhasi

I wish that you would tell me by doing which action,
The problems due to poison and diseases will not occur at any time.

Sri Pulasthya Uvacha
Sage Pulasthya told

4. Vrutho upavasai yai vishnur anya janmani thoshitha,
They naraa muni sardhoola Visha rogadhi bhagina

Those men who make Lord Vishnu happy by penances,
And ritual of starvation would never suffer,
From poison and diseases, Oh tiger among sages.

5. Yairna thath pravanam chitham srava daiva narair krutham,
Visha jwara grahaanaam they manushya Dhalabhya bhagina.

Those not interested in them or keeping their minds with Gods,
Oh Dalabhya, would be affected by poison and other diseases.

6. Aarogyam paramarudhim manasa yadhya dhicchadhi,
Thadhanpothya sandhigdham parathraa Achyutha thosha kruth.

Whether one wishes for health or great wealth by the mind,
That would definitely be got, if one prays Achyutha and makes him happy.

7. Naadheen prapnothi na vyadheen visha graham nibhandhanam,
Kruthya sparsa bhayam va api thoshithe madhusoodane.

No sorrow, no diseases, no attack of poison or problems created by planets,
Or the fear of the attack of evil spirits would be experienced by,
The person who has pleased the God who was the killer of Madhu.

8. Srava dukha samasthasya soumya sthasya sadaa grahaa,
Devaanaamapi thusthyai sa thushto yasya Janardhana.

All sorrows which are caused by the planets would be appeased,
In case of one who pleases Janardhana, because all devas are also pleased.

9. Ya sama sarva bhootheshu yadaa aathmani thadhaa pare,
Upavaadhi dhaanena thoshithe Madhusudhane.

If one pleases, killer of Madhu by fasting and charity,
And also sees all beings equally, his soul would attain salvation.

10. Thoshakastha jayanthe naraa poorna manoradhaa,
Arogaa sukhino bhogaan bhoktharo muni sathama.

Oh great sage, he who makes the Lord happy,
Would make him realize all his wishes,
And he would be free of diseases.
And would enjoy all sort of pleasures.

11. Na theshaam shatravo naiva sparsa roghadhi bhagina,
Graha rogadhikam vaapi papa karyam na jayathe.

They will not have enemies nor would they suffer skin diseases,
Or affected by planets nor other diseases and would not do sins.

12. Avyahathaani Krishnasya Chakradheen aayudhani cha,
Rakshanthi sakalaa aapadbhyo yena Vishnur upasitha.

All defenseless weapons are protected by weapons like Chakra,
And one is protected from all dangers, if one worships Vishnu.

Sri Dhalabhhya uvacha:
Sage Dhalabhya told:-

13. Anaradhitha Govinda, Ye naraa dukha bagina,
Theshaam dukha abhi bhoothanaam yat karthavyam dhayalubhi.

What should the merciful one do to the life those,
Who do not worship Govinda and are steeped in misery?

14. Pasyabdhi sarva bhoothastham Vasudevam Maha mune,
Sama drushti bi reesesam than mama broohya seshatrha.

Oh great sage tell everything to me about that Vasudeva,
Whom I see as dwelling for all Beings,
And who looks at everything with equality.

Pulasthya Uvacha:-
Sage Pulasthya said:-

15. Srothu kamo asi vai Dhalbhya srunushwa susamahitha,
Apaarma janakam vakshye nyasa poorvam idham param,
Pranavam pha namo Bhagwathe Vasudevaya - Sarva klesapa hanthre nama.

As per your wishes Daulabhya hear what you want,
The great stotra of purification along with nyasa,
Starting from Om namo Vasuevaya.

Adha Nyasa

Adha srimad Apamarjana Maha manthrasya
Sri Pulasthyo Bhagwan Rishi,
Anushtup chanda
Sri Varaha Narasimha Vamana Vishnu suudarsana a devatha
Haraa mukhasya duritham ithi bheejam
Achyuthananda Govindhethi Shakthi
Jwalath pavaka lochanethi keelakam
Vajrayudha nakha sparsethi kavacham
Sri Varaha Narasimha Vamana Vishnu suudarsana prasda sidhyarthe japa viniyoga
Varahaaya angushtabhyaam nama
Naarasimhaaya tharjeenebhyam swaha
Vamanaya madhyamabhyaam, vashat
Vishnava Anamikabhyam nama
Sudarshanaaya kanishtikabhyaam voushat
Pancha janyaya kara thala kara prushtabhyam nama

Ithi Kara Nyasa
Now Nyasa

For the chant of Apamarjana the sage is Pulasthya
The meter is anushtup,
The gods addressed are Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Vishnu and Sudarshana
The seed is "take away problems from me"
The power is Achuthananda Govinda
The armour is the touch of nails by Vajrayudha
For getting the blessings of Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Vishnu and Sudarshana, the prayer is being chanted.

Salutations to Varaha of the thumb
Salutations to Narasimha of the second finger
Salutations to Vamana of the middle finger
Salutations to Vishnu of the fourth finger
Salutations to Sudarshana of the last finger
Salutations to Panchajanya of the front and back of the palm.

Thus ends rituals by the palm

Adha Anga Nyasa

Varaha Narasimhaya Vamanaya Mahathmane,
Jnanaya Hrudayaya nama(Hrudaye)
Nama kamala kinjala peetha nimala vasase,
Iswaryaya sirase swaha (Sirasi)
Nama pushkara nethraya Kesavaya aadhi chakrine,
Shakthyai shikayai vashat (Shikhayaa)
Damodaraya devaya Ananthaya Mahathmane,
Balaya Kavachaya hoom,
Kasyapaadhi hruswaya rig Yajur sama murthaye,
Thejase nethrabhyaam voushat (nethra)
Om nama Paramarthaya purushaya mahathmane
Veeryaya asthraya phat(Kara thala)
Om Bhoorbhuvaswarom ithi dig bandha

Now the Rituals of the organs

Salutations to Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana (Touch the heart)
Salutations to him who lives the lotus, Kesava, the primeval bearer of Chakra and Shakthi (touch the hair)
Salutations to Damodara And the great Anantha, let there be strong armour
Salutations to the short Kasyapa, the rig, Yajur and Sama Vedas which shines (Touch the eyes)
Salutations to the real God who is great soul and the valorous arrows (Touch the palm)
I tie all the directions with Om Bhoor and Bhuvar

(Once you tie yourself, you are supposed to complete the chanting and then only rise from your seat.)

16. Adha dhyanam pravakshyami sarva papa pranasanam
Varaha roopinam devam samsmaran archayeth japeth.

Now I will start meditating for destruction of all sins,
On God with the form of a boar, Along with worship and chanting.

17. Jalougha dhamna sa charachara dharaa vishaana kotaya akhila viswa roopina,
Samuddhruthaa yena Varaha roopinaa sa may swayambhur bhagwan praseedathu.

Let me be enveloped by the grace of Lord Varaha,
Who got created by his own will,
Who lifted the entire universe from the sea,
Along with all its movable and immovable beings.

18. Chanchat chandhrardha damshtram sphurad uruu radhanam vidhyuth dhyotha jihwam,
Garjat parjanya nadham sphurithara viruchim chakshura kshudhra roudhram,
Thrastha saaha sthithi yoodham jwalad anala sataa kesarodh basa manam,
Raksho rakthabhishiktham praharaathi duritham dhyayathaam narasimham.

19. I meditate on Narasimha who has crescent shaped teeth, shining large lips,
Tongue which reminds of lightning, who has a voice similar to roaring,
Who has open eyes showing great anger, who was shining with hair,
Which looked like burning fire which frightened even the troops,
Who was anointed by the blood and beat away the problems and saved his devotee.

19. Athi vipula sugathram rukma pathrasthas mannam,
Sa lalitha dhadhi khandam, paninaa dakshinena,
Kalasa mamrutha poornam vamahasthe dadhaanam,
Tharathi sakala dukham Vamane bhavayeth ya.

I visualize God Vamana with a very broad body,
Having with him a vessel with curd rice on his right hand,
And another pot full of nectar in his left hand,
Who would completely wash off all my sorrows.

20. Vishnum bhasvath kireedanga davala yagalaa kalpajjwalangam,
Sreni bhoosha suvaksho mani makuta maha kundalair mandithangam,
Hasthdhyaschanga chakarambhujagadha mamalam peetha kouseyamaasaa,
Vidhyothath bhasa mudhyaddhina kara sadrusam Padma samstham namami.

I salute the shining Lord Vishnu who was wearing crown,
With a white body in which every organ was shining greatly,
Who had made up his head with a jeweled tiara,
And wore great ear studs and holding on his hands,
Conch, wheel, mace and lotus flower, decked with yellow silk,
And was shining similar to the luster of the rising sun.

21. Kalpantharka prakasam tribhuvana makhilam thejasa poorayantham,
Rakthaksham pinga kesam ripukula damanam bheema damshtra attahasam,
Shankam charam, Gadabjam pradhu thara musalam soola pasangusagneen,
Bhibranam dhorbhiradhyam manasee mura ripum bhavaya chakra samgnam.
I visualize Lord Vishnu in the form of Sudarshana wheel,
Shining like the fierce suns at deluge and filling all the world with his light,
Who has blood red eyes and reddish brown hairs, who was the destroyer of his enemies,
Who was shouting with his large teeth completely showing out,
Who was holding conch, wheel, mace flower, the killer pestle,
Trident, rope and goad and was marching to kill his enemies like Mura.

22. Pranavam nama, Paramarthaya purushaya mahatmane,
Aroopa bahu roopaya vyapine parmathmane.

Salutations to "Om", to the real great Purusha, the divine soul,
Who does not have any form but has many forms and is spread everywhere as the divine spirit.

23. Nishkalmashaya, shudhaya, dhyana yoga rathaya cha,
Namaskruthya pravakshyami yathra sidhayathu may vacha.

After saluting the blemish less, pure, God who is deep in meditation,
I would teach you, so that what I teach would give you the effect that I tell.

24. Narayanaya shudhaya viswesaeswaraya cha,
Achyythananda Govinda, padmanabhaya sourudhe

Narayana, the pure one, God of the universe,
He who does not slip, he who is joy, he who takes care of all beings,
He who has a lotus in his belly and he who is good hearted.

25. Hrisjikesaya koormaya madhavaya achyuthaya cha,
Damodaraya devaya Ananthaya Mahatmane.

He who controls senses, he who took form of tortoise,
He who is the lord of knowledge, he who does not allow us to slip,
He who was tied by a rope, he who is endless and He who is the great soul.

26. Janardshanaya Krishnaya, Upendra Sridharaya cha,
Trivikramaya Ramaya Vaikuntaya haraya cha.

He who troubles bad ones, he who is black,
He who is Indra to the king Indra himself,
He who carries Lakshmi, he who measured earth by three steps,
He who is Rama, he who is Vaikunta and a great soul.

27. Pradhymunaya nirudhaya purushothama they nama,
Yogeeswaraya guhyaya goodaya paramathmane.

Salutations to Pradhyumna Aniruddha and greatest among Purushas
And the Lord of Yoga, the one who is secret and who hides himself.

28. Bhaktha priyaya devaya Vishwaksenaya Sarngine,
Adokshajaya dakshaya mathsyaya madhuharrine

He who is fond of his devotees, he who is divine, he who is Vishwaksena,*
He who holds the Saranga bow, he who never gets diminished,
He who is fast, he who is a fish and he who killed Madhu.
* A form of Vishnu with head of an elephant.

29. Varahaya Nrusimhaya Vamanaya Mahathmane,
Varahesa, nrusimhesa, Vamanesa, Trivikrama.

Salutations to boar, man lion, the dwarf Vamana all of whom are great souls,
Salutations to the God Varaha, God Nrusimha, God Vamana and Trivikrama.

30. Hayagreevesa Sarvesa Hrishikesa haraa ashubham,
Aparajitha Chakradhyai chaturbhi paramadbhuthai.

Sautations to God Hayagreeva, the God of all, Oh Hrishikesa,
Oh God who destroys inauspicious things, Oh undefeatable God,
Oh God who holds the four wonderful weapons like Chakra.

31. Akhandithnubhavai Sarva dushta haro bhava,
Haraa amukasya duritham dushkrutham duruposhitham.

In your great experience you have killed all bad people,
Please kill bad ones, sufferings, bad acts and bad upbringing.

32. Mruthyu bandharthi bhaya dhama arishtasya cha yath phalam,
Paramadhwana sahitham prayuktham chaa abhicharikam.

Bad death, imprisonment, fear, utter poverty and other such things,
Which were done as a result of black magic may please be removed

33. Ghara sparsa maha rogaan prayukthaan thwarata hara,
Pranam pha namo vasudevaya nama Krishnaya sarangine.

"Om Vasudevaya Nama" as well as salutaions to Krishna who holds the Saranga bow,
Would cure problems due to poison, leprosy completely.

34. Nama pushkara nethraya Kesavayadhi chakrine,
Nama kamala kinjalka peetha nirmala vasase.

Salutations to him who has eyes that blesses,
To the Kesava holding four chakras,
Salutations to the lotus eyed one,
And one who wears holy yellow cloths.

35. Maha havaripusthakandha grushta chakraya chakrine,
Damshtrogrena kshithidhruthe trayee murthy mathe nama.

Salutations to him who lifted the earth in his mighty tusk,
As the boar when his enemy hid it in the sea.

36. Maha Yagna varaahaaya Sesha bhogo upasayine,
Thaptha Hataka Kesantha jwalath pavaka lochana.

Salutations to the great Varaha of the fire sacrifice,
Who comfortably lies down on Adhi Sesha,
Who has hot unkempt hair and burning glances.

37. Vajrayudha nakha sparsa divya Simha namosthuthe,
Kasyappaya athi hrusvaya Rik Yaju sama murthaya.

Salutations to the divine Lion whose talons are like the Vajrayudha,
Who was born to Kasyapa and Athithi and was the personification of Rik, Yajur and Sama Vedas.

38. Thubhyam Vamana roopaya kramathe gaam namo nama,
Varaha sesha dushtani sarva papa phalani vai.

I sing salutations and salutations to God Vamana and Lord Varaha,
Who came to kill all the evil minded ones and the accumulated sins.

39. Mardha mardha maha damshtra mardha mardha cha thath phalam,
Narasimha karalsya dantha projjwalaanana.

Kill, kill Oh great toothed one Varaha, kill, kill the evil black magic,
Oh terrifying Narasimha who shines with his teeth.

40. Bhanjha bhanjha ninadhena dushtaanyasyaa aarthi narasana,
Rig Yajur Sama roopabhi vagbhi Vamana rupa druk.

Break, break by your shout, Oh killer of evil and avarice,
Oh personification of Rik, Yajur and Sama recitations,
Oh God who took the form of Vamana.

41. Prasamam srava dushtaanaam nayathvasya janardhana,
Koubheram they mukham rathrou soumyam mukhan diva.

Tame all the evil minded ones with diplomacy, oh Janardhana,
With the fierce look at night and soft look at the day time.

42. Jwarath mruthyu bhayam ghoram visham nasayathe jwaram,
Tripad bhasma praharana trisira Raktha lochana.

Protect us from fever, fear of death, fierce poisons and illnesses,
And taking the form of three headed one with bloody eyes destroy the three evil spirits.*
* Dead souls, ghosts and Rakshasas.

43. Sa may preetha sukham dadhyaath sarvamaya pathi jwara,
Aadhyanthavantha kavaya puraanaa san margavantho hyanusaasitharaa,
Sarva jwaraan gnanthu mammanirudha pradhyumna, samkarshana Vasudeva.

Let Anirudha, Pradhyumna, Sankakarshana and Vasudeva,
Who are the primeval ones according to the great books,
Understanding all the types of miseries that I am undergoing,
Give me the pleasure of their love and remove all sorts of sufferings,
And show me the proper path of life that I have to undertake,

44. Iykahikam, dhvyahikam cha thadha tri divasa jwaram,
Chathurthikam Thadha athyugram sathatha jwaram.

Please cure me of the fever that lasts for one day, two days,
Three days, four days, very high fever and fever that lasts forever.

45. Doshotham, sannipathotham thadiva aaganthukam jwaram,
Shamam nayaa asu Govinda Chindhi chindhisya vedanaam.

Please cure me of fever due to imbalances, that due to joining of doshas,
As well as fevers of the future, Oh Govinda and remove, remove all pains.

46. Nethra dukham, siro Dukham, dukham chodhara sambhavam,
Athi swasam anuchwasam parithapam save padhum.

Please cure me of eye problems, headaches, diseases of the stomach,
Rapid breathing, shallow breathing and the pitiable trembling.

47. Gudha granangri rogamscha, kukshi rogam thadha kshayam,
Kaamaaladheem sthadhaa rogaan premehaaschathi dharunam.

Please cure me of the diseases of anus, nose, womb and tuberculosis,
Different types of jaundice and the very pitiable disease of diabetes.

48. Bhagandharathi saaramscha Mukha rogamavalgulim,
Asmarim moothra kruchram cha rogaam anyascha dharunam.

Please cure me of fistula, diarrhea, diseases of the mouth,
Disease of fast pulse, loss of memory, urinary bladder,
And all other diseases which are terrible.

49. Ye vatha prabhavaa rogaa, ye cha pitha samudhbhava,
Kaphot bhavaascha ye rogaa ye chanyye sannipathika.

Please cure me from diseases of air (gas), anemia and due to phlegm,
And also cure me of diseases of all the joints.

50. Aaganthukascha yea rogaa loothadhi sphatakodhya,
Sarve they prasamam yaanthu vaasudeva apamarjanath.

Let all future diseases as well as those due to bites of insects,
As well as boils and tumors be brought under control,
By the effect of this stotra of cleansing of Vasudeva.

51. Vilayam yanthu they sarve Vishnor ucharanena cha,
Kshayam gachanthu chaa seshascha kronabhihathaa hare.

Let all of them be subdued by the repetition of the names of Vishnu,
And whatever is remaining be cut of the holy wheel of Hari.

52. Achyuthanantha Govinda Vishnor Narayanamrutha,
Rogaan may nasaya aseshaan aasu Dhanvathare, Hare.

Oh Dhanwanthari, Oh Vishnu let all my diseases be completely cured,
By the nectar like names of Acyutha, Anantha, Govinda, Vishnu and Narayana.

53. Achyuthanantha Govinda Namocharana bheshajath,
Nasyanthi sakalaa rogaa sathyam sathyam vadamyam.

I tell the truth and truth only, that all diseases would be destroyed,
By the repetition of the names of Achyutha, Anantha and Govinda.

54. Sathyam, sathyam, puna sathyam, mudhathya bhuja muchyathe,
Vedaath sasthram param naasthi na daivam kesvath param.

I tell the truth, the truth and again the truth,
That no books of knowledge and science are greater than Vedas,
And there is no God who is greater than Lord Kesava.

55. Sthavaram, jangamam chapi krithirimam chapi yad visham,
Danthodh bhavam Nakhodhbhootha makasa prabhavam visham.

Let the effect of that poison which is permanent, temporary or artificial
Or caused by teeth or nails or coming from the sky be cured by the names of the lord.

56. Loothadhi sphotakam chaiva visham athyatha dussaham,
Shamam nayathu thath sarvam keerthithosya janardhana.

Let the tumors, bites of spiders and other poisons which are unbearable,
Be brought under control by singing the names of Lord Janardhana.

57. Grahaan pretha grahaan chaiva thadhhaa vainayika grahaan,
Vetalamscha pisachamscha Gandharwan yaksha rakshasaan.

Let me be protected from planets, dead souls, the well behaved planets,
Ghouls, devils, Gandharwas, Yakshas and Rakshasas,

58. Saakini poothanaadhyamscha thadha vainayika grahaan,
Mukha mandalikaan krooraan revatheen vrudha revatheen.

Let me protected from the ghosts like sakini and those planets
Under influence of magicians, and the gruesome cruel faces
By their complete destruction by chanting of God's names.

59. Vruschikhakhaam graham ugraan thadhaa mathru ganaan api,
Balasya Vishnor charitham hanthu bala grahanimaan.

Let recitation of the story of the boyhood of Lord Vishnu,
Destroy the trouble created by ferocious scorpion.
The very ferocious planets and the evil female spirits,
As well the trouble created by powerful planets.

60. Vrudhaanaam ye grahaa kechit yea cha bala graham kwachith,
Narasimhasya they drushtwa dagdhaa yea chapi youvane.

Some houses would be occupied by old planets and some by child planets,
And the ferocious glance of Narasimha would burn them both alike.

61. Sataa karala vadano Narasinho Maharava,
Grahaan aseshaan niseshaan karothu jagatho hitha.

The great sound made by the ferocious Narasimha with mane,
Would weaken all planets and also make them ineffective.
For the sake of the good of all the people of the universe.

62. Narasimha Mahasimha jwalaa malo jwalalana,
Grahaan aseshan nisseshaan khaadha khaadha agni lochana.

Oh Narasimha, Oh great lion whose face is surrounded by flames,
Oh God with fire in the eyes eat away all those bad planets,
After making them weak and making them in to nothing.

63. Yea Rogaa, Yea Mahothpada, yadvisham ye mahoraga,
Yani cha kroora bhoothani graham peedascha dharuna.

Oh God please destroy the sickness, great afflictions, poison,
Great diseases, and also the cruel ghosts and troubles caused by planets.

64. Sasthra kshathe cha yea dosha jwaalaa kardhama kaadaya,
Yaani chanyaani dushtaani prani peeda karaani cha.

Let the lord heal the wounds caused by weapons,
The burns caused by raging fire and other cruelties,
Resulting in the sufferings of all beings.

65. Thaani sarvaani sarvathman paramathman Janardhana,
KInchith roopam Samaasthaya Vasudevasya nasaya.

Oh Vasudeva, take any form that you think suitable,
And destroy all these sufferings, Oh soul of all,
Oh divine soul and Oh Janardhana.

66. Kshithwa Sudarshanam chakram Jwala malthi bheeshanam,
Sarva dushto upasamanam kuru deva vara Achyutha.
Oh Achutha of the blessed devas, send your Sudarshana Chakra,
With the fierce and fearsome flame surrounding it,
For destroying all the bad people of this world.

67. Sudarshana maha chakra Govindhasya karayudha,
Theeshna pavaka sangasa koti soorya sama prabhaa.

The great wheel Sudarshana which is the weapon of the hand of Govinda,
Which is very sharp and also cleansing has the brilliance of billions of Suns.

68. Trilokya Kartha thwam dushta druptha dhanava dharana,
Theeshna dhaaraa maha vega chindhi chindhi Maha jwaram.

Oh Sudarshana, you are the Lord of the three worlds,
Please destroy bad ones, asuras, as you hold,
The Sharp, limitless and very speedy power to destroy,
And also please cut off very powerful fevers.

69. Chindhi patham cha lootham cha chindhi ghoram, mahadbhayam,
Krumim daham cha soolam cha Visha jwalaam cha Kardhamana

Cut off the falling poison from the spider,
Cut off the horrible and fearful insects,
And also thirst caused by intense fever,
And the pain caused by Rheumatism.

70. Sarva dushtaani rakshamsi kshapayaa reevibheeshanaa,
Prachyam pradheechyam disi cha dakshino utharayo sthadhaa.

Please protect me from evil people and very frightening enemies,
From east, west, North and South.

71. Rakshjaam karothu bhagawan bahu roopi janardhana,
Paramathma yadha Vishnu Vedantheshwa abhidheeyathe.

Please protect me Oh God Janardhana,
Who is spread in all places everywhere,
Oh Greatest God Vishnu, who has been,
Described in all Vedantha books.

72. Thena sathyena sakalam Dushtamasya prasamyathu,
Yadha Vishnu jagatsarvam sa devasura manusham.

Please control all the evil ones by using Truth,
Like Vishnu protecting the entire universe,
Consisting of Devas, asuras and human beings.

73. Thena sathyena sakalam Dushtamasya prasamyathu,
Yadha Vishnou smruthe sadhya samkshayam yanthi pathakaa.

Please control all the evil ones by using Truth,
Because thoughts about you would,
Provide us protection from the very sinful ones.

74. Thena sathyena sakalam Dushtamasya prasamyathu,
Yadha yagneswaro Vishnur Vedhantheswabidheeyathe.

Please control all the evil ones by using Truth,
Like the Lord of sacrifices Vishnu does it,
As told in the Upanishads and Vedanthas.

75. Thena sathyena sakalam yan mayoktham thadasthu thath,
Shathirasthu shivam chasthuHrishikesaya keerthanath.

Let all the truth that I have told becoming true,
And let Lord Hrishikesa bless us all with peace and auspiciousness.

76. Vasudeva sarerothai kusai samarjitham mayaa,
Apamarjathu Govindo Naro Narayanasthadha.

May the grasses picked by me from the body of Vasudeva,
Cleanse with blessings of Govinda, Nara and Narayana.

77. Mamasthu sarva dukhanaam prasamo yaachanadhare,
Santha samastha rogasthe grahaa sarva vishani cha.

Let this prayer of mine remit all my sorrows,
Make all my diseases in to peaceful health,
And neutralize the effect of planets and poisons.

78. Bhoothani sarva prasamyanthu samsmruthe Madhu soodane,
Yethath samastha rogeshu Bhootha graham bhayesh cha.

Let the evil spirits be pacified by the meditation on Madhusoodhana,
And also all sickness, bad effect of planets and fear be destroyed.

79. Apamarjanakam shasthram Vishnu Naambhi manthritham,
Yethe kusaa Vishnu sareera sambhavaa Janardhanoham swayameva chaagatha,
Hatham mayaa dushta maseshamasya swastho bhavathvesho yadhaa vaacho hari.

This weapon of the prayer of cleansing is empowered by the names of Vishnu,
And these Dhurba grasses growing out of the body of the Vishnu,
Are similar to the Lord Janardhana himself and come of their own accord,
And have destroyed my bad qualities without leaving a bit,
Making me live without problems as per the words of Hari.

80. Shanthirasthu shivam chasthu pranasyathvasukham cha thath,
Swasthyamasthu Shivam chasthu Dushtamasya prasamyathu.

Let there be peace, auspiciousness, let all discomfort be destroyed,
By the recitation of this prayer and let all bad horrible things be destroyed by its auspiciousness.
81. Yadasya duritham kinchith thath kshiptham lavanarnave,
Swasthyamasthu shivam chasthu Hrishikesaya keerthanath.

Let the singing of the praise of Hrishikesa sweep away,
Whatever little problems are left out in to the salty ocean,
And let peaceful existence and auspiciousness result.

82. Yethath rogadhi peedasu janthunaam hitha michathaa,
Vishnu bhakthena karthavvyya mapmarjanakam param

If the minds of beings want to get freedom from diseases,
The devotee of Vishnu should as a duty recite this apamarjana prayer.

83. Anena sarva dushtaani prasamam yaanthya samsaya,
Sarva Bhootha hitharthaaya kuryath thasmath sadaiva hi.

Without any doubt whatsoever this prayer would,
Completely remove all sorrows caused by wicked happenings,
And so this prayer has been told for the sake of the good of all beings.

84. Kuryath thasmath sadiva hyim nama ithi,
Yidham stotram param punyam sarva vyadhi vinasanam,
Vinasaya cha rogaanaam apa mruthyu jayaya cha.

When you are performing this prayer always add "Om Nam",
For the most holy divine prayer and ensure destruction of all diseases,
And by destroying such diseases avoid untimely death.

85. Idham stotram japeth Santha kusai sammarjayeth suchi,
Vyadhya apasmara kushtadhi pisacho raga Rakshasa.

This stotra should be recited with a pure and calm mind,
Sitting on a seat of Durba grass and would effectively remove,
All diseases, epilepsy, leprosy, and attack by devils, ghosts and Rakshasas.

86. Thasya parswa na gachanthi stotramethathu ya padeth,
Varaham, Naarasimham cha vamanam Vishnumeva cha,
Smaran japedh idham stotram sarva dukha upasanthaye.

All these ills do not dare to go near to the one who recites this prayer,
Meditating on Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana and Vishnu,
And this prayer would also ensure the removal of all sorrows.

Ithi Vishnu dharmothara purane dalbhya pulasthya samvadhe,
Apamarjana stotram sampoornam.

Thus ends the prayer of cleansing which occurs in Vishnu Dharmothara Purana
In the discussion between Agasthya and Dhalbhya.

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