Krishna Stotram [Indra Krutha]

Indra Krutha Krishna Stotram
[Indra's prayer of Lord Krishna]
Composed by Lord Indra
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[Here is a rare, remarkable and very musical prayer detailing the pranks of Lord Krishna as a boy in Brindavan. After reading this I am wondering why it did not become one of the very popular prayers addressed to Lord Krishna.]

Aksharam param brahma jothi roopam sanathanam,
Gunatheetham nirakaram swecha mayam anathkam, 1

Bhaktha dhyanaya sevayai nana roopa dharam varam,
Shukla raktha peetha shyamam yugankramanena cha, 2

Shukla theja swaropascha sathye sathya swaroopinam,
Threthayam kunkumakaram jwalantham brhama thejasa, 3

Dwapar peetha varnancha shobitham peetha vasasa,
Krishna varnam kalou krishnm paripoorna thamam prabhum, 4

Nava dhara dharothkrushta nava Sundara vigraham,
Nandaika vandanam vande yasoda nandanam prabhum. 5

I salute the son of Nanda and the darling of Yasoda,
Who never decays, who is the glittering form of Para Brahma,
Who is beyond properties, who does not have form,
Who takes the form as per his wish, who does not have end,
Who assumes various forms for his devotees to meditate and serve,
Who according to yugas is white, red, yellow and black,
Who takes the form of truth, white in colour in Tretha yuga,
Who is shining red and glittering like Brahma in Dwapara yuga,
Who shines in his yellow form dressed in yellow silk in Krutha yuga,
Who is the lord who is black and entire in the age of Kali,
And who assumes the new pretty form similar to the new cloud.

Gopika chethana haram radha pranadhikam param,
Vinodha murali shabdha, kurvantham kouthukena cha, 6

Roopenaa prathimenaiva rathna bhooshana bhooshitham,
Kandarpa koti soundaryam bhibratham santhameeswaram. 7

I salute that lord of peace, who is as pretty as billions of Gods of love,
Who steals the minds of Gopis, who is more dear than her soul to Radha,
Who just for fun plays the peculiar sounds of the flute,
Who has unmatchable form and who adorns himself with gem studded ornaments.

Kreedantham radhayta sardham, vrundaranye cha kuthra chith,
Kuthra chinnir janaranye radha vaksha sthala sthitham, 8

Jala kreedam prakurvantham, radhaya saha kuthrachith,
Radhika kabari bharam kurvantham kuthra chidwane, 9

Kuthra chithadika pade datha vandal malakthakam,
Radha charvitha thamboola, grahnadham kuthra chinmudha, 10

Pasyantham kuthra chidradhaam pasyanthim vakra chakshusha,
Datha vanthascha radhaai kruthwa malancha kuthra chid, 11

Kuthrachid radhaya sardham gachantham rasa mandalam,
Radha datham gale maalam druthavanthascha kuthrachith. 12

I salute that God who some times plays with Radha in the forest,
Who lies on the chest of Radha in the forest,
Who some times is busy playing love sports in water with Radha,
Who some times makes up the hair of Radha in the forest,
Who some times in the forest paints the feet of Radha,
Who some times chews the half chewed Thamboola given by Radha,
Who some times stares at Radha with side long glances,
Who some times makes a garland of flowers and gives to Radha,
Who some times goes with desire to the group dance with Radha,
And who some times wears the garland made by Radha herself.

Sardham gopalikabischa viharanthascha kuthrachid,
Radhaam graheethwa gachantham thaam vihaya cha kuthrachid, 13

Viprapathni dathamannam bhkthavanthascha kuthrachid,
Bhukthavantham thala phalam balakai saha kuthrachid. 14

Vasthram goapalikanancha harantham kuthra chid mudha,
Gavam ganam vyaharantham kuthrachid balakai saha, 15

Kaliya moordhni padabhjam datha vanthascha kuthrachid,
Vinodha murali shabdham kurvantham kuthra chid mudha, 16

Gayantham ramya sangeetham kuthrachid balakai saha,
Nandaikanandanam yasodanandanam prabhum. 17

I salute the son of Nanda and the darling of Yasoda,
Who some times used to wander listlessly with Gopis,
Who some times holds Radha and some times leaves her out and goes,
Who some times ate the food given by the wife of a Brahmin,
Who some times ate the fruit of Palmyra with the boys,
Who just for fun some times steals the apparel of Gopis,
Who along with children sings and follows the cows,
Who some times used to place his feet on the head of Kalia the serpent,
Who just for fun used to make pleasing sounds using his flute,
And who some times used to sing pleasing songs along with other kids,

Indra krutham stotram nithyam bhakthya cha ya padeth,
Iha prapya drudaam bhakthimanthe dasyam labheth druvam, 18

Janma mruthyu jara vyadhi sokebhyo muchyathe nara,
Nahi pasyathi swapnepi yama dhootham yamalayam. 19

If this prayer which is composed by Indra is read with devotion,
Then definitely one will get unflinching devotion and service of the lord,
And also would get rid of sorrow caused by birth, death, old age and diseases,
And also one will not even in our dream see messengers of death or the land of Yama.

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