Lakshmi Narayana Kavacham

Lakshmi Narayana Kavacham
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This great armour has been related to the world by Lord Bhairava. Many siddhas have used this for occult purposes. Due to many secret chants contained in it, it is supposed to be got from a Guru, who knows the process of chanting this great stotra.]

Shri Ganesaya nama
Salutations to Ganesa

Shri Bhairava uvacha
Lord Bhairava said:-

1. Adhunaa devi vakshyaami lakshmi naaraayaNasya tey,
kavacham mantra garbha cha vajra panjarakakhyaya.

Now I am going to relate to you the armour of Lord Lakshmi Narayana,
The armour whose chant makes it look as if it is diamond shield.

2. Shri vajra panjaram naama kavacham parama adbhutam,
rahasyam sarva devaanaam saadhakaanaam visheshatah.

The armour known as the diamond shield is greatly wonderful,
And is kept as secret from all devas and especially from devotees.

3. Yam dhrutvaa bhagavaan devah praseedati parah pumaan,
yasya dhaaraNa maatreNa brahmaa loka pitaamahaha.

Wearing that armour, the devas pleased the great God,
And as soon as Brahma wore it, he become the grand father of the world.

4. Easwaro aham shivo bheemo vaasavo api divaspatihi,
sooryah tejo nidhir devi chandrarmaas taarakeshvaraha.

By wearing it Lord Shiva become the great Vasu and became Lord of time,
And Oh Goddess the Sun became the treasure of light,
And the moon became the Lord of all stars.

5. Vaayuscha balavaan lokey varuno yaada saampati,
Kubero api dhana adhyaksho dharma raajo yamah smrutaha.

The Lord wind became powerful in the world and Varuna became rich with water,
The Lord Kubera became president of wealth,
And Lord Yama as remembered as the king of Dharma.

6. Yam dhrutvaa sahasaa vishNuh samharishyati daanavaan,
Jaghaana raavaNaadeemshcha, kim vakshye ahamata param.

What else can be told about it when we know that,
Wearing it Lord Vishnu killed asuras,
And even killed the asuras similar to Ravana.

7. Kavachasyaasya subhagey kathito ayam munih shiva,
trishTup Chando devataa cha lakshmee naaraayano matha.

This armour has been related by Lord Shiva due to our luck,
And its meter is Trishtup and the god addressed is Lakshmi Narayana.

8. Rema beejam paraa shaktistaaram keelakam eeshvari,
bhogaapavarga siddhyartham viniyoga iti smrutaha.

The seed is Goddess Lakshmi, the power is Parasakthi, the nail is Goddess Parvathi,
And this is being chanted for getting pleasures as well as heaven..

Om asya shree lakshmee naaraayaNa kavachasya
shivah rishi trishTup Chanda,
shree lakshmeenaaraayana devataa
shreem beejam hreem shaktihi om keelakam
bhogaapavarga siddhyarthey pate viniyogaha.

Om for the armour of Lakshmi Narayana, the sage is Lord Shiva, the meter is Trishtup, the god addressed is Sri Lakshmi Narayana, the root is sreem,hreem is the power, Om is the nail, and this is being chanted for getting pleasures as well as going to heaven.

Atha dhyaanam
Now the meditation

9. Poornendu vadanam peetha vasanam kamalaasanam,
lakshmyaa shritam chaturbaahum lakshmee naaraayaNam bhajey.

I sing about four armed Lord Lakshmi Narayana with Goddess Lakshmi,
Who has face like a full moon, who wears yellow cloths and sits on a lotus.

Atha kavacham
Now the armour

10. Om Vaasudevo avatu mey mastakam sa siroruham,
Hreem lalaaTam sadaa paatu lakshmee vishNuh samantataha.

Om Let Lord Vasudeva protect my head and all its parts,
Hreem let my forehead be protected by Lakshmi,Vishnu and their assistants.

11. Hsau netre avatu lakshmee govindo jagataam patihi,
hreem naasaam sarvadaa paatu lakshmee daamodarah prabhuhu.

Hsau Let the Lakshmi Govinda who is the Lord of universe protect my eyes,
Hreem let my nose be always protected by Lord Lakshmi Damodhara.

12. Shreem mukham satatam paatu devo lakshmee trivikramaha,
Lakshmee kantam sadaa paatu devo lakshmee janaardanaha.

Sreem, Let the god Lakshmi Trivikrama protect my mouth,
Lakshmi, let the Lord Lakshmi Janardhana protect my neck.

13. NaaraayaNaaya baahu mey paatu lakshmee gadaagrajaha,
namah paarshvou sadaa paatu lakshmee nandaika nandanaha.

Let my hands be protected by Narayana and the Goddess Lakshmi holder of the mace,
Namaha, Let my front be protected by Lakshmi son of Nandagopa

14. Am aam im eem paatu vaksho om lakshmee tripureshvaraha,
um oom rum room paatu kukshim hreem lakshmee garuDa dhvajaha.

Om am, aam, im eem let my chest be protected by Lakshmi god of three worlds,
Um oom, rum room Hree, let my belly be protected by Laksjhmi, The God with Garuda in the flag.

15. lrum lroom em aim paatu prushTham hsouh lakshmee narasimhakaha,
om aum am ah paatu naabhim hreem lakshmee vishTarashravah.

Lrum, lroom. Em eim hsou let my back side be protected by Lord Lakshmi Narasima,
Om, aum, am ahha, hreem, let my stomach be protected by Lakshmi, the god who gives wide support.

16. Kam kham gam gham gudam paatu shreem lakshmee kaidabhaantakaha,
cham Cham jam jham paatu shisnam lakshmee lakshmeeshvarah prabhuhu.

Kam, kham, gam, gham sreem let Lakshmi killer of kaidaba protect my arse,
Cham Cham jam jhaam Let Lakshmi, the Lord of Lakshmi protect my penis.

17. Tam Tham Dam Dham kaTim paatu naaraayaNaaya naayakaha,
tam tham dam dham paatu chooru namo lakshmee jagatpatihi.

Tam, thaam, dam dhaam let my waist be protected by the leader Narayana,
Tham, tham, dam, dhaam Nama let Lakshmi the lord of universe protect my thighs.

18. pam pham bam bham paatu jaanoo om hreem lakshmee chaturbhujaha,
yam ram lam vam paatu janghey hsou lakshmee gadaadharaha.

Pam, pham, bam, bhaam hreem let Lakshmi four handed god protect my knee,
Yam ram lam vam hsou let my calves be protected by Lakshmi holder of the mace.

19. sham sham sam ham paatu gulphou hreem shreem lakshmee rathaanga bhrut,
Lam kshah paadou sadaa paatu moolam lakshmee sahasrapaat.

Sham sham sam ham hreem sreem let Lakshmi rider of the big chariot protect my ankle,
Lam kshah let Lakshmi he who has thousand legs always protect my feet.

20. ngam njam Nam nam mam mey paatu lakshmeeshah sakalam vapuhu,
Indro maam poorvatah paatu vahnirvahnou sadaavatu.

Ngam njam Nam nam mam let the Lord of Lakshmi protect all my body,
Let Indra protect my east and let fire protect my south east always.

21. Yamo maam dakshiNey paatu nairutyaam nirrutishcha maam,
varuNah pashchime avyaanmaam vaayavye avatu maam marutaha.

Let Yama protect my south, Let Niryathi protect my south east,
Let Varuna protect my west, Let wind God protect my north west.

22. uttarey dhanadah paayaadaishaanyaam eeshvaro avatu,
vajra shakti danDa khaDga paashayashTi dhvajaankitaaha.

Let Kubhera protect my North, Let my north east be protected by Lord Shiva,
Who holds Vajra, Shakthi stick, sword, rope,mace and the flag.

23. Sashoolaah sarvadaa paantu digeeshaah paramaarthadaaha,
anantah paatvadho nityamoordhvey brahmaavataaccha maam.

Let him who has the trident always protect me as he is in truth the God of all directions,
Let Anantha protect my speech and let my head be protected by the tendril of Brahma.

24. Dashadikshu sadaa paatu lakshmee naaraayaNah prabhuhu,
Prabhaatey paatu maam vishNur madhyaahney vaasudevakaha.

Let Lord Lakshmi Narayana always protect me in all the ten directions,
Let Lord Vishnu protect me in the morning and Vasudeva in the afternoons.

25. Daamodaro avataat saayam nishaadou narasimhakaha,
sankarshaNo ardha raatre avyaat prabhaate avyaat trivikramaha.

Let Damodara protect me in the evenings and Narasimha in the darkness,
Let Sankarshana protect me at mid night and Lord Trivikrama in the morning.

26. Aniruddhah sarva kaalam vishvaksenashcha sarvataha,
Rane rajaakuley dyutey vivaadey shatru sankaTey,
om hreem hsouh hreem shreem moolam lakshmee naaraayaNo avatu.

Let Anirudha protect me at all times and Vishvaksena always,
Let Om, hreem, Hsou, hreem, sreem, Lakshmi Narayana,
Protect me at times of war, when I am with princes, at times of gambling,
At times of debates and when the enemies are troubling me.

27. Om om om raNa raja chourariputah paayaachcha maam keshavaha
Hreem hreem hreem hahhaahsouh hsahsouh vahner vataan maadhavaha,
Hreem hreem hreem jala parvata agni bhayatah paayaadananto vibhuhu
Shreem shreem shreem shasha shaalalam pratidinam lakshmeedhavah paatu maam.

Om, Om, Om Let Kesava protect me in king of battles and from tricks of thieves and enemies,
Hreem hreem hreem hahhaahsouh hsahsouh Let Madhava protect me from fire,
Hreem, hreem, hreem Let Lord Anantha protect me from the fear of water, mountain and fire,
Shreem shreem shreem shasha shaalalam Let Lakshmi Madava protect me daily.

28. Ithedam kavacham divyam vajra panjarakaabhidham |
Lakshmee naaraayaNasyeshTam chatur varga phala pradam.

This is the divine armour which is like the diamond shield,
And which is dear to Lakshmi Narayana and results in four type of benefits.

29. Sarva soubhaagya nilayam sarva saarasvata pradam,
Lakshmee samvananam tattvam parama artha rasaayanam.

Which is store house of all luck and which leads to all types of wisdom,
Which is the principle of equalising Lakshmi and is the mixture of divine truth.

30. Mantra garbha jagat saaram rahasyam tri divoukasaam,
dashavaaram paTheth ratrou rataantey vaishNavottamaha.

This chant is the essence of universe and is secret even for the three gods,
If this read for ten weeks in the night by followers of Vishnu,

31. Svapney varapradam pashyel lakshmee naaraayaNam sudheehi,
trisandhyam yah paThen nityam kavacham manmukhoditam.

Then in the dream they would see Lord Lakshmi Narayana giving them boons.
If this armour is daily read at dawn, noon and dusk in their mind and by the mouth.

32. Sa yaati paramam dhaama vaishNavam vaishNaveshvaraha,
mahaa cheena padastho api yah paThed aatma chintakaha.

He would reach the ulitamate place of Vaishnavas, the land of Vishnu,
Even if he belongs to the great China if this is read by a philosopher,

33. Aananda poorita stoorna labhed moksham sa saadhakaha,
gandha ashTakena vilikhedravou bhoorjey japan manum.

He would be filled with joy and that practioner would get salvation,
If a man writes this with sandal paste on the leaves of birch tree and chants it,

34. Peetha sootreNa samveshTya souvarNe naatha veshTayet |
dhaarayed guTikaam moordhni lakshmee naaraayaNam smaran || 34 ||

And ties it with yellow thread and cover it with Golden plate,
And Wears that goblet on the head and meditates on Lakshmi Narayana,

35. Raney ripun vijityaashu kalyaaNee gruham aavishet,
vandhyaa vaa kaaka vandhyaa vaa mruta vatsaa cha yaanganaa.

He would win over enemies in war, He would set up an auspecious home.
And If a lady who does not have children or only girl child,
Or only bears dead children.

36. Saa badhneeyaan kanTha deshey labhet putraamshchira aayushaha,
gurupadeshato dhrutvaa gurum dhyaatvaa manum japan.

Ties it on her neck, she would get sons with long life,
If One gets it from a Guru and wears it praying the teacher,

37. Varna laksha purashcharyaa phalam aapnoti saadhakaha,
bahunoktena kim devi kavachasyaasya paarvati.

That devotee would get the benefit of chanting it one lakh times.
And Oh Parvathi Among the very many known armours,

38. Vinaanena na siddhih syaan mantrasyaasya maheshvari,
sarvaagama rahasyaaDhyam tatvaat tatvam paraat param.

Oh Great Goddess no other chant would give result like this,
For this is secret from all sastras is a principle among principles, dive among divine.

39. Abhaktaaya na daatavyam kuchailaaya duraatmaney,
deekshitaaya kuleenaaya svashishyaaya mahaatmaney.

This should not be given to one who is not a devotee,
Nor to the bad soul or one who wears dirty cloths,
And should be given to one who conducts Yagna,
Who are from a noble family and are our disciples.

40. Mahaacheena padasthaaya daatavyam kavachottamam,
guhyam gopyam mahaadevi lakshmee naaraayaNa priyam,
vajra panjarakam varma gopaneeyam svayonivat.

This divine armour given by Lord Shiva to you,
Is very secret and kept hidden, Oh great goddess and is liked by Lord Lakshmi Narayana.
And so please keep this diamond shield like armour to yourself and keep it hidden.

|| Iti shree rudra yaamaley tantrey shree devee rahasye lakshmee naaraayana
kavacham sampoornam ||

Thus ends the armour of Lakshmi Narayana occurring in Devi Rahasya which occurs in the book Rudra Yamala.

The armour of Lakshmi Narayana which occurs in the chapter of the secret of the Goddess in Rudra Yamala comes to an end.

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