Mangala Geetham

Mangala Geetham
By Sri Jayadeva
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This is a short prayer written by Jayadeva, the author of Gita Govindam. It is very musical and meaningful.]

Sritha kamala kucha mandala drutha kundala ye,
Kalitha lalitha vana mala, jaya jaya deva hare. 1

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who depends on the breasts of Lakshmi Devi,
Who wears ear globes and very pretty forest garland,

Dina mani mandala mandana bhava gandana ye,
Muni jana manasa hamsa, jaya jaya deva hare. 2

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who gives light to the solar system,
Who cuts of births and is the swan of the minds of sages.

Kaliya visha dhara ganjana, jana ranchane ye,
Yadu kula nalini dinesa, jaya jaya deva hare. 3

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who put an end to the poison of Kaliya,
Who entertains people and who is the sun to the lotus of Yadu clan.

Madhu mura nara kavi nasana garudasana ye,
Suru kula kela nidhana, jaya jaya deva hare. 4

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who killed Madhu, Mura and Narakasura,
Who sits on Garuda and who supports the play among devas.

Amala kamala dala lochana, Bhava mochana ye,
Tribhuvana bhava nidhana, jaya jaya deva hare. 5

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who has pretty eyes like the petals of lotus,
Who saves us from birth and who is the support for all the three worlds.

Janaka krutha sutha bhooshana, jita dhooshana ye,
Samara samitha dasa kanta, jaya jaya deva hare. 6

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who is the ornament for the daughter of Janaka,
Who defeats those who abuse and who killed Ravana in war.

Abhinava jala dhara Sundara, drutha mandhara ye,
Sri mukha chandra chakora, jaya jaya deva hare. 7

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
Who is as pretty as rain bearing cloud,
Who lifted the mandhara mountain,
And who drinks the prettiness of the face of Lakshmi,
Like the Chakora bird drinks the rays of moon.

Thava charane pranatha vayamithi bhavaya ye,
Kuru kusalampranatheshu, jaya jaya deva hare. 8

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
We salute both your feet,
Please shower mercy on us,
And please look after our welfare .

Sri jaya deva kaverudhithamidham, kuruthe mudham,
Mangalamanchala geetham, jaya jaya deva hare. 9

Victory to you, victory to you, Oh Hari,
This prayer composed by the poet Jaya Deva,
Gives joy to the devotees of the Lord,
And is a sweet prayer, beseeching for good.

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