Aditya Dwadasa Nama Stotram

Aditya Dwadasa Nama Stotram
[Prayer of Twelve Names of Sun God]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[We used to worship the Sun God from most ancient Vedic times. It is believed that He would bless us with all that is good, if we pray him using this Stotra on Sundays.]

Ekachakro radho yasya divya Kanaka bhooshitha,
Sa may Bhavathu supreetha Pancha hasatho divakaro. 1

Let me become dear to the five handed day breaker,
Who travels in a one wheeled divine golden Chariot.

Adhithya pradhamam nama, dwitheeyanthu Diwakara,
Thrutheeyam Bhaskara proktham chathurthanthu Prabhakara. 2

First son of Adhithi, second the day breaker,
Third he who makes things shine, fourth the maker of light.

Panchamam thu sahasramsu, sashtamchaiva Trilochana,
Sapthamam Haridaswancha Ashtamanthu Vibhavasu. 3

Fifth He who has thousand rays, sixth He who has here eyes,
Seventh He who has green horses, Eighth He who lights things,

Navamam Dina kruth proktham, dasamam Dwadasathmaka,
Ekadasam Threemurthy Dwadasam Surya eva cha. 4

Ninth The maker of a new day, tenth He who has twelve souls,
Eleventh Three gods and twelfth the Sun god.

Dwadasadhithya Namaani pratha kale Paden nara,
Dukha pranasanan chaiva Sarva Dukhancha nasyathi. 5

To the man who reads these twelve names of the Sun in the morning,
Sorrows would be stopped from coming and all his sorrows would be destroyed.

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