Dwadasa Nama Panjara Stotram

Dwadasa Nama Panjara Stotram
[The prayer of the armour of twelve names]
Translated by P. R. Ramachander

[This is a remarkable Kavacha made up of 12 names of Lord Vishnu along with his 12 weapons.]

Purasthath Keasava pathu, Chakree Jaambu natha prabha,
Paschann Narayana Sankhee Neela jeemootha sannibha. 1

In the east may I be protected by Kesava,
Who holds the holy wheel of molten gold,
In the west may I be protected by Narayana,
Who holds the conch and resembles the rich blue cloud.

Indheevara dhala shyamo Madhavo oordhwa gadhadhara,
Govindo, Dakshine parswae thanvee Chandra prabho Mahan. 2

From the top, let me be protected by Madhava,
Who is of the colour of blue lily and holds a mace,
In the south let me be protected by Govinda,
Who has the cool luster of moon and holds an arrow.

Uthare Hala bruth Vishnu, padma kinjalka sannibha,
Agneyaam Aravindhabho musalee madhusoodhana. 3

In the north let me be protected by Lord Vishnu,
Who is of the colour of lotus filament and holds the plough,
In the south east, let me be protected by killer of Madhu,
Who resembles a lotus and holds a pestle.

Trivikrama gadga pani, niryathyam jwalana prabhaa,
Vayavyam Vamano vajri tharunadhithya deepthimaan. 4

In the south west let me be protected by Trivikrama.
Who holds the sword and shines like fire,
In the North West let me protected by Vamana,
Who holds the thunder bolt and shines like young Sun.

Eesanyaam Pundareekabha Sridhara pattasayudha,
Vidhyuth prabho Hrishikeso hyavachyam disi mudhgari. 5

In the north east let me be protected by Sridhara,
Of the colour of the lotus and holding a spear,
And from below let me be protected by Hrishikesa,
Who shines like lightning and holding a hammer.

Hrud padme Padmanabho may sahasra arka sama prabha,
Ssrvayudha sarva Shakthi sarvagna sarvatho mukha. 6

Let Lord Padmanabha, with brilliance of billion suns,
And occupying my heart, With all the weapons,
With all the powers, with knowledge of everything,
With faces in all directions protect me always.

Indra kopa sangasa pasa hastho aparajitha,
Sa bahaya antharam deham vyapya Damodhara sthitha. 7

Let Damodhara who is inside and outside me,
Having the colour of blue bee,
Having the nooses in his hands,
And is invincible protect me always.

Yevam sarvathra machidhram nama dwadasa panjaram,
Pravishtoham na may kinchith bhayamasthi kadachana. 8

Bhayam nasthi kadhachana om nama ithi.

Having thus entered the unbreakable cage,
Of the twelve names which pervades every where,
I am protected always and every where,
And do not feel fear at any time.

No fear at any time.

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