Krishna Sthuthi [Ashtavakra]
Krishna Sthuthi [Ashtavakra]
By Sage Ashtavakra
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[This great prayer is from Brahma Vaivartha Purana. The Sanskrit original is at:]
Ashtavakra Uvacha:-
Ashtavakra Said:-
1. Gunatheetha, gunadhara, gunabheeja, gunathmaka,
Guneesa, guneenaam bheeja, gunayana namosthu threy.
I Salute the store house of virtue, who is above virtue, who is the basis of
Who is the soul of virtue, who is the god of virtue and who is the seed of good
2. Sidhi swaroopa, sidhyamSa, sidha bheeja parathpara,
Sidhi sidha gunadheesa sidhanam gurave nama.
Salutations to the teacher of Sidhas who is Personification of attainment. One
whose part is attainment One who is root of attainment, one who is above
divinity and one who is the store house of attainment and knowledge.
3. Hey Veda Bheeja, Vedagna, Vedin veda vidham vara,
Vedagnaathaa aadhya roopesa, vedagnesa namosthuthe.
Hey root of Vedas, expert in Vedas, the follower of Vedas, one who has divided
One who is not known by Vedas, one who has primeval form. my Salutations to the
God of those learned in Vedas.
4. Brahmanthesa, seshendra dharmadheenaam adheeswara,
Sarva Sarvesa sharvesa bheejaroopa namosthuthe.
Hey God of Brahma and Anantha, the lord of Adhisesha and Dharma,
Hey God of all, Lord of Shiva, my Salutations to the primeval form.
5. Prakruthe Prakrutha pragna prakrutheesa parathpara,
SamSara vruksha thadbheeja, phala roopa namosthuthe.
Hey God who knows your nature, Lord of nature, Divine among divines,
The seed of the tree of domestic life, I Salute you who has the form of a fruit.
6. Srushti sthithyantha bheejesa, sruthi sthithyantha karana,
Maha Virat tharor bheeja, Radhikesa namosthuthe.
Hey lord of the seed of creation, upkeep and destruction, Hey cause of creation,
upkeep and destruction,
Hey seed of the tree of supreme form, I Salute the lord of Radha.
7. Aho yasya thraya skandhaa Brahma Vishnuy Maheswaraa,
Sakha, prasakha vedhadyas thapamsi kusumani cha.
Oh God who is the creeper leading to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva,
Who is also branches and sub branches of Vedas and penance.
8. SamSara viphalaa yeva prakruthyanguramethya cha,
Thadadhara, niradharaa Sarvadhara namosthuthe.
Who is also the one who makes natural growth in this ineffectual life,
Salutations to one who is the basis, not the basis and the basis of all.
9. Thejoroopa nirakara prathyakshanoohameva cha,
SarvaaKaraa, athiprathyaksha swechamaya namosthuthe.
Oh Lord with shining form, one who does not have form and one who is clearly
seen as the germinating power,
My Salutations to one who has all forms, who is clearly visible and one who is
greatly filled with himself.
Phala sruthi
10. Ithyukthwaa Sa muni sreshto nipathya Saranambuje,
Pranaams thathyaja yogena thayo prathyaksha yeva cha.
Telling this the great Sage fell at his lotus like feet,
And becoming happy at his detachment, he appeared before him.
11. Papatha thathra thad deha pada Padma Sameepatha,
Thath thejas cha Samuthasthou jwalad agni shikopamam.
He again fell at his lotus like feet and went near it,
And the power that rose from him was like a raging fire.
12. Saptha thala pramaanam thu chothdhaya cha papatha haa,
Bhramam bhramam cha paritho leenam cha abhooth Padambuje.
Seven times he got up and again fell at his feet,
And unsteadily he tried to take possession of the lotus feet which disappeared.
18. Ashtavakra krutham stotram Pratharuthaya Ya padeth,
Param nirvana moksham cha Samponothi na Samsaya.
If one reads the prayer composed by Ashtavakra in the morning as soon as he gets
He would get detachment and Salvation without any doubt.
19. Pranadhiko mumukshunaam stotra rajascha Naradha,
Harinaaho puraa datho Vaikunto Sankaraya cha
This King of prayers is dearer than their souls to those wanting emancipation.
This was given by Lord Hari himself in Vaikunta to Lord Shiva.