Bharatha Kavacham
Bharatha Kavacham
(Armour of Bharatha)
Translated by P. R. Ramachander
[Bharatha was the next younger brother of Lord Rama. He spurned the possession of the kingdom got by his mother and ruled the country as proxy king on behalf of Rama for fourteen years. He married Mandavi the cousin of Sita and had a son called Thakshaka. It is believed that he is the incarnation of the conch of Lord Vishnu. I have not seen any other prayer addressed to him except this, though there is a temple dedicated to him in Irinjalkuda in Kerala. I found this in a book called 49 Kavachhangal published by Vidhyarambham press in Malayalam.]
1. Atha param Bharathasya Kavacham Vadamyaham,
Sarva papa haram punyam sada Sri Rama bhakthidham.
From now onwards I am going to chant the Armour of Bharatha,
Which destroys all sins, and creates devotion to Lord Rama.
2. Kaikeyi thanayam sada raghu vara nyasthekshanam Shyamalam,
Saptha dweepa pather Videha thanayaa kanthasya vakye ratham,
Sri Sita dava savya parswa nikate sthithwaa varam chamaram,
Druthwa Dakshina sath karenaBharatham tham vijayantham bhaje.
I worship that very victorious Bharatha,
Son of Kaikeyi, who is black and is always very near Lord Rama,
Who obeys the words of the husband of the daughter Of Janaka who is the Lord of seven islands,
Who standing near the husband of Sita is holding a fan in his right hand,
Asya Sri Bharatha kavacha manthra Agasthya Rishi, Sri Bharatho devatha, Anushtup chanda, Sankha ithi bheejam Kaikeyi nandana ithi Shakthi Bharatha Khandswara ithi keelakam Ramanuja ithi asthram SAptha dweepeswara dasa ithi kavacham Ramamsaja ithi manthra Sri Bharatha preethyartham Sakala mano Radha sidhyarthe Jape viniyoga,
For the chant of Bharatha's armour, the sage is Agasthya, the god is Bharatha, the meter is Anushtup, the seed is the conch, the power is the son of Kaikeyi, the nail the voice of Bharatha, the arrow is the younger brother of Rama, the armour is the brother of the king of seven islands and the chant is he who was born as part of Rama and this is being chanted for pleasing Lord Bharatha and fulfillment of the wishes of the mind.
Adha kara nyasa
Now rituals of the hand
Om Bharathaya angushtabhyam nama,
Om SAnkhaya tharjineebhyam nama
Om Kaikeyi nandanata madhyamabhyam nama
Om Bharatha kandeswaraya Anamikabhyam nama
Om Ramanujaya kanishtikabhyam nama
Om SAptha dweepeswaraya kara thala kara prushtabhyam nama
Ithi kara nyasa
Om Bharatha salutation by thumb
Om Conch salutations by the second finger
Om son of Kaikeyi salutations by middle finger
Om king of Bhartha kanda, salutations by fourth finger
Om younger brother of Rama salutations by little finger
Om the king of seven islands salutations by inside and outside the hand.,
This is the ritual by the hand
Adha Hrudaya nyasa
Now rituals of the heart
Om Bharathaya hrudayaya nama,
Om SAnkhaya sirase swaha
Om Kaikeyi nandanata Shikayai voushat
Om Bharatha kandeswaraya kavachaya hoom
Om Ramanujaya nethra thrayaya voushat
Om SAptha dweepeswaraya asthraya phat
Om Ramamsajaya chethi dig bandha
Ithi hrudayadhi Shadanga nyasa
Om Bharatha salutation to the heart,
Om Conch swaha to the head,
Om son of Kaikeyi Voushat to the head
Om king of Bharatha kanda hoom to the armour
Om younger brother Of Rama Tying of directions by chethi
Thus ends the six fold ritual of the hand.
Adha Dhyanam
Now meditation
1. Om Ramachandra savya parswe sthitham, kekaya jathunam,
Ramaya chamarenaiva vijayantham manoharam.
Om victory to the pretty one who stands by the side of Lord Rama,
Who was born to Kaikeyi and who fans Lord Rama.
2. Rathna kundala keyura kankanadhi subhooshitham,
Peethambara pareedhanam vana mala virajitham.
Who wears pearl ear studs, crown and decorates himself with gold,
Who dresses himself in yellow silk and wears a forest garland.
3. Mandavi dhoutha Charanam rasana noopuranwitham,
Neelothpala dala shyamam dwija raja samananam.
Whose feet wearing anklets and girdle is served by Mandavi,
Who is as black as the petals of blue lotus and who is like the twice born king
4. Aajanu bahum, Bharatha khandasya prathipalakam,
Ramanujam smithasyam cha Satrugnas parivanditham.
Whose hands reach up to his thigh, Who is the protector of Bharatha Continent,
Who is the younger brother of Rama and who is saluted by Shatrugna.
5. Ramanyasthe kshanam soumyam, vidhyuth punja sama prabham,
Rama bhaktham maha veeram Vandhe tham Bharatham Shubham.
Who does the orders of Rama immediately, who is soft natured,
Who has the shine of the light of the lightning, who is devotee of Rama,
Who is a great hero and I salute the such an auspicious Bharatha.
6. Evam dhyathwa thu Bhratham, Rama padekshanam hrudhi,
Kavacham padaneeyam hi Bharathasyedhamuthamam.
Meditating on Bharatha like this, keeping Rama's feet in the mind,
This armour of the very great Bharatha should be read.
1. Om Poorvatho Bharatha pathu, dakshine Kaikeyi sutha,
Nrupathmaja pradheechyaam hi pathoodheechyaam Raghoothama
Om Let the east be protected by Bharatha,
Let the south be protected by son of Kaikeyi,
Let the west be protected by the son of the king
And let the north be protected by the best of Raghu clan.
2. Adha pathu Shyamalanga schordhwam Dasarathathmaja,
Madhye Bharatha varshesa, sarvathas soorya vamsaja.
Let the lower portions be protected by the black bodied one,
Let the upper parts be protected by son of Dasaratha,
Let the middle part be protected by he who ruled continent of Bharatha,
And let all parts be protected by one from clan of Sun.
3. Sira thaksha pitha pathu, phalam pathu hari Priya,
Broovor Madhyam janakajaa vakyaika thalparovathu.
Let the head be protected by the father of Thaksha,
Let the forehead be protected by the darling of Hari,
Let the middle be protected by he who takes interest,
In the words uttered by the daughter of Janaka.
4. Pathu Janaka Jamatha mama nethre sadathra hi,
Kapolou Mandavi kantha, karna moole smithanana.
Let my eyes be always protected by son in law of Janaka,
Let my skull be protected by husband of Mandavi,
And let the edge of my ears be protected by one with smiling face.
5. Nasagram may sada pathu Kaikeyi thosha vardhana,
Udarango mole pathu Vanim pathu jada dhara.
May the tip of my nose be always protected by he who increases joy of Kaikeyi,
May by lips and mouth be protected by the learned one with matted hair.
6. Pathu pushkara thatho may jihwan, danthan prabha maya,
Chibhukam valkaladhara, kandam pathu varanana,
Let my toungue be protect ted by father of pushkara,
Let my teeth protected by the effulgent one,
Let my chin be protected by one who wears hide of trees,
And let my neck be protected by one with blessed form.
7. Skandhou pathu jitharathir bhujou shathru vanditha,
Karou kavacha dhari cha nakhaa gadga dharoavathu.
Let my shoulder be protected by one who has conquered sorrow,
Let my arms be protected by one who is saluted by his enemies,
Let my arms be protected by one who wears armour,
And let my nails be protected, he whjo carries a sword.
8. Kukshi Ramanuja pathu vaksha Sri Rama Vallabha,
Pasrwe Raghava parswastha, pathu prashtam subhashana.
Let my abdomen be protected by younger brother of Rama,
Let my chest be protected by the pet of Rama,
Let my sides br protected by he who stands by the side of Rama,
And let my behind be protected by one who talks sweetly.
9. Jataram cha Dhanur dhari nabhim sarakarovathu,
Katim Padmakshana pathu, guhyam ramaika manasa.
Let my stomach be protected by he who holds the bow,
Let my navel be protected by one who uses the arrow,
Let my waist be protected by one who has lotus like eyes,
Let my private parts be protected by one who thinks only of Rama.
10. Rama mithram pathu lingam, ooru Sri Rama sevaka,
Nandhi grama sthitha pathu januni sarvadhaa.
Let my penis be protected by friend of Rama,
Let my thigh be protected by the servant of Rama,
And let the one who stayed in Nandi grama,
Always protect my knees.
11. Sri Rama paduka dhari padu jange sada mama,
Gulphow Sri Rama bandhuscha, padhou pathu surarchitha.
Let the one who carried the slippers of Rama protect my thigh always,
Let my ankle be protected bv the relative of Rama,
And let my feet be protected by The one who is worshipped by devas.
12. Sri Rama agnaa palaka pathu mama angaa anyathra sarvadhaa,
Mama padanguli pathu Raghu vamsa subhooshana,
Let the one who obeys the orders of Rama protect my other body parts,
Let the fingers of my feet be protected by the ornament of Raghu clan.
13. Romani pathu ramya pathu rathrou sudheer mama,
THoonira dhari divas am dik pathu mama sarvadhaa
Let my hair be protected by the pretty one,
Let the brave one protect me at night,
Let the one who carries the quiver protect,
Me from all directions during the day.
14. Sarva kaleshu maam pathu Pancha janya sada bhuvi,
Evam sri Bharatsyedham sutheekshna kavacham shubham.
Let me protected always by The incarnation of Pancha Janya,
Thus ends the very sharp armour of Sri Bharatha
15. Maya proktham thavagre hi maha mangala karakam,
Stotranamuthamam stotram idham jneyam supunyam.
This one which has been told by me to you,
Results in very auspicious results to you,
Knowing this best of prayers results in blessings,
16. Padaneeyam sada bhakthyaa Ramachandrasya harshadham,
Padithwa bharathsyedham kavacham Raghu nandana.
17. Yadha yaathi param thosha Thadhaa swakavachena cha,
Thasmad yethath sada japyam Kavachanan anuthamam
18. Asyathra padanaan marthya sarvaan kamanavapnuyath,
Vidhyaa kamo labheth vidhyaam putha kamo lasbeth puthra.
Reading this with devotion would make Lord Rama happy,
Reading this armour of Bharatha After the armour of Rama
Would make him more happy than only his armour,
And so this great armour be always chanted,
And by reading like that men would get all desires fulfilled,
He who wants knowledge would get knowledge,
And he who desires would be blessed with sons.
19. Pathni kamno labeth pathnim, Dhanarthi dhana mapnuyath,
Yadyam mano abhilakshitham thathath kavacha padatha
20 Labhyathe maanavair athra sathyam sathyam vadamyaham,
Thasmad sada japaneeyam Ramopasaka manavai.
He who desires for a wife would get a wife,
He who desires for wealth would be blessed with wealth,
And all the wishes of the mind would be fulfilled by reading this armour,
And I am telling the truth, telling the truth that men would get like that,
And so let this be chanted by all the devotees of Lord Rama.
Ithi Srimad Ananda Ramayane Sutheeshna Agasthya Samvade,
Sri Bharatha kavacham sampoornam.
Thus ends the Armour of Bharatha which occurs in the discussion between Agasthya and Sutheeshna in the Ananda Ramayana.