Jeeva Yatra

Jeeva Yaatraa
By Swami Gnananda Bharati
Translated by Raja Subramaniyan

Nityaananda sukham padam suvimalam praaptum sameehaayuthaah
Sarve janmabhrutah sadaa vyasaninas tat sthaana sammaargane |
Evam satyapi saadhya saadhanayugam samyangh na jaananti te
Na praaptaa adhunaapi soukhya padaveem swaabheeshtta roopaam yatah ||

Every being born in this world is very eager to attain the state of taint-less eternal bliss happiness. They strive hard in the good path for reaching this state all the time. Even if this is so, they do not have a clear idea of both the goal and the practice [sadhana]. Therefore, they have not yet reached the state of wellness which form is liked by their own self.

Tat praaptyai prabhu sammitaapi krupayaa trayyanta saaraanvitaa
Valli kaattaka madhyagaa kavisamam protsaahayantee naraan |
Evam saadhana kalpanaam rachayate san maarga gaanaam sataam
Tad Vishnoh paramam padam cha sahasaa kantum maneeshaavataam ||

The message [chariot example] described in the center part of the Kaata [Upanishad], at the end of three Vedas, essence, encourages mankind to attain the state of Lord in a friendly way graciously. It ordains mankind who are eager and follow noble path to practice for attaining that ultimate state of Vishnu at once.

Aatmaanam rathinam braveeti nigamoo buddhim cha tat saarathim
Deham syandanam indriyaanni thuragaan sabdaadi tad gocharam |
Chetah pragraham aadarenna ya imaan vasyaams tanotya atmavaan
Tasyaiv aapyam idam padam sukhaghanam paaram param hyadhvanah ||

Vedas describe Jeevatma [individual soul] as the one who is sitting in the chariot, intelligence as the charioteer, body as chariot, sense organs as the horses, sense objects as the path and mind as the rein. Only that seeker who with care and diligence controls all these with effort, for him only ultimate end of the path, this state [Brahman] of eternal happiness, is reachable.

Praapyam tat paramam sukham hi munayo moksham samaachakshate
Jeev esaana jagad visesha rahitam gnaanaika saadhyam dhruvam |
Yena atmany atirohitah svamahima ananda atmako bhaasate
Mithya adhyaasamatis cha yena galati gnaanam tad eva amalam ||

Sages describe Moksha [liberation] appropriately as Eternal Happiness which can be attained only through ultimate knowledge [Jnana] of the non-difference [unity] of Jeeva [individual soul], Eswara [God] and World. That which removes one's delusion, which makes one realize his true nature as bliss and which destroys the false illusory understanding that alone is pure Knowledge [Jnana].

Aastikyam drudda moolam eva manujah sampaadayatv aaditah
Karma achaarayutas tatascha bhavatu svargaadi bhogechchayaa |
Svargaadaav api cha kramena gamitho nairaasyam eva asthire
Nitya anitya vichaarane svadhikrutas tatvam samanvichchatu ||

First man should earn strong confidence. Then let him perform karma [action] with desire for enjoyment here and hereafter [swarga]. Then realizing the impermanence of the swarga [enjoyment] and so on, gradually, he attains a state without any desire. When he develops sufficient maturity to discriminate between eternal and ephemeral, he should develop keen desire for Truth [Brahman].

Gnaanaapteh paripanthinou kila malo vikshepa doshas tathaa
Chethonishta mahaaripoo prathamatasch onmoolaneeyou yatah |
Kaamam dooram apaasya karmanirato maalinyariktas tatah
Chiththaikaagrya susidhdhaye cha bhajataam nishkaamanopaasanam ||

It is well known that likes-dislikes and distraction [of mind] are the two obstacles in attaining Knowledge [Jnana]. First, these two have to be uprooted as they are obstacles in mind. He who performs action without having any desire [for fruit of action] is freed from likes-dislikes. Then for attaining good mental concentration, he should perform selfless [without any desire] worship [meditation].

Karmopaasanatho vishuddha hrudayas tatvaartha samsiddhaye
Svaachaaryam paricharya saastravidhinaa tasmaach cha vidhyaam paraam |
Srutvaa samsayanuttaye cha mananam sthaamne nididhyaasanam
Abhyasya kramasah samaadhi nilayah praapnotu shaantim dhruvaam ||

After gaining mental purity through action [Karma] and worship [Upasana], to attain perfect self-knowledge one has to serve a perfect guru and follow the scriptural injunctions. Then from him, he should listen about higher knowledge and reflect on it [logically] for removing all doubts. For steadiness, gradually practice meditation; who is established in knowledge [Jnana] will attain eternal peace.

Brahmanjjo api sa vaasanaa kshaya mano naasou vidhaaya kramaat
Svaatmaa raamaparo anisham sukhaghano muktah sa jeevann api |
Praarabdhe kshapite cha dehavilaye muktim videhaan gatah
Sachchit soukhyamaye hyupaadhi rahite manjjatv apaare pare ||

Even after gaining knowledge about Brahman, one has to destroy latent tendencies [vasanaa] and thoughts step by step. After this, even though he lives in the world he will always be happy with himself; as Realized Soul [jeevan muktha]. When praarabdha karma is exhausted, after his physical body is dead, he attains liberation. He merges with the attribute-less, limitless and highest Almighty [sachchitandanda].

Ittham vedavachobhir eva niyate maarge vayam yaatrikaah
Dharmaakhye cha sanaatane krutapadaa varnaashrama achaarinah |
Gachchaamah kramashas cha mokshapadaveem aananda roopaam yathaa
Sraddhaa bhaktimatas tatha dhrutiyutaan asmaan vidadhyaad Guruh ||

Thus as established by the words of Vedas, which is named as Dharma [virtue], which is Eternal, we have commenced our journey of following Varnashrama [four stages of life]. We are moving gradually. Let Guru bless us to have the same dedication and devotion with determination until we reach the Blissful State of Salvation.

Click Here to read the lessons written by the translator based on this.