
Strength, strength is what the Upanishads speak to me from every page. This is the one great thing to remember, it has been the one great lesson I have been taught in my life; strength, it says, strength, O man, be not weak. Are there no human weaknesses? - says man. There are, say the Upanishads, but will more weakness heal them, would you try to wash dirt with dirt? Will sin cure sin, weakness cure weakness? Strength, O man, strength, say the Upanishads, stand up and be strong. Ay, it is the only literature in the world where you find the word "Abhih", "fearless", used again and again; in no other scripture in the world is this adjective applied either to God or to man.

Upanishads are the great mine of strength. Therein lies strength enough to invigorate the whole world; the whole world can be vivified, made strong, energised through them. They will call with trumpet voice upon the weak, the miserable, and the downtrodden of all races, all creeds, and all sects to stand on their feet and be free. Freedom, physical freedom, mental freedom, and spiritual freedom are the watchwords of the Upanishads.

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Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Vol-3

Notes on Upanishads

The Shanti-mantra for the Upanishads of the Rig-Veda:
[Vang me manasi pratistitaa. Mano me vachi pratistitam. ....]
Om ! May my speech be based on (i.e. accord with) the mind;
May my mind be based on speech.
O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me.
May you both (speech and mind) be the carriers of the Veda to me.
May not all that I have heard depart from me.
I shall join together (i.e. obliterate the difference of) day
And night through this study.
I shall utter what is verbally true;
I shall utter what is mentally true.
May that (Brahman) protect me;
May That protect the speaker (i.e. the teacher), may That protect me;
May that protect the speaker - may That protect the speaker.
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

The Shanti-mantra for the Upanishads of the Sukla-Yajur-Veda:
[Poornamadah Poornamidam Poornaat Poornamudachyate ...]
Om ! That (Brahman) is infinite, and this (universe) is infinite.
The infinite proceeds from the infinite.
(Then) taking the infinitude of the infinite (universe),
It remains as the infinite (Brahman) alone.
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

The Shanti-mantra for the Upanishads of the Krishna-Yajur-Veda:
[Sahana Vavatu. Sahanau Bhunaktu ....]
Om ! May He protect us both together; may He nourish us both together;
May we work conjointly with great energy,
May our study be vigorous and effective;
May we not mutually dispute (or may we not hate any).
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

The Shanti-mantra for the Upanishads of the Sama-Veda:
[Aapyaayantu Mamangaani Vak-Pranaschakshuh ....]
Om ! Let my limbs and speech, Prana, eyes, ears, vitality
And all the senses grow in strength.
All existence is the Brahman of the Upanishads.
May I never deny Brahman, nor Brahman deny me.
Let there be no denial at all:
Let there be no denial at least from me.
May the virtues that are proclaimed in the Upanishads be in me,
Who am devoted to the Atman; may they reside in me.
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

The Shanti-mantra for the Upanishads of the Atharva-Veda:
[Bhadram Karnebhi Srunuyama Devaah ......]
Om ! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious;
May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship !
May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas,
Praising them with our body and limbs steady !
May the glorious Indra bless us !
May the all-knowing Sun bless us !
May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us !
May Brihaspati grant us well-being !
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !

UPANISHADS in Sankara’s own words - Vol. I
English Commentary by Vidyavachaspati V. Panoli

"For those who are desirous of liberation, Mandukya is quite enough for its attainment." (Muktikopanishad-26)

That which destroys samsara, the cause of all evils, which dispels avidya, the cause of samsara and which conduces to the attainment of Brahman is termed Upanishad.

“If we were to look over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power, and beauty that nature can bestow - in some parts a very paradise on earth - I should point to India. If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered over the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant - I should point to India. And if I were to ask myself from what literature we here in Europe, we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of one Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw the corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human a life, not for this life only, but a transfigured and eternal life - again I should point to India." ---- Max Muller

“In the whole world there is no study ... so beneficial and so elevating as that of the Upanishads ... (they) are products of the highest wisdom ... It is destined sooner or later to become the faith of the people ... The study of the Upanishads has been the solace of my life, it will be the solace of my death." ---- Schopenhauer

Miseries are threefold - Adhyatmika, Adhidaivika and Adhibhautika. For the relief from these three, shanti-shabda is uttered thrice.

Six changes: birth, existence, growth, transformation, decay and death.

Shankara: All the Upanishads sum up themselves only by ascertaining the true nature of the Self. The Gita and the scriptures dealing with liberation have only this aim.