Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - Vol-3
During his stay in Madras the Swami presided at the annual meeting
of the Chennapuri Annadâna Samâjam, an institution of a charitable
nature, and in the course of a brief address referred to a remark
by a previous speaker deprecating special alms-giving to the
Brahmin over and above the other castes. Swamiji pointed out that
this had its good as well as its bad side. All the culture,
practically which the nation possessed, was among the Brahmins,
and they also had been the thinkers of the nation. Take away the
means of living which enabled them to be thinkers, and the nation
as a whole would suffer. Speaking of the indiscriminate charity of
India as compared with the legal charity of other nations, he
said, the outcome of their system of relief was that the vagabond
of India was contented to receive readily what he was given
readily and lived a peaceful and contented life: while the
vagabond in the West, unwilling to go to the poor-house - for man
loves liberty more than food - turned a robber, the enemy of
society, and necessitated the organisation of a system of
magistracy, police, jails, and other establishments. Poverty there
must be, so long as the disease known as civilisation existed: and
hence the need for relief. So that they had to choose between the
indiscriminate charity of India, which, in the case of Sannyâsins
at any rate, even if they were not sincere men, at least forced
them to learn some little of their scriptures before they were
able to obtain food; and the discriminate charity of Western
nations which necessitated a costly system of poor-law relief, and
in the end succeeded only in changing mendicants into criminals.
On his arrival in Calcutta, the Swami Vivekananda was greeted with
intense enthusiasm, and the whole of his progress through the
decorated streets of the city was thronged with an immense crowd
waiting to have a sight of him. The official reception was held a
week later, at the residence of the late Raja Radha Kanta Deb
Bahadur at Sobha Bazar, when Raja Benoy Krishna Deb Bahadur took
the chair. After a few brief introductory remarks from the
Chairman, the following address was read and presented to him,
enclosed in a silver casket:
We, the Hindu inhabitants of Calcutta and of several other places
in Bengal, offer you on your return to the land of your birth a
hearty welcome. We do so with a sense of pride as well as of
gratitude, for by your noble work and example in various parts of
the world you have done honour not only to our religion but also
to our country and to our province in particular.
At the great Parliament of Religions which constituted a Section
of the World's Fair held in Chicago in 1893, you presented the
principles of the Aryan religion. The substance of your exposition
was to most of your audience a revelation, and its manner
overpowering alike by its grace and its strength. Some may have
received it in a questioning spirit, a few may have criticised it,
but its general effect was a revolution in the religious ideas of
a large section of cultivated Americans. A new light had dawned on
their mind, and with their accustomed earnestness and love of
truth they determined to take fun advantage of it. Your
opportunities widened; your work grew. You had to meet call after
call from many cities in many States, answer many queries, satisfy
many doubts, solve many difficulties. You did an this work with
energy, ability, and sincerity; and it has led to lasting results.
Your teaching has deeply influenced many an enlightened circle in
the American Commonwealth, has stimulated thought and research,
and has in many instances definitely altered religious conceptions
in the direction of an increased appreciation of Hindu ideals. The
rapid growth of clubs and societies for the comparative study of
religions and the investigation of spiritual truth is witness to
your labour in the far West. You may be regarded as the founder of
a College in London for the teaching of the Vedanta philosophy.
Your lectures have been regularly delivered, punctually attended,
and widely appreciated. Their influence has extended beyond the
walls of the lecture-rooms. The love and esteem which have been
evoked by your teaching are evidenced by the warm
acknowledgements, in the address presented to you on the eve of
your departure from London, by the students of the Vedanta
philosophy in that town.
Your success as a teacher has been due not only to your deep and
intimate acquaintance with the truths of the Aryan religion and
your skill in exposition by speech and writing, but also, and
largely, to your personality. Your lectures, your essays, and your
books have high merits, spiritual and literary, and they could not
but produce their effect. But it has been heightened in a manner
that defies expression by the example of your simple, sincere,
self-denying life, your modesty, devotion, and earnestness.
While acknowledging your services as a teacher of the sublime
truths of our religion, we feel that we must render a tribute to
the memory of your revered preceptor, Shri Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa. To him we largely owe even you. With his rare magical
insight he early discovered the heavenly spark in you and
predicted for you a career which happily is now in course of
realisation. He it was that unsealed the vision and the faculty
divine with which God had blessed you, gave to your thoughts and
aspirations the bent that was awaiting the holy touch, and aided
your pursuits in the region of the unseen. His most precious
legacy to posterity was yourself.
Go on, noble soul, working steadily and valiantly in the path you
have chosen. You have a world to conquer. You have to interpret
and vindicate the religion of the Hindus to the ignorant, the
sceptical, the wilfully blind. You have begun the work in a spirit
which commands our admiration, and have already achieved a success
to which many lands bear witness. But a great deal yet remains to
be done; and our own country, or rather we should say your own
country, waits on you. The truths of the Hindu religion have to be
expounded to large numbers of Hindus themselves. Brace yourself
then for the grand exertion. We have confidence in you and in the
righteousness of our cause. Our national religion seeks to win no
material triumphs. Its purposes are spiritual; its weapon is a
truth which is hidden away from material eyes and yields only to
the reflective reason. Call on the world, and where necessary, on
Hindus themselves, to open the inner eye, to transcend the senses,
to read rightly the sacred books, to face the supreme reality, and
realise their position and destiny as men. No one is better fitted
than yourself to give the awakening or make the call, and we can
only assure you of our hearty sympathy and loyal co-operation in
that work which is apparently your mission ordained by Heaven.
We remain, dear brother,
The Swami's reply was as follows:
One wants to lose the individual in the universal, one renounces,
flies off, and tries to cut himself off from all associations of
the body of the past, one works hard to forget even that he is a
man; yet, in the nears of his heart, there is a soft sound, one
string vibrating, one whisper, which tells him, East or West, home
is best. Citizens of the capital of this Empire, before you I
stand, not as a Sannyasin, no, not even as a preacher, but I come
before you the same Calcutta boy to talk to you as I used to do.
Ay, I would like to sit in the dust of the streets of this city,
and, with the freedom of childhood, open my mind to you, my
brothers. Accept, therefore, my heartfelt thanks for this unique
word that you have used, "Brother". Yes, I am your brother, and
you are my brothers. I was asked by an English friend on the eve
of my departure, "Swami, how do you like now your motherland after
four years' experience of the luxurious, glorious, powerful West?"
I could only answer, "India I loved before I came away. Now the
very dust of India has become holy to me, the very air is now to
me holy; it is now the holy land, the place of pilgrimage, the
Tirtha." Citizens of Calcutta - my brothers - I cannot express my
gratitude to you for the kindness you have shown, or rather I
should not thank you at all, for you are my brothers, you have
done only a brother's duty, ay, only a Hindu brother's duty; for
such family ties, such relationships, such love exist nowhere
beyond the bounds of this motherland of ours.
The Parliament of Religions was a great affair, no doubt. From
various cities of this land, we have thanked the gentlemen who
organised the meeting, and they deserved all our thanks for the
kindness that has been shown to us; but yet allow me to construe
for you the history of the Parliament of Religions. They wanted a
horse, and they wanted to ride it. There were people there who
wanted to make it a heathen show, but it was ordained otherwise;
it could not help being so. Most of them were kind, but we have
thanked them enough.
On the other hand, my mission in America was not to the Parliament
of Religions. That was only something by the way, it was only an
opening, an opportunity, and for that we are very thankful to the
members of the Parliament; but really, our thanks are due to the
great people of the United States, the American nation, the warm
hearted, hospitable, great nation of America, where more than
anywhere else the feeling of brotherhood has been developed. An
American meets you for five minutes on board a train, and you are
his friend, and the next moment he invites you as a guest to his
home and opens the secret of his whole living there. That is the
character of the American race, and we highly appreciate it. Their
kindness to me is past all narration, it would take me years yet
to tell you how I have been treated by them most kindly and most
wonderfully. So are our thanks due to the other nation on the
other side of the Atlantic. No one ever landed on English soil
with more hatred in his heart for a race than I did for the
English, and on this platform are present English friends who can
bear witness to the fact; but the more I lived among them and saw
how the machine was working - the English national life - and
mixed with them, I found where the heartbeat of the nation was,
and the more I loved them. There is none among you here present,
my brothers, who loves the English people more than I do now. You
have to see what is going on there, and you have to mix with them.
As the philosophy, our national philosophy of the Vedanta, has
summarised all misfortune, all misery, as coming from that one
cause, ignorance, herein also we must understand that the
difficulties that arise between us and the English people are
mostly due to that ignorance; we do not know them, they do not
know us.
Unfortunately, to the Western mind, spirituality, nay, even
morality, is eternally connected with worldly prosperity; and as
soon as an Englishman or any other Western man lands on our soil
and finds a land of poverty and of misery, he forthwith concludes
that there cannot be any religion here, there cannot be any
morality even. His own experience is true. In Europe, owing to the
inclemency of the climate and many other circumstances poverty and
sin go together, but not so in India. In India on the other hand,
my experience is that the poorer the man the better he is in point
of morality. Now this takes time to understand, and how many
foreign people are there who will stop to understand this, the
very secret of national existence in India? Few are there who will
have the patience to study the nation and understand. Here and
here alone, is the only race where poverty does not mean crime,
poverty does not mean sin; and here is the only race where not
only poverty does not mean crime but poverty has been deified, and
the beggar's garb is the garb of the highest in the land. On the
other hand, we have also similarly, patiently to study the social
institutions of the West and not rush into mad judgments about
them Their intermingling of the sexes, their different customs
their manners, have all their meaning, have all their grand sides,
if you have the patience to study them. Not that I mean that we
are going to borrow their manners and customs, not that they are
going to borrow ours, for the manners and customs of each race are
the outcome of centuries of patient growth in that race, and each
one has a deep meaning behind it; and, therefore, neither are they
to ridicule our manners and customs, nor we theirs.
Again, I want to make another statement before this assembly. My
work in England has been more satisfactory to me than my work in
America. The bold, brave and steady Englishman, if I may use the
expression, with his skull a little thicker than those of other
people - if he has once an idea put into his brain, it never comes
out; and the immense practicality and energy of the race makes it
sprout up and immediately bear fruit. It is not so in any other
country. That immense practicality, that immense vitality of the
race, you do not see anywhere else. There is less of imagination,
but more of work, and who knows the well-spring, the mainspring of
the English heart? How much of imagination and of feeling is
there! They are a nation of heroes, they are the true Kshatriyas;
their education is to hide their feelings and never to show them.
From their childhood they have been educated up to that. Seldom
will you find an Englishman manifesting feeling, nay, even an
Englishwoman. I have seen Englishwomen go to work and do deeds
which would stagger the bravest of Bengalis to follow. But with
all this heroic superstructure, behind this covering of the
fighter, there is a deep spring of feeling in the English heart.
If you once know how to reach it, if you get there, if you have
personal contact and mix with him, he will open his heart, he is
your friend for ever, he is your servant. Therefore in my opinion,
my work in England has been more satisfactory than anywhere else.
I firmly believe that if I should die tomorrow the work in England
would not die, but would go on expanding all the time.
Brothers, you have touched another chord in my heart, the deepest
of all, and that is the mention of my teacher, my master, my hero,
my ideal, my God in life - Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. If there
has been anything achieved by me, by thoughts, or words, or deeds,
if from my lips has ever fallen one word that has helped any one
in the world, I lay no claim to it, it was his. But if there have
been curses falling from my lips, if there has been hatred coming
out of me, it is all mine and not his. All that has been weak has
been mine, and all that has been life-giving, strengthening, pure,
and holy, has been his inspiration, his words, and he himself.
Yes, my friends, the world has yet to know that man. We read in
the history of the world about prophets and their lives, and these
come down to us through centuries of writings and workings by
their disciples. Through thousands of years of chiselling and
modelling, the lives of the great prophets of yore come down to
us; and yet, in my opinion, not one stands so high in brilliance
as that life which I saw with my own eyes, under whose shadow I
have lived, at whose feet I have learnt everything -the life of
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Ay, friends, you all know the celebrated
saying of the Gitâ:
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मासंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ॥
"Whenever, O descendant of Bharata, there is decline of Dharma,
and rise of Adharma, then I body Myself forth. For the protection
of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the
establishment of Dharma I come into being in every age."
Along with this you have to understand one thing more. Such a
thing is before us today. Before one of these tidal waves of
spirituality comes, there are whirlpools of lesser manifestation
all over society. One of these comes up, at first unknown,
unperceived, and unthought of, assuming proportion, swallowing, as
it were, and assimilating all the other little whirlpools,
becoming immense, becoming a tidal wave, and falling upon society
with a power which none can resist. Such is happening before us.
If you have eyes, you will see it. If your heart is open, you will
receive it. If you are truth-seekers, you will find it. Blind,
blind indeed is the man who does not see the signs of the day! Ay,
this boy born of poor Brahmin parents in an out-of-the-way village
of which very few of you have even heard, is literally being
worshipped in lands which have been fulminating against heathen
worship for centuries. Whose power is it? Is it mine or yours? It
is none else than the power which was manifested here as
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. For, you and I, and sages and prophets,
nay, even Incarnations, the whole universe, are but manifestations
of power more or less individualized, more or less concentrated.
Here has been a manifestation of an immense power, just the very
beginning of whose workings we are seeing, and before this
generation passes away, you will see more wonderful workings of
that power. It has come just in time for the regeneration of
India, for we forget from time to time the vital power that must
always work in India.
Each nation has its own peculiar method of work. Some work through
politics, some through social reforms, some through other lines.
With us, religion is the only ground along which we can move. The
Englishman can understand even religion through politics. Perhaps
the American can understand even religion through social reforms.
But the Hindu can understand even politics when it is given
through religion; sociology must come through religion, everything
must come through religion. For that is the theme, the rest are
the variations in the national life-music. And that was in danger.
It seemed that we were going to change this theme in our national
life, that we were going to exchange the backbone of our
existence, as it were, that we were trying to replace a spiritual
by a political backbone. And if we could have succeeded, the
result would have been annihilation. But it was not to be. So this
power became manifest. I do not care in what light you understand
this great sage, it matters not how much respect you pay to him,
but I challenge you face to face with the fact that here is a
manifestation of the most marvellous power that has been for
several centuries in India, and it is your duty, as Hindus, to
study this power, to find what has been done for the regeneration,
for the good of India, and for the good of the whole human race
through it. Ay, long before ideas of universal religion and
brotherly feeling between different sects were mooted and
discussed in any country in the world, here, in sight of this
city, had been living a man whose whole life was a Parliament of
Religions as it should be.
The highest ideal in our scriptures is the impersonal, and would
to God everyone of us here were high enough to realise that
impersonal ideal; but, as that cannot be, it is absolutely
necessary for the vast majority of human beings to have a personal
ideal; and no nation can rise, can become great, can work at all,
without enthusiastically coming under the banner of one of these
great ideals in life. Political ideals, personages representing
political ideals, even social ideals, commercial ideals, would
have no power in India. We want spiritual ideals before us, we
want enthusiastically to gather round grand spiritual names. Our
heroes must be spiritual. Such a hero has been given to us in the
person of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. If this nation wants to rise,
take my word for it, it will have to rally enthusiastically round
this name. It does not matter who preaches Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa, whether I, or you, or anybody else. But him I place
before you, and it is for you to judge, and for the good of our
race, for the good of our nation, to judge now, what you shall do
with this great ideal of life. One thing we are to remember that
it was the purest of all lives that you have ever seen, or let me
tell you distinctly, that you have ever read of. And before you is
the fact that it is the most marvellous manifestation of
soul-power that you can read of, much less expect to see. Within
ten years of his passing away, this power has encircled the globe;
that fact is before you. In duty bound, therefore, for the good of
our race, for the good of our religion, I place this great
spiritual ideal before you. Judge him not through me. I am only a
weak instrument. Let not his character be judged by seeing me. It
was so great that if I or any other of his disciples spent
hundreds of lives, we could not do justice to a millionth part of
what he really was. Judge for yourselves; in the heart of your
hearts is the Eternal Witness, and may He, the same Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa, for the good of our nation, for the welfare of our
country, and for the good of humanity, open your hearts, make you
true and steady to work for the immense change which must come,
whether we exert ourselves or not. For the work of the Lord does
not wait for the like of you or me. He can raise His workers from
the dust by hundreds and by thousands. It is a glory and a
privilege that we are allowed to work at all under Him.
From this the idea expands. As you have pointed out to me, we have
to conquer the world. That we have to! India must conquer the
world, and nothing less than that is my ideal. It may be very big,
it may astonish many of you, but it is so. We must conquer the
world or die. There is no other alternative. The sign of life is
expansion; we must go out, expand, show life, or degrade, fester,
and die. There is no other alternative. Take either of these,
either live or die. Now, we all know about the petty jealousies
and quarrels that we have in our country. Take my word, it is the
same everywhere. The other nations with their political lives have
foreign policies. When they find too much quarrelling at home,
they look for somebody abroad to quarrel with, and the quarrel at
home stops. We have these quarrels without any foreign policy to
stop them. This must be our eternal foreign policy, preaching the
truths of our Shâstras to the nations of the world. I ask you who
are politically minded, do you require any other proof that this
will unite us as a race? This very assembly is a sufficient
Secondly, apart from these selfish considerations, there are the
unselfish, the noble, the living examples behind us. One of the
great causes of India's misery and downfall has been that she
narrowed herself, went into her shell as the oyster does, and
refused to give her jewels and her treasures to the other races of
mankind, refused to give the life-giving truths to thirsting
nations outside the Aryan fold. That has been the one great cause;
that we did not go out, that we did not compare notes with other
nations - that has been the one great cause of our downfall, and
every one of you knows that that little stir, the little life that
you see in India, begins from the day when Raja Rammohan Roy broke
through the walls of that exclusiveness. Since that day, history
in India has taken another turn, and now it is growing with
accelerated motion. If we have had little rivulets in the past,
deluges are coming, and none can resist them. Therefore we must go
out, and the secret of life is to give and take. Are we to take
always, to sit at the feet of the Westerners to learn everything,
even religion? We can learn mechanism from them. We can learn many
other things. But we have to teach them something, and that is our
religion, that is our spirituality. For a complete civilisation
the world is waiting, waiting for the treasures to come out of
India, waiting for the marvellous spiritual inheritance of the
race, which, through decades of degradation and misery, the nation
has still clutched to her breast. The world is waiting for that
treasure; little do you know how much of hunger and of thirst
there is outside of India for these wonderful treasures of our
forefathers. We talk here, we quarrel with each other, we laugh at
and we ridicule everything sacred, till it has become almost a
national vice to ridicule everything holy. Little do we understand
the heart-pangs of millions waiting outside the walls, stretching
forth their hands for a little sip of that nectar which our
forefathers have preserved in this land of India. Therefore we
must go out, exchange our spirituality for anything they have to
give us; for the marvels of the region of spirit we will exchange
the marvels of the region of matter. We will not be students
always, but teachers also. There cannot be friendship without
equality, and there cannot be equality when one party is always
the teacher and the other party sits always at his feet. If you
want to become equal with the Englishman or the American, you will
have to teach as well as to learn, and you have plenty yet to
teach to the world for centuries to come. This has to be done.
Fire and enthusiasm must be in our blood. We Bengalis have been
credited with imagination, and I believe we have it. We have been
ridiculed as an imaginative race, as men with a good deal of
feeling. Let me tell you, my friends, intellect is great indeed,
but it stops within certain bounds. It is through the heart, and
the heart alone, that inspiration comes. It is through the
feelings that the highest secrets are reached; and therefore it is
the Bengali, the man of feeling, that has to do this work.
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत। - Arise, awake and stop not
till the desired end is reached. Young men of Calcutta, arise,
awake, for the time is propitious. Already everything is opening
out before us. Be bold and fear not. It is only in our scriptures
that this adjective is given unto the Lord - Abhih, Abhih. We have
to become Abhih, fearless, and our task will be done. Arise,
awake, for your country needs this tremendous sacrifice. It is the
young men that will do it. "The young, the energetic, the strong,
the well-built, the intellectual" - for them is the task. And we
have hundreds and thousands of such young men in Calcutta. If, as
you say, I have done something, remember that I was that
good-for-nothing boy playing in the streets of Calcutta. If I have
done so much, how much more will you do! Arise and awake, the
world is calling upon you. In other parts of India, there is
intellect, there is money, but enthusiasm is only in my
motherland. That must come out; therefore arise, young men of
Calcutta, with enthusiasm in your blood. This not that you are
poor, that you have no friends. A who ever saw money make the man?
It is man that always makes money. The whole world has been made
by the energy of man, by the power of enthusiasm, by the power of
Those of you who have studied that most beautiful ail the
Upanishads, the Katha, will remember how the king was going to
make a great sacrifice, and, instead of giving away things that
were of any worth, he was giving away cows and horses that were
not of any use, and the book says that at that time Shraddhâ
entered into the heart of his son Nachiketâ. I would not translate
this word Shraddha to you, it would be a mistake; it is a
wonderful word to understand, and much depends on it; we will see
how it works, for immediately we find Nachiketa telling himself,
"I am superior to many, I am inferior to few, but nowhere am I the
last, I can also do something." And this boldness increased, and
the boy wanted to solve the problem which was in his mind, the
problem of death. The solution could only be got by going to the
house of Death, and the boy went. There he was, brave Nachiketa
waiting at the house of Death for three days, and you know how he
obtained what he desired. What we want, is this Shraddha.
Unfortunately, it has nearly vanished from India, and this is why
we are in our present state. What makes the difference between man
and man is the difference in this Shraddha and nothing else. What
make one man great and another weak and low is this Shraddha. My
Master used to say, he who thinks himself weak will become weak,
and that is true. This Shraddha must enter into you. Whatever of
material power you see manifested by the Western races is the
outcome of this Shraddha, because they believe in their muscles
and if you believe in your spirit, how much more will it work!
Believe in that infinite soul, the infinite power, which, with
consensus of opinion, your books and sages preach. That Atman
which nothing can destroy, in It is infinite power only waiting to
be called out. For here is the great difference between all other
philosophies and the Indian philosophy. Whether dualistic,
qualified monistic, or monistic, they all firmly believe that
everything is in the soul itself; it has only to come out and
manifest itself. Therefore, this Shraddha is what I want, and what
all of us here want, this faith in ourselves, and before you is
the great task to get that faith. Give up the awful disease that
is creeping into our national blood, that idea of ridiculing
everything, that loss of seriousness. Give that up. Be strong and
have this Shraddha, and everything else is bound to follow.
I have done nothing as yet; you have to do the task. If I die
tomorrow the work will not die. I sincerely believe that there
will be thousands coming up from the ranks to take up the work and
carry it further and further, beyond all my most hopeful
imagination ever painted. I have faith in my country, and
especially in the youth of my country. The youth of Bengal have
the greatest of all tasks that has ever been placed on the
shoulders of young men. I have travelled for the last ten years or
so over the whole of India, and my conviction is that from the
youth of Bengal will come the power which will raise India once
more to her proper spiritual place. Ay, from the youth of Bengal,
with this immense amount of feeling and enthusiasm in the blood,
will come those heroes who will march from one corner of the earth
to the other, preaching and teaching the eternal spiritual truths
of our forefathers. And this is the great work before you.
Therefore, let me conclude by reminding you once more, "Arise,
awake and stop not till the desired end is reached." Be not
afraid, for all great power, throughout the history of humanity,
has been with he people. From out of their ranks have come all the
greatest geniuses of the world, and history can only repeat
itself. Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvellous work.
The moment you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great
cause of misery in the world. It is fear that is the greatest of
all superstitions. It is fear that is the cause of our woes, and
it is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment. Therefore,
"Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached."
Gentlemen, allow me to thank you once more for all the kindness
that I have received at your hands. It is my wish - my intense,
sincere wish - to be even of the least service to the world, and
above all to my own country and countrymen.
(Delivered in Calcutta)
Away back, where no recorded history, nay, not even the dim light
of tradition, can penetrate, has been steadily shining the light,
sometimes dimmed by external circumstances, at others effulgent,
but undying and steady, shedding its lustre not only over India,
but permeating the whole thought-world with its power, silent,
unperceived, gentle, yet omnipotent, like the dew that falls in
the morning, unseen and unnoticed, yet bringing into bloom the
fairest of roses: this has been the thought of the Upanishads, the
philosophy of the Vedanta. Nobody knows when it first came to
flourish on the soil of India. Guesswork has been vain. The
guesses, especially of Western writers, have been so conflicting
that no certain date can be ascribed to them. But we Hindus, from
the spiritual standpoint, do not admit that they had any origin.
This Vedanta, the philosophy of the Upanishads, I would make bold
to state, has been the first as well as the final thought on the
spiritual plane that has ever been vouchsafed to man.
From this ocean of the Vedanta, waves of light from time to time
have been going Westward and Eastward. In the days of yore it
travelled Westward and gave its impetus to the mind of the Greeks,
either in Athens, or in Alexandria, or in Antioch. The Sânkhya
system must clearly have made its mark on the minds of the ancient
Greeks; and the Sankhya and all other systems in India hail that
one authority, the Upanishads, the Vedanta. In India, too, in
spite of all these jarring sects that we see today and all those
that have been in the past, the one authority, the basis of all
these systems, has yet been the Upanishads, the Vedanta. Whether
you are a dualist, or a qualified monist, an Advaitist, or a
Vishishtâdvaitist, a Shuddhâdvaitist, or any other Advaitist, or
Dvaitist, or whatever you may call yourself, there stand behind
you as authority, your Shastras, your scriptures, the Upanishads.
Whatever system in India does not obey the Upanishads cannot be
called orthodox, and even the systems of the Jains and the
Buddhists have been rejected from the soil of India only because
they did not bear allegiance to the Upanishads. Thus the Vedanta,
whether we know it or not, has penetrated all the sects in India,
and what we call Hinduism, this mighty banyan with its immense,
almost infinite ramifications, has been throughout interpenetrated
by the influence of the Vedanta. Whether we are conscious of it or
not, we think the Vedanta, we live in the Vedanta, we breathe the
Vedanta, and we die in the Vedanta, and every Hindu does that. To
preach Vedanta in the land of India, and before an Indian
audience, seems, therefore, to be an anomaly. But it is the one
thing that has to be preached, and it is the necessity of the age
that it must be preached. For, as I have just told you, all the
Indian sects must bear allegiance to the Upanishads; but among
these sects there are many apparent contradictions. Many times the
great sages of yore themselves could not understand the underlying
harmony of the Upanishads. Many times, even sages quarrelled, so
much so that it became a proverb that there are no sages who do
not differ. But the time requires that a better interpretation
should be given to this underlying harmony of the Upanishadic
texts, whether they are dualistic, or non-dualistic,
quasi-dualistic, or so forth. That has to be shown before the
world at large, and this work is required as much in India as
outside of India; and I, through the grace of God, had the great
good fortune to sit at the feet of one whose whole life was such
an interpretation, whose life, a thousandfold more than whose
teaching, was a living commentary on the texts of the Upanishads,
was in fact the spirit of the Upanishads living in a human form.
Perhaps I have got a little of that harmony; I do not know whether
I shall be able to express it or not. But this is my attempt, my
mission in life, to show that the Vedantic schools are not
contradictory, that they all necessitate each other, all fulfil
each other, and one, as it were, is the stepping-stone to the
other, until the goal, the Advaita, the Tat Tvam Asi, is reached.
There was a time in India when the Karma Kânda had its sway. There
are many grand ideals, no doubt, in that portion of the Vedas.
Some of our present daily worship is still according to the
precepts of the Karma Kanda. But with all that, the Karma Kanda of
the Vedas has almost disappeared from India. Very little of our
life today is bound and regulated by the orders of the Karma Kanda
of the Vedas. In our ordinary lives we are mostly Paurânikas or
Tântrikas, and, even where some Vedic texts are used by the
Brahmins of India, the adjustment of the texts is mostly not
according to the Vedas, but according to the Tantras or the
Puranas. As such, to call ourselves Vaidikas in the sense of
following the Karma Kanda of the Vedas, I do not think, would be
proper. But the other fact stands that we are all of us
Vedantists. The people who call themselves Hindus had better be
called Vedantists, and, as I have shown you, under that one name
Vaidantika come in all our various sects, whether dualists or
The sects that are at the present time in India come to be divided
in general into the two great classes of dualists and monists. The
little differences which some of these sects insist upon, and upon
the authority of which want to take new names as pure Advaitists,
or qualified Advaitists, and so forth, do not matter much. As a
classification, either they are dualists or monists, and of the
sects existing at the present time, some of them are very new, and
others seem to be reproductions of very ancient sects. The one
class I would present by the life and philosophy of Râmânuja, and
the other by Shankarâchârya.
Ramanuja is the leading dualistic philosopher of later India, whom
all the other dualistic sects have followed, directly or
indirectly, both in the substance of their teaching and in the
organization of their sects even down to some of the most minute
points of their organization. You will be astonished if you
compare Ramanuja and his work with the other dualistic Vaishnava
sects in India, to see how much they resemble each other in
organization, teaching, and method. There is the great Southern
preacher Madhva Muni, and following him, our great Chaitanya of
Bengal who took up the philosophy of the Madhvas and preached it
in Bengal. There are some other sects also in Southern India, as
the qualified dualistic Shaivas. The Shaivas in most parts of
India are Advaitists, except in some portions of Southern India
and in Ceylon. But they also only substitute Shiva for Vishnu and
are Ramanujists in every sense of the term except in the doctrine
of the soul. The followers of Ramanuja hold that the soul is Anu,
like a particle, very small, and the followers of Shankaracharya
hold that it is Vibhu, omnipresent. There have been several
non-dualistic sects. It seems that there have been sects in
ancient times which Shankara's movement has entirely swallowed up
and assimilated. You find sometimes a fling at Shankara himself in
some of the commentaries, especially in that of Vijnâna Bhikshu
who, although an Advaitist, attempts to upset the Mâyâvâda of
Shankara. It seems there were schools who did not believe in this
Mayavada, and they went so far as to call Shankara a
crypto-Buddhist, Prachchhanna Bauddha, and they thought this
Mayavada was taken from the Buddhists and brought within the
Vedantic fold. However that may be, in modern times the Advaitists
have all ranged themselves under Shankaracharya; and
Shankaracharya and his disciples have been the great preachers of
Advaita both in Southern and in Northern India. The influence of
Shankaracharya did not penetrate much into our country of Bengal
and in Kashmir and the Punjab, but in Southern India the Smârtas
are all followers of Shankaracharya, and with Varanasi as the
centre, his influence is simply immense even in many parts of
Northern India.
Now both Shankara and Ramanuja laid aside all claim to
originality. Ramanuja expressly tells us he is only following the
great commentary of Bodhâyana.
भगवद्बोधायनकृतां विस्तीर्णां ब्रह्मसूत्रवृत्तिं पूर्वाचार्याः
संचिक्षिपुः तन्मतानुसारेण सूत्राक्षराणि व्याख्यास्यन्ते।
- "Ancient teachers abridged that extensive commentary on the
Brahma-sutras which was composed by the Bhagavân Bodhayana; in
accordance with their opinion, the words of the Sutra are
explained." That is what Ramanuja says at the beginning of his
commentary, the Shri-Bhâshya. He takes it up and makes of it a
Samkshepa, and that is what we have today. I myself never had an
opportunity of seeing this commentary of Bodhayana. The late Swami
Dayânanda Saraswati wanted to reject every other commentary of the
Vyâsa-Sutras except that of Bodhayana; and although he never lost
an opportunity of having a fling at Ramanuja, he himself could
never produce the Bodhayana. I have sought for it all over India,
and never yet have been able to see it. But Ramanuja is very plain
on the point, and he tells us that he is taking the ideas, and
sometimes the very passages out of Bodhayana, and condensing them
into the present Ramanuja Bhashya. It seems that Shankaracharya
was also doing the same. There are a few places in his Bhashya
which mention older commentaries, and when we know that his Guru
and his Guru's Guru had been Vedantists of the same school as he,
sometimes corn more thorough-going, bolder even than Shankara
himself on certain points, it seems pretty plain that he also was
not preaching anything very original, and that even in his Bhashya
he himself had been doing the same work that Ramanuja did with
Bodhayana, but from what Bhashya, it cannot be discovered at the
present time.
All these Darshanas that you have ever seen or heard of are based
upon Upanishadic authority. Whenever they want to quote a Shruti,
they mean the Upanishads. They are always quoting the Upanishads.
Following the Upanishads there come other philosophies of India,
but every one of them failed in getting that hold on India which
the philosophy of Vyasa got, although the philosophy of Vyasa is a
development out of an older one, the Sankhya, and every philosophy
and every system in India - I mean throughout the world - owes
much to Kapila, perhaps the greatest name in the history of India
in psychological and philosophical lines. The influence of Kapila
is everywhere seen throughout the world. Wherever there is a
recognised system of thought, there you can trace his influence;
even if it be thousands of years back, yet he stands there, the
shining, glorious, wonderful Kapila. His psychology and a good
deal of his philosophy have been accepted by all the sects of
India with but very little differences. In our own country, our
Naiyâyika philosophers could not make much impression on the
philosophical world of India. They were too busy with little
things like species and genus, and so forth, and that most
cumbersome terminology, which it is a life's work to study. As
such, they were very busy with logic and left philosophy to the
Vedantists, but every one of the Indian philosophic sects in
modern times has adopted the logical terminology of the Naiyayikas
of Bengal. Jagadisha, Gadadhara, and Shiromani are as well known
at Nadia as in some of the cities in Malabar. But the philosophy
of Vyasa, the Vyasa-Sutras, is firm-seated and has attained the
permanence of that which it intended to present to men, the
Brahman of the Vedantic side of philosophy. Reason was entirely
subordinated to the Shrutis, and as Shankaracharya declares, Vyasa
did not care to reason at all. His idea in writing the Sutras was
just to bring together, and with one thread to make a garland of
the flowers of Vedantic texts. His Sutras are admitted so far as
they are subordinate to the authority of the Upanishads, and no
And, as I have said, all the sects of India now hold these
Vyasa-Sutras to be the great authority, and every new sect in
India starts with a fresh commentary on the Vyasa-Sutras according
to its light. The difference between some of these commentators is
sometimes very great, sometimes the text-torturing is quite
disgusting. The Vyasa-Sutras have got the place of authority, and
no one can expect to found a sect in India until he can write a
fresh commentary on the Vyasa-Sutras.
Next in authority is the celebrated Gita. The great glory of
Shankaracharya was his preaching of the Gita. It is one of the
greatest works that this great man did among the many noble works
of his noble life - the preaching of the Gita and writing the most
beautiful commentary upon it. And he has been followed by all
founders of the orthodox sects in India, each of whom has written
a commentary on the Gita.
The Upanishads are many, and said to be one hundred and eight, but
some declare them to be still larger in number. Some of them are
evidently of a much later date, as for instance, the Allopanishad
in which Allah is praised and Mohammed is called the Rajasulla. I
have been told that this was written during the reign of Akbar to
bring the Hindus and Mohammedans together, and sometimes they got
hold of some word, as Allah, or Illa in the Samhitâs, and made an
Upanishad on it. So in this Allopanishad, Mohammed is the
Rajasulla, whatever that may mean. There are other sectarian
Upanishads of the same species, which you find to be entirely
modern, and it has been so easy to write them, seeing that this
language of the Samhitâ portion of the Vedas is so archaic that
there is no grammar to it. Years ago I had an idea of studying the
grammar of the Vedas, and I began with all earnestness to study
Panini and the Mahâbhâshya, but to my surprise I found that the
best part of the Vedic grammar consists only of exceptions to
rules. A rule is made, and after that comes a statement to the
effect, "This rule will be an exception". So you see what an
amount of liberty there is for anybody to write anything, the only
safeguard being the dictionary of Yâska. Still, in this you will
find, for the must part, but a large number of synonyms. Given all
that, how easy it is to write any number of Upanishads you please.
Just have a little knowledge of Sanskrit, enough to make words
look like the old archaic words, and you have no fear of grammar.
Then you bring in Rajasulla or any other Sulla you like. In that
way many Upanishads have been manufactured, and I am told that
that is being done even now. In some parts of India, I am
perfectly certain, they are trying to manufacture such Upanishads
among the different sects. But among the Upanishads are those,
which, on the face of them, bear the evidence of genuineness, and
these have been taken up by the great commentators and commented
upon, especially by Shankara, followed by Ramanuja and all the
There are one or two more ideas with regard to the Upanishads
which I want to bring to your notice, for these are an ocean of
knowledge, and to talk about the Upanishads, even for an
incompetent person like myself, takes years and not one lecture
only. I want, therefore, to bring to your notice one or two points
in the study of the Upanishads. In the first place, they are the
most wonderful poems in the world. If you read the Samhita portion
of the Vedas, you now and then find passages of most marvellous
beauty. For instance, the famous Shloka which describes Chaos - तम
आसीत्तमसा गूढमग्रे etc. - "When darkness was hidden in darkness",
so on it goes. One reads and feels the wonderful sublimity of the
poetry. Do you mark this that outside of India, and inside also,
there have been attempts at painting the sublime. But outside, it
has always been the infinite in the muscles the external world,
the infinite of matter, or of space. When Milton or Dante, or any
other great European poet, either ancient or modern, wants to
paint a picture of the infinite, he tries to soar outside, to make
you feel the infinite through the muscles. That attempt has been
made here also. You find it in the Samhitas, the infinite of
extension most marvellously painted and placed before the readers,
such as has been done nowhere else. Mark that one sentence - तम
आसीत् तमसा गूढम्, - and now mark the description of darkness by
three poets. Take our own Kâlidâsa - "Darkness which can be
penetrated with the point of a needle"; then Milton - "No light
but rather darkness visible"; but come now to the Upanishad,
"Darkness was covering darkness", "Darkness was hidden in
darkness". We who live in the tropics can understand it, the
sudden outburst of the monsoon, when in a moment, the horizon
becomes darkened and clouds become covered with more rolling black
clouds. So on, the poem goes; but yet, in the Samhita portion, all
these attempts are external. As everywhere else, the attempts at
finding the solution of the great problems of life have been
through the external world. Just as the Greek mind or the modern
European mind wants to find the solution of life and of all the
sacred problems of Being by searching into the external world. so
also did our forefathers, and just as the Europeans failed, they
failed also. But the Western people never made a move more, they
remained there, they failed in the search for the solution of the
great problems of life and death in the external world, and there
they remained, stranded; our forefathers also found it impossible,
but were bolder in declaring the utter helplessness of the senses
to find the solution. Nowhere else was the answer better put than
in the Upanishad:
यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते अप्राप्य मनसा सह।
- "From whence words come back reflected, together with the mind";
न तत्रचक्षुर्गच्छति न वाग्गच्छति।
- "There the eye cannot go, nor can speech reach". There are
various sentences which declare the utter helplessness of the
senses, but they did not stop there; they fell back upon the
internal nature of man, they went to get the answer from their own
soul, they became introspective; they gave up external nature as a
failure, as nothing could be done there, as no hope, no answer
could be found; they discovered that dull, dead matter would not
give them truth, and they fell back upon the shining soul of man,
and there the answer was found.
तमेवैकं जानथ आत्मानम् अन्या वाचो विमुञ्चथ। - "Know this Atman
alone," they declared, "give up all other vain words, and hear no
other." In the Atman they found the solution - the greatest of all
Atmans, the God, the Lord of this universe, His relation to the
Atman of man, our duty to Him, and through that our relation to
each other. And herein you find the most sublime poetry in the
world. No more is the attempt made to paint this Atman in the
language of matter. Nay, for it they have given up even all
positive language. No more is there any attempt to come to the
senses to give them the idea of the infinite, no more is there an
external, dull, dead, material, spacious, sensuous infinite, but
instead of that comes something which is as fine as even that
mentioned in the saying -
न तत्र सूर्यो भाति न चन्द्रतारकं नेमा विेद्युतो भान्ति
तमेव भान्तमनुभाति सर्वं तस्य भासा सर्वमिदं विभाति॥
What poetry in the world can be more sublime than this! "There the
sun cannot illumine, nor the moon, nor the stars, there this flash
of lightning cannot illumine; what to speak of this mortal fire!"
Such poetry you find nowhere else. Take that most marvellous
Upanishad, the Katha. What a wonderful finish, what a most
marvellous art displayed in that poem! How wonderfully it opens
with that little boy to whom Shraddhâ came, who wanted to see
Yama, and how that most marvellous of all teachers, Death himself,
teaches him the great lessons of life and death! And what was his
quest? To know the secret of death.
The second point that I want you to remember is the perfectly
impersonal character of the Upanishads. Although we find many
names, and many speakers, and many teachers in the Upanishads, not
one of them stands as an authority of the Upanishads, not one
verse is based upon the life of any one of them. These are simply
figures like shadows moving in the background, unfelt, unseen,
unrealised, but the real force is in the marvellous, the
brilliant, the effulgent texts of the Upanishads, perfectly
impersonal. If twenty Yâjnavalkyas came and lived and died, it
does not matter; the texts are there. And yet it is against no
personality; it is broad and expansive enough to embrace all the
personalities that the world has yet produced, and all that are
yet to come. It has nothing to say against the worship of persons,
or Avataras, or sages. On the other hand, it is always upholding
it. At the same time, it is perfectly impersonal. It is a most
marvellous idea, like the God it preaches, the impersonal idea of
the Upanishads. For the sage, the thinker, the philosopher, for
the rationalist, it is as much impersonal as any modern scientist
can wish. And these are our scriptures. You must remember that
what the Bible is to the Christians, what the Koran is to the
Mohammedans, what the Tripitaka is to the Buddhist, what the Zend
Avesta is to the Parsees, these Upanishads are to us. These and
nothing but these are our scriptures. The Purânas, the Tantras,
and all the other books, even the Vyasa-Sutras, are of secondary,
tertiary authority, but primary are the Vedas. Manu, and the
Puranas, and all the other books are to be taken so far as they
agree with the authority of the Upanishads, and when they disagree
they are to be rejected without mercy. This we ought to remember
always, but unfortunately for India, at the present time we have
forgotten it. A petty village custom seems now the real authority
and not the teaching of the Upanishads. A petty idea current in a
wayside village in Bengal seems to have the authority of the
Vedas, and even something better. And that word "orthodox", how
wonderful its influence! To the villager, the following of every
little bit of the Karma Kanda is the very height of "orthodoxy",
and one who does not do it is told, "Go away, you are no more a
Hindu." So there are, most unfortunately in my motherland, persons
who will take up one of these Tantras and say, that the practice
of this Tantra is to be obeyed; he who does not do so is no more
orthodox in his views. Therefore it is better for us to remember
that in the Upanishads is the primary authority, even the Grihya
and Shrauta Sutras are subordinate to the authority of the Vedas.
They are the words of the Rishis, our forefathers, and you have to
believe them if you want to become a Hindu. You may even believe
the most peculiar ideas about the Godhead, but if you deny the
authority of the Vedas, you are a Nâstika. Therein lies the
difference between the scriptures of the Christians or the
Buddhists and ours; theirs are all Puranas, and not scriptures,
because they describe the history of the deluge, and the history
of kings and reigning families, and record the lives of great men,
and so on. This is the work of the Puranas, and so far as they
agree with the Vedas, they are good. So far as the Bible and the
scriptures of other nations agree with the Vedas, they are
perfectly good, but when they do not agree, they are no more to be
accepted. So with the Koran. There are many moral teachings in
these, and so far as they agree with the Vedas they have the
authority of the Puranas, but no more. The idea is that the Vedas
were never written; the idea is, they never came into existence. I
was told once by a Christian missionary that their scriptures have
a historical character, and therefore are true, to which I
replied, "Mine have no historical character and therefore they are
true; yours being historical, they were evidently made by some man
the other day. Yours are man-made and mine are not; their
non-historicity is in their favour." Such is the relation of the
Vedas with all the other scriptures at the present day.
We now come to the teachings of the Upanishads. Various texts are
there. Some are perfectly dualistic, while others are monistic.
But there are certain doctrines which are agreed to by all the
different sects of India. First, there is the doctrine of Samsâra
or reincarnation of the soul. Secondly, they all agree in their
psychology; first there is the body, behind that, what they call
the Sukshma Sharira, the mind, and behind that even, is the Jiva.
That is the great difference between Western and Indian
psychology; in the Western psychology the mind is the soul, here
it is not. The Antahkarana, the internal instrument, as the mind
is called, is only an instrument in the hands of that Jiva,
through which the Jiva works on the body or on the external world.
Here they all agree, and they all also agree that this Jiva or
Atman, Jivatman as it is called by various sects, is eternal,
without beginning; and that it is going from birth to birth, until
it gets a final release. They all agree in this, and they also all
agree in one other most vital point, which alone marks
characteristically, most prominently, most vitally, the difference
between the Indian and the Western mind, and it is this, that
everything is in the soul. There is no inspiration, but properly
speaking, expiration. All powers and all purity and all greatness
- everything is in the soul. The Yogi would tell you that the
Siddhis - Animâ, Laghimâ, and so on - that he wants to attain to
are not to be attained, in the proper sense of the word, but are
already there in the soul; the work is to make them manifest.
Patanjali, for instance, would tell you that even in the lowest
worm that crawls under your feet, all the eightfold Yogi's powers
are already existing. The difference has been made by the body. As
soon as it gets a better body, the powers will become manifest,
but they are there.
निमित्तमप्रयोजकं प्रकृतीनां वरणभेदस्तु ततः क्षेत्रिकवत्।
- "Good and bad deeds are not the direct causes in the
transformations of nature, but they act as breakers of obstacles
to the evolutions of nature: as a farmer breaks the obstacles to
the course of water, which then runs down by its own nature." Here
Patanjali gives the celebrated example of the cultivator bringing
water into his field from a huge tank somewhere. The tank is
already filled and the water would flood his land in a moment,
only there is a mud-wall between the tank and his field. As soon
as the barrier is broken, in rushes the water out of its own power
and force. This mass of power and purity and perfection is in the
soul already. The only difference is the Âvarana - this veil -
that has been cast over it. Once the veil is removed, the soul
attains to purity, and its powers become manifest. This, you ought
to remember, is the great difference between Eastern and Western
thought. Hence you find people teaching such awful doctrines as
that we are all born sinners, and because we do not believe in
such awful doctrines we are all born wicked. They never stop to
think that if we are by our very nature wicked, we can never be
good - for how can nature change? If it changes, it contradicts
itself; it is not nature. We ought to remember this. Here the
dualist, and the Advaitist, and all others in India agree.
The next point, which all the sects in India believe in, is God.
Of course their ideas of God will be different. The dualists
believe in a Personal God, and a personal only. I want you to
understand this word personal a little more. This word personal
does not mean that God has a body, sits on a throne somewhere, and
rules this world, but means Saguna, with qualities. There are many
descriptions of the Personal God. This Personal God as the Ruler,
the Creator, the Preserver, and the Destroyer of this universe is
believed in by all the sects. The Advaitists believe something
more. They believe in a still higher phase of this Personal God,
which is personal-impersonal. No adjective can illustrate where
there is no qualification, and the Advaitist would not give Him
any qualities except the three -Sat-Chit-Ananda, Existence,
Knowledge, and Bliss Absolute. This is what Shankara did. But in
the Upanishads themselves you find they penetrate even further,
and say, nothing can be predicated of it except Neti, Neti, "Not
this, Not this".
Here all the different sects of India agree. But taking the
dualistic side, as I have said, I will take Ramanuja as the
typical dualist of India, the great modern representative of the
dualistic system. It is a pity that our people in Bengal know so
very little about the great religious leaders in India, who have
been born in other parts of the country; and for the matter of
that, during the whole of the Mohammedan period, with the
exception of our Chaitanya, all the great religious leaders were
born in Southern India, and it is the intellect of Southern India
that is really governing India now; for even Chaitanya belonged to
one of these sects, a sect of the Mâdhvas. According to Ramanuja,
these three entities are eternal - God, and soul, and nature. The
souls are eternal, and they will remain eternally existing,
individualised through eternity, and will retain their
individuality all through. Your soul will be different from my
soul through all eternity, says Ramanuja, and so will this nature
- which is an existing fact, as much a fact as the existence of
soul or the existence of God - remain always different. And God is
interpenetrating, the essence of the soul, He is the Antaryâmin.
In this sense Ramanuja sometimes thinks that God is one with the
soul, the essence of the soul, and these souls - at the time of
Pralaya, when the whole of nature becomes what he calls
Sankuchita, contracted - become contracted and minute and remain
so for a time. And at the beginning of the next cycle they all
come out, according to their past Karma, and undergo the effect of
that Karma. Every action that makes the natural inborn purity and
perfection of the soul get contracted is a bad action, and every
action that makes it come out and expand itself is a good action,
says Ramanuja. Whatever helps to make the Vikâsha of the soul is
good, and whatever makes it Sankuchita is bad. And thus the soul
is going on, expanding or contracting in its actions, till through
the grace of God comes salvation. And that grace comes to all
souls, says Ramanuja, that are pure and struggle for that grace.
There is a celebrated verse in the Shrutis,
आहारशुध्दौ सत्त्वशुध्दिः सत्त्वशुध्दौ ध्रुवास्मृतिः
"When the food is pure, then the Sattva becomes pure; when the
Sattva is pure, then the Smriti" - the memory of the Lord, or the
memory of our own perfection - if you are an Advaitist - "becomes
truer, steadier, and absolute". Here is a great discussion. First
of all, what is this Sattva? We know that according to the Sankhya
- and it has been admitted by all our sects of philosophy - the
body is composed of three sorts of materials - not qualities. It
is the general idea that Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas are qualities.
Not at all, not qualities but the materials of this universe, and
with Âhâra-shuddhi, when the food is pure, the Sattva material
becomes pure. The one theme of the Vedanta is to get this Sattva.
As I have told you, the soul is already pure and perfect, and it
is, according to the Vedanta, covered up by Rajas and Tamas
particles. The Sattva particles are the most luminous, and the
effulgence of the soul penetrates through them as easily as light
through glass. So if the Rajas and Tamas particles go, and leave
the Sattva particles, in this state the power and purity of the
soul will appear, and leave the soul more manifest.
Therefore it is necessary to have this Sattva. And the text says,
"When Ahara becomes pure". Ramanuja takes this word Ahara to mean
food, and he has made it one of the turning points of his
philosophy. Not only so, it has affected the whole of India, and
all the different sects. Therefore it is necessary for us to
understand what it means, for that, according to Ramanuja, is one
of the principal factors in our life, Ahara-shuddhi. What makes
food impure? asks Ramanuja. Three sorts of defects make food
impure - first, Jâti-dosha, the defect in the very nature of the
class to which the food belongs, as the smell in onions, garlic,
and suchlike. The next is Âshraya-dosha, the defect in the person
from whom the food comes; food coming from a wicked person will
make you impure. I myself have seen many great sages in India
following strictly that advice all their lives. Of course they had
the power to know who brought the food, and even who had touched
the food, and I have seen it in my own life, not once, but
hundreds of times. Then Nimitta-dosha, the defect of impure things
or influences coming in contact with food is another. We had
better attend to that a little more now. It has become too
prevalent in India to take food with dirt and dust and bits of
hair in it. If food is taken from which these three defects have
been removed, that makes Sattva-shuddhi, purifies the Sattva.
Religion seems to be a very easy task then. Then every one can
have religion if it comes by eating pure food only. There is none
so weak or incompetent in this world, that I know, who cannot save
himself from these defects. Then comes Shankaracharya, who says
this word Ahara means thought collected in the mind; when that
becomes pure, the Sattva becomes pure, and not before that. You
may eat what you like. If food alone would purify the Sattva, then
feed the monkey with milk and rice all its life; would it become a
great Yogi? Then the cows and the deer would be great Yogis. As
has been said, "If it is by bathing much that heaven is reached,
the fishes will get to heaven first. If by eating vegetables a man
gets to heaven, the cows and the deer will get to heaven first."
But what is the solution? Both are necessary. Of course the idea
that Shankaracharya gives us of Ahara is the primary idea. But
pure food, no doubt, helps pure thought; it has an intimate
connection; both ought to be there. But the defect is that in
modern India we have forgotten the advice of Shankaracharya and
taken only the "pure food" meaning. That is why people get mad
with me when I say, religion has got into the kitchen; and if you
had been in Madras with me, you would have agreed with me. The
Bengalis are better than that. In Madras they throw away food if
anybody looks at it. And with all this, I do not see that the
people are any the better there. If only eating this and that sort
of food and saving it from the looks of this person and that
person would give them perfection, you would expect them all to be
perfect men, which they are not.
Thus, although these are to be combined and linked together to
make a perfect whole, do not put the cart before the horse. There
is a cry nowadays about this and that food and about Varnâshrama,
and the Bengalis are the most vociferous in these cries. I would
ask every one of you, what do you know about this Varnashrama?
Where are the four castes today in this country? Answer me; I do
not see the four castes. Just as our Bengali proverb has it, "A
headache without a head", so you want to make this Varnashrama
here. There are not four castes here. I see only the Brâhmin and
the Shudra. If there are the Kshatriyas and the Vaishyas, where
are they and why do not you Brahmins order them to take the
Yajnopavita and study the Vedas, as every Hindu ought to do? And
if the Vaishyas and the Kshatriyas do not exist, but only the
Brahmins and the Shudras, the Shastras say that the Brahmin must
not live in a country where there are only Shudras; so depart bag
and baggage! Do you know what the Shastras say about people who
have been eating Mlechchha food and living under a government of
the Mlechchhas, as you have for the past thousand years? Do you
know the penance for that? The penance would be burning oneself
with one's own hands. Do you want to pass as teachers and walk
like hypocrisies? If you believe in your Shastras, burn yourselves
first like the one great Brahmin did who went with Alexander the
Great and burnt himself because he thought he had eaten the food
of a Mlechchha. Do like that, and you will see that the whole
nation will be at your feet. You do not believe in your own
Shastras and yet want to make others believe in them. If you think
you are not able to do that in this age, admit your weakness and
excuse the weakness of others, take the other castes up, give them
a helping hand, let them study the Vedas and become just as good
Aryans as any other Aryans in the world, and be you likewise
Aryans, you Brahmins of Bengal.
Give up this filthy Vâmâchâra that is killing your country. You
have not seen the other parts of India. When I see how much the
Vamachara has entered our society, I find it a most disgraceful
place with all its boast of culture. These Vamachara sects are
honeycombing our society in Bengal. Those who come out in the
daytime and preach most loudly about Âchâra, it is they who carry
on the horrible debauchery at night and are backed by the most
dreadful books. They are ordered by the books to do these things.
You who are of Bengal know it. The Bengali Shastras are the
Vamachara Tantras. They are published by the cart-load, and you
poison the minds of your children with them instead of teaching
them your Shrutis. Fathers of Calcutta, do you not feel ashamed
that such horrible stuff as these Vamachara Tantras, with
translations too, should be put into the hands of your boys and
girls, and their minds poisoned, and that they should be brought
up with the idea that these are the Shastras of the Hindus? If you
are ashamed, take them away from your children, and let them read
the true Shastras, the Vedas, the Gita, the Upanishads.
According to the dualistic sects of India, the individual souls
remain as individuals throughout, and God creates the universe out
of pre-existing material only as the efficient cause. According to
the Advaitists, on the other hand, God is both the material and
the efficient cause of the universe. He is not only the Creator of
the universe, but He creates it out of Himself. That is the
Advaitist position. There are crude dualistic sects who believe
that this world has been created by God out of Himself, and at the
same time God is eternally separate from the universe, and
everything is eternally subordinate to the Ruler of the universe.
There are sects too who also believe that out of Himself God has
evolved this universe, and individuals in the long run attain to
Nirvâna to give up the finite and become the Infinite. But these
sects have disappeared. The one sect of Advaitists that you see in
modern India is composed of the followers of Shankara. According
to Shankara, God is both the material and the efficient cause
through Mâyâ, but not in reality. God has not become this
universe; but the universe is not, and God is. This is one of the
highest points to understand of Advaita Vedanta, this idea of
Maya. I am afraid I have no time to discuss this one most
difficult point in our philosophy. Those of you who are acquainted
with Western philosophy will find something very similar in Kant.
But I must warn you, those of you who have studied Professor Max
Müller's writings on Kant, that there is one idea most misleading.
It was Shankara who first found out the idea of the identity of
time, space, and causation with Maya, and I had the good fortune
to find one or two passages in Shankara's commentaries and send
them to my friend the Professor. So even that idea was here in
India. Now this is a peculiar theory - this Maya theory of the
Advaita Vedantists. The Brahman is all that exists, but
differentiation has been caused by this Maya. Unity, the one
Brahman, is the ultimate, the goal, and herein is an eternal
dissension again between Indian and Western thought. India has
thrown this challenge to the world for thousands of years, and the
challenge has been taken up by different nations, and the result
is that they all succumbed and you live. This is the challenge
that this world is a delusion, that it is all Maya, that whether
you eat off the ground with your fingers or dine off golden
plates, whether you live in palaces and are one of the mightiest
monarchs or are the poorest of beggars, death is the one result;
it is all the same, all Maya. That is the old Indian theme, and
again and again nations are springing up trying to unsay it, to
disprove it; becoming great, with enjoyment as their watchword,
power in their hands, they use that power to the utmost, enjoy to
the utmost, and the next moment they die. We stand for ever
because we see that everything is Maya. The children of Maya live
for ever, but the children of enjoyment die.
Here again is another great difference. Just as you find the
attempts of Hegel and Schopenhauer in German philosophy, so you
will find the very same ideas brought forward in ancient India.
Fortunately for us, Hegelianism was nipped in the bud and not
allowed to sprout and cast its baneful shoots over this motherland
of ours. Hegel's one idea is that the one, the absolute, is only
chaos, and that the individualized form is the greater. The world
is greater than the non-world, Samsâra is greater than salvation.
That is the one idea, and the more you plunge into this Samsara
the more your soul is covered with the workings of life, the
better you are. They say, do you not see how we build houses,
cleanse the streets, enjoy the senses? Ay, behind that they may
hide rancour, misery, horror - behind every bit of that enjoyment.
On the other hand, our philosophers have from the very first
declared that every manifestation, what you call evolution, is
vain, a vain attempt of the unmanifested to manifest itself. Ay,
you the mighty cause of this universe, trying to reflect yourself
in little mud puddles! But after making the attempt for a time you
find out it was all in vain and beat a retreat to the place from
whence you came. This is Vairâgya, or renunciation, and the very
beginning of religion. How can religion or morality begin without
renunciation itself ? The Alpha and Omega is renunciation. "Give
up," says the Veda, "give up." That is the one way, "Give up".
न प्रजया धनेन त्यागेनैकेऽमृतत्वमानशुः
- "Neither through wealth, nor through progeny, but by giving up
alone that immortality is to be reached." That is the dictate of
the Indian books. Of course, there have been great givers-up of
the world, even sitting on thrones. But even (King) Janaka himself
had to renounce; who was a greater renouncer than he? But in
modern times we all want to be called Janakas! They are all
Janakas (lit. fathers) of children - unclad, ill-fed, miserable
children. The word Janaka can be applied to them in that sense
only; they have none of the shining, Godlike thoughts as the old
Janaka had. These are our modern Janakas! A little less of this
Janakism now, and come straight to the mark! If you can give up,
you will have religion. If you cannot, you may read all the books
that are in the world, from East to West, swallow all the
libraries, and become the greatest of Pandits, but if you have
Karma Kanda only, you are nothing; there is no spirituality.
Through renunciation alone this immortality is to be reached. It
is the power, the great power, that cares not even for the
universe; then it is that ब्रह्माण्डम् गोष्पदायते।
"The whole universe becomes like a hollow made by a cow's foot."
Renunciation, that is the flag, the banner of India, floating over
the world, the one undying thought which India sends again and
again as a warning to dying races, as a warning to all tyranny, as
a warning to wickedness in the world. Ay, Hindus, let not your
hold of that banner go. Hold it aloft. Even if you are weak and
cannot renounce, do not lower the ideal. Say, "I am weak and
cannot renounce the world", but do not try to be hypocrites,
torturing texts, and making specious arguments, and trying to
throw dust in the eyes of people who are ignorant. Do not do that,
but own you are weak. For the idea is great, that of renunciation.
What matters it if millions fail in the attempt, if ten soldiers
or even two return victorious! Blessed be the millions dead! Their
blood has bought the victory. This renunciation is the one ideal
throughout the different Vedic sects except one, and that is the
Vallabhâchârya sect in Bombay Presidency, and most of you are
aware what comes where renunciation does not exist. We want
orthodoxy - even the hideously orthodox, even those who smother
themselves with ashes, even those who stand with their hands
uplifted. Ay, we want them, unnatural though they be, for standing
for that idea of giving up, and acting as a warning to the race
against succumbing to the effeminate luxuries that are creeping
into India, eating into our very vitals, and tending to make the
whole race a race of hypocrites. We want to have a little of
asceticism. Renunciation conquered India in days of yore, it has
still to conquer India. Still it stands as the greatest and
highest of Indian ideals - this renunciation. The land of Buddha,
the land of Ramanuja, of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the land of
renunciation, the land where, from the days of yore, Karma Kanda
was preached against, and even today there are hundreds who have
given up everything, and become Jivanmuktas - ay, will that land
give up its ideals? Certainly not. There may be people whose
brains have become turned by the Western luxurious ideals; there
may be thousands and hundreds of thousands who have drunk deep of
enjoyment, this curse of the West - the senses - the curse of the
world; yet for all that, there will be other thousands in this
motherland of mine to whom religion will ever be a reality, and
who will be ever ready to give up without counting the cost, if
need be.
Another ideal very common in all our sects, I want to place before
you; it is also a vast subject. This unique idea that religion is
to be realised is in India alone.
नायमात्मा प्रवचनेन लभ्यो न मेधया न बहुना श्रुतेन
- "This Atman is not to be reached by too much talking, nor is it
to be reached by the power of intellect, nor by much study of the
scriptures." Nay, ours is the only scripture in the world that
declares, not even by the study of the scriptures can the Atman be
realised - not talks, not lecturing, none of that, but It is to be
realised. It comes from the teacher to the disciple. When this
insight comes to the disciple, everything is cleared up and
realisation follows.
One more idea. There is a peculiar custom in Bengal, which they
call Kula-Guru, or hereditary Guruship. "My father was your Guru,
now I shall be your Guru. My father was the Guru of your father,
so shall I be yours." What is a Guru? Let us go back to the
Shrutis - "He who knows the secret of the Vedas", not bookworms,
not grammarians, not Pandits in general, but he who knows the
यथा खरश्चन्दनभारवाही भारस्य वेत्ता न तु चन्दनस्य।
- "An ass laden with a load of sandalwood knows only the weight of
the wood, but not its precious qualities"; so are these Pandits.
We do not want such. What can they teach if they have no
realisation? When I was a boy here, in this city of Calcutta, I
used to go from place to place in search of religion, and
everywhere I asked the lecturer after hearing very big lectures,
"Have you seen God?" The man was taken aback at the idea of seeing
God; and the only man who told me, "I have", was Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa, and not only so, but he said, "I will put you in the
way of seeing Him too". The Guru is not a man who twists and
tortures texts.
वाग्वैखरी शब्दझरी शास्त्रव्याख्यानकौशलं वैदुष्यं विदुषां
तद्वद्भुक्तये न तु मुक्तये।
- "Different ways of throwing out words, different ways of
explaining texts of the scriptures, these are for the enjoyment of
the learned, not for freedom." Shrotriya, he who knows the secret
of the Shrutis, Avrijina, the sinless, and Akâmahata, unpierced by
desire - he who does not want to make money by teaching you - he
is the Shânta, the Sâdhu, who comes as the spring which brings the
leaves and blossoms to various plants but does not ask anything
from the plant, for its very nature is to do good. It does good
and there it is. Such is the Guru,
तीर्णाः स्वयं भीमभवार्णवं जनानहेतुनान्यानपि तारयन्तः
- "Who has himself crossed this terrible ocean of life, and
without any idea of gain to himself, helps others also to cross
the ocean." This is the Guru, and mark that none else can be a
Guru, for
अविद्यायामन्तरे वर्तमानाः स्वयं धीराः पण्डितम्मन्यमानाः।
दन्द्रम्यमाणाः परियन्ति मूढाः अन्धेनैव नीयमाना यथान्धाः
- "Themselves steeped in darkness, but in the pride of their
hearts, thinking they know everything, the fools want to help
others, and they go round and round in many crooked ways,
staggering to and fro, and thus like the blind leading the blind,
both fall into the ditch." Thus say the Vedas. Compare that and
your present custom. You are Vedantists, you are very orthodox,
are you not? You are great Hindus and very orthodox. Ay, what I
want to do is to make you more orthodox. The more orthodox you
are, the more sensible; and the more you think of modern
orthodoxy, the more foolish you are. Go back to your old
orthodoxy, for in those days every sound that came from these
books, every pulsation, was out of a strong, steady, and sincere
heart; every note was true. After that came degradation in art, in
science, in religion, in everything, national degradation. We have
no time to discuss the causes, but all the books written about
that period breathe of the pestilence - the national decay;
instead of vigour, only wails and cries. Go back, go back to the
old days when there was strength and vitality. Be strong once
more, drink deep of this fountain of yore, and that is the only
condition of life in India.
According to the Advaitist, this individuality which we have today
is a delusion. This has been a hard nut to crack all over the
world. Forthwith you tell a man he is not an individual, he is so
much afraid that his individuality, whatever that may be, will be
lost! But the Advaitist says there never has been an
individuality, you have been changing every moment of your life.
You were a child and thought in one way, now you are a man and
think another way, again you will be an old man and think
differently. Everybody is changing. If so, where is your
individuality? Certainly not in the body, or in the mind, or in
thought. And beyond that is your Atman, and, says the Advaitist,
this Atman is the Brahman Itself. There cannot be two infinites.
There is only one individual and it is infinite. In plain words,
we are rational beings, and we want to reason. And what is reason?
More or less of classification, until you cannot go on any
further. And the finite can only find its ultimate rest when it is
classified into the infinite. Take up a finite thing and go on
analysing it, but you will find rest nowhere until you reach the
ultimate or infinite, and that infinite, says the Advaitist, is
what alone exists. Everything else is Maya, nothing else has real
existence; whatever is of existence in any material thing is this
Brahman; we are this Brahman, and the shape and everything else is
Maya. Take away the form and shape, and you and I are all one. But
we have to guard against the word, "I". Generally people say, "If
I am the Brahman, why cannot I do this and that?" But this is
using the word in a different sense. As soon as you think you are
bound, no more you are Brahman, the Self, who wants nothing, whose
light is inside. All His pleasures and bliss are inside; perfectly
satisfied with Himself, He wants nothing, expects nothing,
perfectly fearless, perfectly free. That is Brahman. In That we
are all one.
Now this seems, therefore, to be the great point of difference
between the dualist and the Advaitist. You find even great
commentators like Shankaracharya making meanings of texts, which,
to my mind, sometimes do not seem to be justified. Sometimes you
find Ramanuja dealing with texts in a way that is not very clear.
The idea has been even among our Pandits that only one of these
sects can be true and the rest must be false, although they have
the idea in the Shrutis, the most wonderful idea that India has
yet to give to the world: एकं सद्विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति। - "That
which exists is One; sages call It by various names." That has
been the theme, and the working out of the whole of this
life-problem of the nation is the working out of that theme - एकं
सद्विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति। Yea, except a very few learned men, I
mean, barring a very few spiritual men, in India, we always forget
this. We forget this great idea, and you will find that there are
persons among Pandits - I should think ninety-eight per cent - who
are of opinion that either the Advaitist will be true, or the
Vishishtadvaitist will be true, or the Dvaitist will be true; and
if you go to Varanasi, and sit for five minutes in one of the
Ghats there, you will have demonstration of what I say. You will
see a regular bull-fight going on about these various sects and
Thus it remains. Then came one whose life was the explanation,
whose life was the working out of the harmony that is the
background of all the different sects of India, I mean Ramakrishna
Paramahamsa. It is his life that explains that both of these are
necessary, that they are like the geocentric and the heliocentric
theories in astronomy. When a child is taught astronomy, he is
taught the geocentric first, and works out similar ideas of
astronomy to the geocentric. But when he comes to finer points of
astronomy, the heliocentric will be necessary, and he will
understand it better. Dualism is the natural idea of the senses;
as long as we are bound by the senses we are bound to see a God
who is only Personal, and nothing but Personal, we are bound to
see the world as it is. Says Ramanuja, "So long as you think you
are a body, and you think you are a mind, and you think you are a
Jiva, every act of perception will give you the three - Soul, and
nature, and something as causing both." But yet, at the same time,
even the idea of the body disappears where the mind itself becomes
finer and finer, till it has almost disappeared, when all the
different things that make us fear, make us weak, and bind us down
to this body-life have disappeared. Then and then alone one finds
out the truth of that grand old teaching. What is the teaching?
इहैव तैर्जितः सर्गो येषां साम्ये स्थितं मनः।
निर्दोषं हि समं ब्रह्म तस्माद् ब्रह्मणि ते स्थिताः॥
"Even in this life they have conquered the round of birth and
death whose minds are firm-fixed on the sameness of everything,
for God is pure and the same to all, and therefore such are said
to be living in God."
समं पश्यन् हि सर्वत्र समवस्थितमीश्वरम्।
न हिनस्त्यात्मनात्मानं ततो याति परां गतिम्॥
"Thus seeing the Lord the same everywhere, he, the sage, does not
hurt the Self by the self, and so goes to the highest goal."