Gita Sundaram
Ashtapadi 10
आनन्दभैरवी रागेण गीयते । आदितालः
। Raga:
Anandabhairavi Tala: Adi
गिरिजाते पुर-वैरी
मज्जति विपुल-विषादे । (ध्रुवम्)
O daughter of Himavan, Siva, the enemy of Tripuras, is immersed in
intense grief. (Refrain)
गरमिव नवघनसारं गणयति चकितेन ।
रविमिव रजनीकरं प्रणमति बहु विनयेन ॥ (१)
Siva treats fresh camphor with shock as if it were poison.
रिपुमिव निज-हित-लोकं कलयति करुणेन ।
गिरिमिव मृगशावकं विचरति चिर-चलितेन ॥ (२)
Siva looks at well-meaning friends as enemies; he is so confused
that after looking for long at a fawn, he thinks it is a
rat. (2)
वनमिव मणि-गृह-जातं प्रथयति श्वसितेषु ।
मणिमिव कर-चालितं विचरति त्वां विपिनेषु ॥ (३)
Siva is having trouble breathing in the gem-studded abode as if it
were forest. He seeks you in forests as if looking for gems with a
sieve in hand. (3)
शुचिमिव किसलय-जालं शमयति सलिलेन ।
शठमिव मलयानिलं प्रशपति सह शपथेन ॥ (४)
Siva pours water on tender sprouts as if quenching fire. He curses
with swear-words the breeze from Malaya mountain as if it were the
villain. (4)
अधिवपुर्-उदयति तापे त्यजति चन्द्र-ललाम ।
निनदति वन-मधुपे श्लथयति धृत-सुमदाम ॥ (५)
In grief arising in his mind, Siva takes off the moon from his
head. He hums with wild bees and crushes the garland he is
wearing. (5)
विलसति धुरि हालास्ये नयनसुखं-उपैति ।
स्फुरति विरह-रहस्ये सीदति रुजं-उपयाति ॥ (६)
While Siva engages himself in his work in Halasya, he trembles and
grieves in secret in separation and becomes sick. (6)
दत्ता जीव-कला रति-प्रणयिने यत्र त्वया मुग्धया
तस्मिन्-नीप-पराग-पाटलतरे माणिक्य-सिंहासने ।
स्वामी तावक-यावकारुण-दरस्मेराधरं ध्यायति ॥ (७)
Lord Siva, seated in ruby-studded throne at the place, where you
had delightfully enlivened him during amorous love and where the
pollen dust of Kadamba and Patala flowers has settled, keeps
looking for you from the extreme corners of his eyes and
contemplates on your lips, red in colour and showing gentle
smile. (7)
Ashtapadi 11
केदारगौलरागेण गीयते । आदितालः
। Raga:
Kedaragoula Tala:
नीप-वनान्ते मधुरोपान्ते निवसति राज-किरीटी ।
चतुरे तादृश-नवरस-रसिकं सुखयति नान्यवधूटी ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
Siva with the royal crown stays in the Kadamba forest on the
outskirts of Madurai. O smart one, he will delight you, who will
enjoy the novel pleasures; he will not entertain anyone
else. (Refrain)
तरुण-शशाङ्कं मृगमद-पङ्कं
तव शिवकृतं-अपहारम् ।
सखि परिशीलय सपदि विलोकय
घुमुघुमितं घनसारम् ॥ (१)
O friend, consider the disregard you have shown for Siva, who has
crescent moon on his head and wears musk. You look immediately at
the camphor, spreading fragrance from his body all round.
चञ्चद्-अपाङ्गं चतुर-कुरङ्गं नटयति कर-कमलेन ।
स्मरति तवालस-वलित-ससाध्वस-नयन-विलासमनेन ॥ (२)
Siva makes the clever deer dance with his lotus hand. He
contemplates on the play of your unsteady and agitated sidelong
glances. (2)
नयति समीरं कुवलय-हारं परिणत-मुकुल-कलापम् ।
नवहिम-सलिलं मलयजं-अतुलं घटयति शयन-समीपम् ॥ (३)
Siva makes the place breezy and gets garland of blue water-lilies
and boquet of budding flowers. He arranges cool, unparalleled
water, born in Malaya mountains, near the bed. (3)
मदन-कलम्बं तव च विलम्बं न हि सहते पुरवैरी ।
तव शिखि-चन्द्रक-रुचिर-नवांशुक-परिमल-विसरविहारी ॥ (४)
Siva, the enemy of Tripuras, is unable to bear the arrows of
Manmatha as well as the delay caused by you. He wishes to sport in
the rays of the moon on your head and the heavy fragrance
emanating from your new garment. (4)
चलति वतंसे श्रयति च हंसे मृदुगतिं-अनुसर धीरम् ।
श्रुतिसुख-रचनं करशुक-वचनं लालय पथि सुकुमारम् ॥ (५)
With the garland on your body swaying, you walk gently like a swan
towards the young Siva, while enjoying the pleasing words of the
parrot in your hand. (5)
दलति निचोले गलति दुकूले दृढ-परिरम्भण-शीलम् ।
रमय विशङ्कं रचित-नखाङ्कं शिवं-अधरामृत-लोलम् ॥ (६)
With the bodice bursting and the upper garment slipping away
during hard embrace, you will enjoy with Siva without doubt -
Siva, who will scratch your bosom with his nails and is keen on
enjoying the nectar of your lips. (6)
सम-रति-सरसं शिवं-अतिरभसं सुख-शयितं कुचभारे ।
कृतमणि-रणितं विलसित-मणितं रञ्जय नवसुखसारे ॥ (७)
With novel joys you delight Siva, who is keen and very restless
for amorous play, lying on your heavy bosom, with the ornaments on
your body making tingling sound and his own gem-studded ornaments
shining. (7)
मदन-निदानं मद-कल-गानं रहसि निवेदय लास्ये ।
सखि मणि-सदने सरसिज-वदने भज तं नवहालास्ये ॥ (८)
O pleasing woman with lotus face, you offer songs of infatuation
in secret to Siva, the repository of the art of Manmatha, in the
gem-studded abode in the new part of Halasya. (8)
किसल-चलितं कीरालापं पुरो न समीहते
ललित-वलित-ग्रीवं सास्रं दिशो मुहुर्-ईक्षते ।
कलयति करे वक्त्राम्भोजं तवागम-सम्मुखं
ग्लपयति वनं गाढ-श्वासैः शिवे रमणस्-तव ॥ (८)
O consort of Siva, your lover does not care for the gentle
movement of bowers or the prattle of parrots; he frequently looks
in various directions with neck bent slightly and tears in his
eyes. He ponders on your lotus face in his hand as if you are in
front of him; he withers away the forest with his heavy
breathing. (8)
अस्तं चण्ड-करस्य वीक्ष्य विमुखो देवः प्रतीक्ष्यान्तरे
कान्त्या तेषु नरावृतं जगदिति प्रीणाति संध्यारुणे ।
ध्वान्तं गाढमिति प्रमुग्ध-करणो भूयःकलां-ऐन्दवीं
संभाव्य प्रणयार्पितां तव तनु-ज्योत्स्नामपि श्लाघते ॥
Siva observes the setting of the hard-hitting Sun; with people
returning home during dusk shining red, he is pleased as deep
darkness is setting in; for he praises moonlight as if emanating
from your body when you surrender during love. (9)
संचारस्-तिमिरस्य मुग्ध-तरुणीं-आराहव-प्रक्रिया-
सार-ख्यापक-सूत्रधार इव हि व्यग्राभिसार-क्रमः ।
सत्यस्मिन्-दृशि बद्ध-पुष्प-धनुषो यूनोर्-अपारं रहः-
संलापैः सह संभ्रमैः सह रतारम्भैः सहालिङ्गनैः ॥ (१०)
The encircling delightful young woman of darkness of night appears
as if she is the controller of the beginnings of the fierce fight
of Manmatha, who appears ready with his flower-bow in secret to
start pleasing conversations, amorous activities and
embraces. (10)
इदमिह तटं हेमाब्जिन्यास्-ततो नवचंपकः
कुरवक-तरुं वामे कृत्वा रसालं-उपाश्रितः ।
तदनु निकटे द्रष्टुं शक्यां-उपेत्य स संभ्रमात्-
सुदति भवतीं गाढाश्लेषैर्-नयेन्-मणिवेदिकाम् ॥ (११)
Siva looks for you on the banks of the golden lotus pond on the
right of the Navachampaka and Kuravaka trees and at the foot of
the mango tree; he will embrace you hard and lead you to the
gem-studded abode. (11)
अय तां गुरु-कुच-तान्तां
गमन-श्रान्तां नितम्ब-भारेण ।
दृष्ट्वा निकुञ्ज-शयितां
तच्चरितं प्राह शंकराय सखी ॥ (१२)
The companion of Meenakshi now saw her fatigued owing to moving
about with heavy bosom and hips and hence lying down in the grove.
She went to Siva and narrated Meenakshi’s condition to him.
Ashtapadi 12
शंकराभरणरागेण गीयते । आदितालः
। Raga:
Tala: Adi
देव विभो महादेव विभो
त्वयि चिरसक्ता पाण्ड्यसुता ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O the all-pervasive Mahadeva, the Pandya princess is very much
attached to you. (Refrain)
कथमपि कतिपय-पदं-अनुचलिता ।
गुरुकुच-जघन-भरेण विवलिता ॥ (१)
She manages to walk a few steps somehow; but owing to the weight
of her large bosom and hips, she turns back. (1)
श्वसिति न सौरभ-मिलद्-अलि-भीता ।
न चलति मलय-समीर-विधूता ॥ (२)
Being afraid of bees, she does not inhale good fragrances. Shaken
by the breeze from Malaya mountain, she does not move about.
गणयति किमपि मनोरथ-जालम् ।
हसति विनिन्दति विभवं-अवेलम् ॥ (३)
She thinks deeply and gets lost in some web of longing. She laughs
off and ridicules the untimely splendour and show. (3)
मुहुरपि कलयति मण्डनं-अमितम् ।
दिशि दिशि किरति दृशं सह-चकितम् ॥ (४)
She frequently decorates herself no end and directs her look in
different directions with wonder (in expectation of your
arrival). (4)
तिमिरागतमिव तत्रभवन्तम् ।
गायति सूचित-वास-गृहान्तम् ॥ (५)
As darkness sets in, she feels as if you have arrived inside her
abode and sings. (5)
भवद्-अभिसार-विलोकन-कुतुकम् ।
सफलयतरलित-चन्दिर-कलिकम् ॥ (६)
Like the crescent moon moving restlessly, she is anxiously looking
forward to meeting you. (6)
अपचित-मृदुल-रसाल-किसाला ।
रचयति शयनं रतिसुख-लोला ॥ (७)
Desirous of amorous pleasure, she arranges her bed with soft mango
buds. (7)
जीवति सा तव पुराकृत-कलया ।
हालास्ये भवद्-अर्पिता-धर-सुधया ॥ (८)
She lives because of the amorous activity exhibited by you earlier
in Halasya including enjoyment of nectarine lips. (8)
इति श्रीमत्-परमशिवातिवादिमूर्धन्यस्य सदाशिव-दीक्षितस्य कृतिषु
चतुःषष्टि-लीलासंग्रहे गीतसुन्दरे तृतीयः सर्गः ॥
Thus ends Sarga 3 of GITASUNDARAM of the compendium of the 64
Divine Lilas of Lord Sundareswara composed by SADASIVA DIKSHITA,
the chief among Sri Paramasiva’s eloquent poets.
चतुर्थः सर्गः Sarga 4
अचिरं-अभिसर त्वं प्रीणय प्राण-कान्तां
त्वदधर-मधु-लोला कातरा सा वियोगे ।
चलितुं-अनवकाशा मुद्रिता मोहकोशे
गणित-रजनि-शेषा भृङ्ग-योषेव खिन्ना ॥ (१)
You please your beloved by meeting her without delay. She is
agitated owing to separation from you and is crazy for the nectar
of your lips. She is lost in a sea of delusion and is unable to
walk. She is counting the balance of time of night and is
distressed like a female honey-bee. (1)
अपि चिरयसि चेत्त्वं भावजं वा रुजं वा
परिहर परमेश प्राणितुं प्रेयसी ते ।
परिचय-सरसानां सा सखीनां वियोगेऽप्य्-
अनुकलयति तापं किं पुनः प्राण-बन्धोः ॥ (२)
O Parameswara, by delaying your appointment with her, you cause
mental and physical distress in her. She is your beloved; you rid
her of her disease. She experiences grief even in separation of
her sweet female friends; what about separation from the lord of
her life. (2)
अद्यैव हन्त कुसुमायुध-जैत्र-यात्रा
विस्तारिता पट-कुटी मकराङ्कितेव ।
आलोक-भीत-सकलारि-कला दशाभिर्-
आबद्ध-रश्मिर्-उदिता हरिणाङ्क-मूर्तिः ॥ (३)
Today the victory procession of Manmatha (the wielder of
flower-weapons) is in full-blown condition. The tent of Meenakshi
bears the stamp, as it were, of Manmatha. The moon has risen with
all its rays fitted with inimical weapons, dreadful to look
at. (3)
तपति तनुं हिममानौ
विरह-कृशानौ च दहति बहुभीता ।
शोकं-अधीरं वितेने सा ॥ (४)
She experiences heat even in snowy condition. Her body is burnt in
the fire of separation. She is very afraid. In her grief and fear,
she lets off tears continuously from her eyes. (4)
त्रयोदशाष्टपदी Ashtapadi 13
आहरिरागेण गीयते । झम्पातालः
। Raga:
Aahari Tala:
किं करोमि कथं सहे
विफलित-कठोर-जीविताहम् ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
(Meenakshi says to herself:) What can I do. How to bear this. I am
in the grip of wasted and cruel time of life. (Refrain)
अति-परुष-कामशरं-अनुसरति हिमकरे ।
रति-कुतुकं-अपरासु नयति शिति-कन्धरे ॥ (१)
The cool rays of moon, which follow the very harsh arrows of
Manmatha and the peacocks induce amorous craving in my inner
parts. (1)
अपि तमसि मम वसतिरिव विपिन-कौमुदी ।
गिरिश-मतिरिव बहुल-कुसुम-वन-षट्पदी ॥ (२)
My camp is barely lit by the moon in the forest darkness. The mind
of Siva is like the wild bee enjoying many flowers. (2)
अनुशोच्य बहु खेदयति चक्रवाकी ।
नीलकण्ठतयेव नटति केकी ॥ (३)
The chakravaka (ruddy goose) makes me very sad. The peahen with
its blue neck (like Nilakantha) dances. (3)
तनुमिव हि शोषयति भूषण-कदम्बम् ।
कलयति च परवशे गिरिशे विडम्बम् ॥ (४)
The variegated ornaments dry up my body as it were and sadden me
with consumptive thought of Siva. (4)
सुरलोक-वनिताभिर्-अपि यद्-अनुयातम् ।
भावि शल्यं तदिह मम हृदि निखातम् ॥ (५)
The conduct of heavenly damsels is also like arrow piercing my
heart. (5)
अतिविरहि-वपुर्-इदं किमिति धृत-चेतनम् ।
अनुभविष्यति किं नु विमुख वृष-केतनम् ॥ (६)
How is this body, suffering the pangs of separation, still holding
the life. Is it further going to suffer from the thoughts of
the estranged Siva (with the flag of bull)? (6)
अनुचलित-चन्द्रकलं-अनुवलित-कन्धरम् ।
स्फुरति मम मानसं स्फुरित-मधुराधरम् ॥ (७)
The moon, moving among clouds, (now visible and now invisible)
produces throb in my mind and my sweet lips. (7)
मदन-शशि-मलय-गिरि-पवन-वैरस्यम् ।
जित्वा कदा यामि नव्य-हालास्यम् ॥ (८)
When will I overcome the hostility of Manmatha, the moon and the
breeze from the Malaya mountain and reach the New Halasyam?
देवः पुष्पवने विलास-रसिकः किं हेमनाथारतः
किं वा सार-तरेण भद्र-वनिता-गानेन संमोहितः ।
यद्वा वैश्यसुता-कर-ग्रह-सुखान्नेष्टे निवृत्यै कुतः
सारज्ञः प्रणयी युवा समरसोऽप्यद्यापि नैवागतः ॥ (५)
Is Siva enjoying the moon-lit flower garden, or is he lost in the
sweet singing of the beautiful women, or is he unable to come out
of the pleasurable clasp of the hand of harlots. The estranged
young and charming Siva has not arrived here even now. (5)
अथानुनेतुं शशिखण्ड-चूडं
चिराद्-अलब्धा-वसरां-उपेताम् ।
सखीं विलोक्य प्रियं-अन्यकांता-
वशीकृतं दुष्टं-इवाह गौरी ॥ (६)
Gowri now saw her female companion return alone, unable to find an
occasion to fetch Siva (the bearer of crescent moon on head) and
spoke to her in a tone as if Siva has been mesmerised by some
other woman. (6)
Ashtapadi 14
सारङ्गरागेण गीयते । मिश्रछाप् तालः
। Raga:
Tala: Misrachap
कापि नवललिता वशयति शिवं-अङ्गज-पालिता ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
Some new lass enchants Siva and embraces him. (Refrain)
मदन-मदोदित-वदन-विकासा ।
रतिसुख-लालस-नयन-विलासा ॥ (१)
The new lass has her face brightened with the rise of amorous
passion. Her eyes are shining with longing for amorous
pleasure. (1)
दरहसित-स्फुरिताधर-बिम्बा ।
तरुणिम-मद-मत्त-वितत-नितम्बा ॥ (२)
Her bimba-fruit-like lips throb with gentle smile. Her youthful
posterior reflects her passion. (2)
सरभ-सपरिरम्भ-गुम्फित-पुलका ।
चिर-परिशीलित-नख-दन्त-कलिका ॥ (३)
Her hairs stand erect and dense on passionate embrace. She is like
a bud explored for long with nails and teeth. (3)
सकुतुक-समरस-केलि-कलापा ।
कुच-कुम्भ-कौसुम्भ-कलित-विलेपा ॥ (४)
Her ornaments quiver during her passionate sports. She has saffron
paste applied on her pot-like bosom. (4)
नव-मदनाहव-संभृत-लीला ।
मणि-कुण्डल-बिम्ब-चुम्बि-कपोला ॥ (५)
She enjoys ever-new passionate sports, during which the ear-rings
kiss her cheeks. (5)
काञ्ची-मणि-रणितोचित-मणिता ।
स्मर-समरोद्धत-नटन-विवलिता ॥ (६)
The bells in the girdle around her waist jingle sweetly. She
dances prodded by amorous passion. (6)
चल-दलकाहत-कर्ण-शिरीषा ।
दर-मीलितेक्षण-दर्शित-तोषा ॥ (७)
Her flower-like ear-ornament gets struck, as it were, when she
moves. She is happy on seeing Siva with semi-shut eyes. (7)
प्राणप्रियासीति कथित-मनोज्ञा ।
हालास्य-पुर-वास-रचित-प्रतिज्ञा ॥ (८)
She is happy that Siva has said to her that she is his life-breath
and has vowed that she would live with him in the city of
Halasya. (8)
कान्तः कन्दुक-खेलद्-अङ्घ्रि-कमल-व्यत्यस्त-नृत्य-क्रमै-
रागः स्वीयं-अपाकरिष्णुरपि हा तिष्ठेत मह्यं कदा ।
औत्सुक्याद्-अनुरञ्जनाद्-अनुपदस्पर्शाद्-अनुप्राप्य मां-
आश्लिष्येद्-अनुलालयेद्-अनुवदेद्-आनन्दयेद्वा कदा ॥ (७)
While playing with a ball, my lover used to move his lotus feet as
if it were a dance. Even if he does not accept his fault during
play, when will he sit beside me? When will he delight me by
embrace, kind sport and loving speech through excessive curiosity,
sweet acts and gentle touch while following in my steps? (7)
मन्दो निन्दतु चन्दनाचल-मरुद्-व्यालीव केलीशुकी
कान्तोऽरुन्तुद-वाचं-उच्चरतु हा कामोऽपि भीमायताम् ।
किं वक्ष्यामि कथं कठोर-विरहे संतप्ततया यन्मया
शीतांशुर्-मम जन्म-वंश-गुरुरप्य्-अद्यैव वैरायते ॥ (८)
Let the gentle breeze from the sandalwood mountain trouble me as
if it were serpent. Let the sportive parrot pronounce the caustic
words of my lover. Ha, even love has become terrible; what to say.
When I am roasted in the cruel fire of separation, this moon, who
is the guru of the lineage of my birth, exhibits hostility at this
time. (8)
अत्रान्तरे पुष्प-वनाभिसारे
सौन्दर्यं-अन्यादृशं-आवहन्तीम् ।
कैवर्त-कन्यां चकमे पुरारिर्-
इत्थं सखी प्राह सुमीन-नेत्राम् ॥ (९)
In the meantime Siva (the enemy of Tripuras) was enjoying with the
daughter of a fisherman, who has the beauty of a different genre,
outside the flower-grove – so said the companion to
Meenakshi. (9)
Ashtapadi 15
मुखारिरागेण गीयते । मिश्रछाप् तालः
। Raga:
Tala: Misrachap
यतते कुसुमायुध-समरे
मधुर-सुधांशुर्-अधुना ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
In the war waged by Manmatha, the wielder of flower-arrows, the
sweet moon (of nectarine rays) is playing its part now.
जित-मणि-मुकुरे स्मित-पुर-रुचिरे कामिनी-गण्ड-तले ।
घटयति वदनं सविलास-मदनं विधुमिव सुधा-मण्डले ॥ (१)
Like the moon in the nectarine region, Siva lays his face with
sportive passion on the cheek of the lass, which outshines the
gem-studded mirror and is beautiful with a smile. (1)
शितमुख-रचने रमणी-रशने शुकतुण्ड-शिखरोपमे ।
नवनव-मधुरं जित-बिम्बं-अधरं वितरति रति-संभ्रमे ॥ (२)
Siva enjoys the ever-new amorous sport with the sweet tongue,
sharp features, the parrot-like nose and the lips, victorious over
the bimba fruit, of the lass. (2)
परिचय-पृथुले गुरुकुच-युगले मञ्जुल-मकरीदले ।
सृजति विशङ्कं सरस-नखाङ्कं मणिमिव कनकाचले ॥ (३)
Siva passionately makes nail marks on the twin broad and large
breasts and the soft area above (of the lass), as if they are gems
on the Meru mountain. (3)
रतिगति-चतुरे रशना-मुखरे खेलति पृथु-जघने ।
परिचित-नलिने यमुना-पुलिने हरिरिव रुचिर-घने ॥ (४)
Siva sports with the skill of a passionate lover in the area of
the lass’s girdle and the broad hips like Hari on the beautiful
banks of river Yamuna with a known maid. (4)
चिकुर-विभागं नयति सरागं लावण्य-पूर-पथम् ।
विलसद्-अकुटिलं सिन्दूर-पटलं रविमिव तिमिर्-आवृतम् ॥ (५)
Siva runs his hand along the enchanting and straight parting of
hair, shining with the red lac (Sindur) in the front, as if it
were Sun surrounded by black darkness. (5)
स्मर-चाप-तरले भ्रुकुटी-युगले लोचन-गुण-रञ्जिते ।
श्रित-फाल-फलकं मृगमद-तिलकं शरमिव कामयते ॥ (६)
Siva enjoys the beautiful pair of eye-brows resembling the
tremulous bow of Manmatha, the pleasing eyes, the large plank-like
forehead and the ‘Kasturi’ tilaka as if they were the arrow of
Manmatha. (6)
कुचगिरि-वहने कचभर-नहने मदयति बहु मोदते ।
गायति गीतं रति-सुख-जातं नृत्यति विवशायते ॥ (७)
Siva passionately revels in handling the mountains of breasts and
tying of the tresses. He sings amorously and dances
involuntarily. (7)
उपवन-सविधे प्रतिकल-विविधे चुम्बन-बन्ध-शते ।
तरलित-चिकुरे तरुणी-निकरे हालास्यपती राजते ॥ (८)
The Lord of Halasya shines in the area close to the grove,
sporting merrily in different ways and bound by hundreds of kisses
with the lass with curly hair. (8)
काञ्ची-चञ्चल-किंकिणी-कलरवैः कर्णामृतं कल्पयेद्-
वेणी-सौरभ-संपदा सहजया घ्राणॆप्सितं पूरयेत् ।
भाग्यानाम्-अधिदेवता नयनयोः सैवोपलभ्येत वेत्य्-
आशास्ते स विशङ्कते विवलते त्वां वीक्षते शंकरः ॥ (१०)
While Siva reckons the sweet jingle of the bells of the girdle to
be nectar for ears and fulfils his desire for perfume with the
natural fragrance of the hair, he looks with hope for the mistress
of his good fortune in front of his eyes. He suspects your arrival
and cranes his neck to have a good look. (10)
आमोदो रति-कौशले बहुमतिः कन्दर्प-सारस्वते
सौजन्यं मृदु-भाषणे सखि कथं विस्मार्यते मायिना ।
स्थाने धूर्त-शिखामणिः स रमते धन्यासु वन्यासु वा
यातायातदये समान-हृदये चिन्ता दुरन्ता मम ॥ (११)
O friend, while Siva employs his dexterity in the amorous art and
mastery in soft speech like Manmatha, how does that great
illusionist forget you? However it is to be expected that he being
the prince among cheating lovers revels with many lucky girls in
the forest. When I notice this during my to-and-fro trips, the
anxiety in my heart sees no end. (11)
Ashtapadi 16
पुन्नागवरालिरागेण गीयते । रूपकतालः
। Raga:
Tala: Rupaka
या सुखिता सखि शंभुना
या सुखिता । (ध्रुवम्)
The damsel who revels with Sambhu. (Refrain)
मुकुट-घटित-शशधर-शकलेन ।
न बिभेति सा नवहिम-सलिलेन ॥ (१)
She is not afraid of the crescent moon on his head, or of the icy
waters (of the Ganga). (1)
मधुर-समधुरिम-लसद्-अधरेण ।
न जहाति सा मुदं-अलि-निकरेण ॥ (२)
When she enjoys the sweetness of the pleasant experience with her
lips, she does not reckon with the glee of the swarm of
bees. (2)
सहकार-किसलय-मृदुल-शयेन ।
न दुनोति सा हृदि मधु-समयेन ॥ (३)
When she lies on the agreeable and soft bed of tender shoots, she
is not tormented in her heart by the spring season. (3)
दरहास-विकसित-मुखमधुरेण ।
न तनोति सा शुचं-अतनु-शरेण ॥ (४)
When she enjoys the sweetness of Siva’s face with gentle smile,
she does not suffer grief from the arrows of Manmatha (one without
form). (4)
मृगमद-सुरभित-वसनाञ्चलेन ।
न दधाति सा परिभवं-अनिलेन ॥ (५)
With the end of her garment spreading the fragrance of musk, she
does not suffer disgrace from breeze. (5)
प्रतिकल-नवनव-शुभ-रचनेन ।
न तनोति सा रुजमपि विजनेन ॥ (६)
While she goes through ever-new auspicious acts accompanied by
sweet sounds, she does not suffer sickness from solitude.
सललित-समरस-सुविहरणेन ।
न बिभर्ति सा रुषं-उपचरणेन ॥ (७)
As she goes through the gentle and sweet wanderings (with Siva),
she does not experience anger from his approach. (7)
अनुरत-हालास्य-पुर-निलयेन ।
समुपैति सा नवमणि-वलयेन ॥ (८)
She reaches the abode of love in the city of Halasya wearing the
new gem-studded bracelet. (8)
इति श्रीमत्-परमशिवातिवादिमूर्धन्यस्य सदाशिव-दीक्षितस्य कृतिषु
चतुःषष्टि-लीलासंग्रहे गीतसुन्दरे चतुर्थः सर्गः ॥
Thus ends Sarga 4 of GITASUNDARAM of the compendium of the 64
Divine Lilas of Lord Sundareswara composed by SADASIVA DIKSHITA,
the chief among Sri Paramasiva’s eloquent poets.
पञ्चमः सर्गः ॥ Sarga Five
न किं ते दाक्षिण्यं पवन न किं-आमोद-समयः
प्रसीद प्राणोऽसि प्रणयिनं-अनुप्रापय मनाक् ।
श्वसन्तं हा हन्तज्वलयसि मनोजाग्निं-अधुना
जगत्प्राणस्येदं बत मलय-बन्धो किं-उचितम् ॥ (१)
O breeze, don’t you have compassion? Is this the time to revel?
You are my life-breath; take pity on me. Get my lover, who has
quarrelled with me, here in an unhurried manner. As I breathe, you
blow up the flame of fire kindled by Manmatha. O relative of
Malaya mountains, is this proper on the part of yourself, who are
the very life-breath of the universe? (1)
लीलावतीनां कुशलं विधातुः ।
कन्दर्प कुत्र्-आत्मभुवस्-तवापि
संहार-पारुष्यमिदं प्रसक्तम् ॥ (२)
O Manmatha, by a gentle move of sidelong glance, you nourish the
well-being of women who sport. Where has that innate quality of
yours gone? Please eliminate this cruelty to me, who am
love-lorn. (2)
नीत्वा कथंचिद्-रजनीं प्रभाते ।
स्मरातुरापि प्रणमन्तं-अग्रे
नवागसं शंकरं-आह गौरी ॥ (३)
Having spent the night somehow with varying thoughts of detachment
and attraction, Gowri, though smitten by Manmatha, spoke thus to
Sankara, who, having committed offence, now prostrated before her
in the morning. (3)
आलिप्तं निटिले तव प्रियतमा-सीमन्त-सिन्दूरकं
संक्रांतो नयनाञ्चले नववधू-कर्पूर-वीटी-रसः ।
इन्द्धे कज्जल-कालिमा कलुषवद्-बन्धूक-शोणाधरे
लब्धं सर्वं-अभीष्टं-आशु भवता धन्योऽसि मान्योऽसि मे ॥
On your forehead is stuck the red lac from the parting of hair of
your beloved. On the corner of your eyes is the forced application
of the juice of betel-leaf with camphor from your beloved. On your
lips, red like the bandhuka flower, is the shining black collyrium
(from the eyes of your beloved). You have got all that you
desired; you are indeed fortunate and an object of honour for
me! (4)
Ashtapadi 17
मलहरिरागेण गीयते । आदितालः
। Raga:
Malahari Tala: Adi
साधु पुरहर साधु विषधर
साधितवानसि कामम् ।
तां-उपलालय सोमकलाधर
या तव दिशति ललामम् ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O vanquisher of Tripuras, holder of poison, well-done! You
achieved your desires. O bearer of crescent moon, go and sport
with her, who shares her beauty with you. (Refrain)
संवलितं तव फालम् ।
विधिं-अनुसरति सलीलम् ॥ (१)
On your forehead shines the fresh red lac from the tender feet (of
your beloved). It is in line with the red coloured rising Sun,
shining and sporting. (1)
मुद्रितं-उरसि समोहम् ।
कथयति वर्तुल-मण्डल-युगलं
वरतनु-कुच-परिणाहम् ॥ (२)
The firm passionate impression of saffron on your chest is
indicative of the circular shape of the two large breasts of your
beloved. (2)
एककलावति भवति पुरा शिव
शेखरमात्रं-उदारम् ।
अधुना लसति शरीरम् ॥ (३)
O Siva, a small crescent alone adorned your head earlier. But now
your entire body shines with many crescent-like impressions from
the nails (of your beloved). (3)
कोकनदाधिक-शोणम् ।
लोचन-युगलं तव रति-साहसं-
अनुवदति स्मयमानम् ॥ (४)
Your twin eyes, redder than the red lotus, betray your sport of
love attended by wonder and kissing, having kept awake in the
night. (4)
कुङ्कुम-पङ्किल-हारम् ।
उरसि निधाय वृथा वचनैरपि
किरसि सुधारस-सारम् ॥ (५)
By sporting on your chest a necklace studded with corals, emeralds
and pearls, shining with saffron paste, you exhibit the sweet
nectarine experience you had, with no need for words. (5)
युवति-शतं तव गात्रम् ।
यावक-विरचित-चित्रम् ॥ (६)
The ever-new and variegated appearance of musk, saffron, collyrium
and red lac all over your body betrays your passionate sport with
hundreds of damsels. (6)
कैतव-कौशलमपि तव विदितं
तां-उपयाहि समौनम् ।
न गणय मामपि नूनम् ॥ (७)
Your skill in deception is well-known. You quietly go to that same
beloved. Do not consider me also certainly as object of love and
sweet enjoyment. (7)
तावक-जनमपि तादृश-सुखमपि
किमिति विहाय विषादम् ।
कलयसि हालास्याधिप मा कुरु
पुनर्-अलसासु विवादम् ॥ (८)
Casting aside feeling of dejection, go and enjoy your beloved,
wondering as to what kind of person she is and what kind of
pleasure it is. O Lord of halasya, do not argue again with a
feeble person like me. (8)
अङ्गं शृङ्गार-तुङ्गं तरुणिम-विततेर्-अन्तरङ्गा अपाङ्गा
वक्त्रं शीतांशु-मित्रं जयतु मधुकर-श्रेणिका वेणिका ते
दक्षो वक्षोज-भारः स्मर-समर-समारंभ-संभावनीयः
कान्ते क्लान्ते सखि त्वं कथमसि विमुखी मान्मथेऽपि
प्रपञ्चे ॥ (५)
(The thoughts of the female companion of Gowri ran thus):
Your limbs are highly sensuous; your sidelong glance is full of
youthful passion; your face is the friend of moon. May your hair,
with rows of honey-bees hovering, be victorious. Your heavy bosom
is capable of commencing the battle of Manmatha. You are tired of
expectations. When your lover like Manmatha has arrived, how are
you indifferent? (5)
तदनु स्मृत-विरहां तां विरस-स्वान्तां विषाद-संक्रान्ताम् ।
प्रकटित-पशुपति-चरितामाली मलयध्वजां प्राह ॥ (६)
Now the female companion spoke thus to Malayadhwaja princess, who
was smitten by Manmatha in separation and overcome by dejection
and grief and who was familiar with the conduct of Pasupathi
(Siva). (6)
Ashtapadi 18
यरकलकाम्भोजिरागेण गीयते । आदितालः ।
Tala: Adi
सुन्दरं सोमसुन्दरम् ।
नन्दय सखि शरद्-इन्दु-मुखम् ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O friend, go and amuse Somasundara, handsome and having the face
of autumnal moon. (Refrain)
अयि शिवं-अनुनय संत्यज कोपम् ।
जनयसि सरसे किमु परितापम् ॥ (१)
Propitiate Siva; cast aside anger; generate pleasure; why do you
grieve? (1)
रुचिर-तद्-अङ्गुलि-परिचय-पृथुलम् ।
सफलय सपदि पयोधर-युगलम् ॥ (२)
Render your pair of large breasts fruitful instantly by having
Siva move his pleasing fingers on them. (2)
तव मधुराधर-मधुरिम-रसिकम् ।
सकृद्-अवलोकय समरस-कुतुकम् ॥ (३)
Look once at Siva, who enjoys the sweetness of your pleasurable
lips and is eager for passionate sport. (3)
विफल-विचार-विषाद-विदूना ।
सीदसि किमिति कलावति दीना ॥ (४)
O artful lady, why do you grieve so piteously, being depressed and
sorrowful with fruitless thoughts? (4)
प्रतिवदसि प्रियतमं-उपयातम् ।
तं घटयसि परयुवती-जातम् ॥ (५)
When your lover has arrived here, you blame him for association
with another young maiden. (5)
करगतं-अमृतं विकिरसि बाले ।
अहह कुतूहल-कुसुमित-लीले ॥ (६)
O child, who is blossomed in curious sport, you are spilling
nectar which has reached your hands. (6)
अचिरं-उपाश्रय कुवलय-नयने ।
शंकरं-अभिनव-किसलय-शयने ॥ (७)
O lass with lily-like eyes, resort to Sankara without delay in the
ever-new bed of tender shoots. (7)
सुगुण-निधे देवि कुरु मम वचनम् ।
स्मर-हालास्याधिप-रतिरस-रचनम् ॥ (८)
O Devi, treasure of good qualities, do as I tell. Revel in
passionate sport like Rati with the Lord of Halasya, who is
Manmatha incarnate. (8)
प्राप्तश्च प्रार्थनीयः सुदति वदति च प्रेमसारानुसारं
वामे कामेषु-भिन्नं वपुर्-अतिमृदुलं पश्य पश्यालिकस्य ।
मानं मौनं च मा गाः सखि सुखय रतौ सत्वरा जित्वरा त्वं
रन्तुर्-भर्तुर्-वधूनां-अभिलषित-सुख-प्रापणः श्लाघनीयः
॥ (७)
O beautiful one, your worshipful lover has arrived; he is
apologetic and utters words of love. Look at his body, very tender
and assuming different looks in sport. O friend, do not resort to
pride and silence. Delight your lover immediately and win him over
by your amorous sport. (7)
तस्मिन्-दिनान्त-समये सहसा गिरीशो
दोषा-नुचिन्तन-कषायित-लोचनां ताम् ।
आराद्-उपेत्य विनयेन मुहुः श्वसन्तीं
सव्रीड-नम्र-वदनः स्वयं-इत्युवाच ॥ (८)
At the close of that day, Girisa (Siva) suddenly came near Gowri,
whose eyes were tinged red by constantly thinking of (Siva’s)
offence and who breathed heavily. Siva, whose face was bent down
with bashfulness, spoke thus to Gowri. (8)
Ashtapadi 19
मुखारिरागेण गीयते । झम्पातालः
। Raga:
Tala: Jhampa
प्रिये मीननयने
विसृज मयि रोषं-अविचारम् ।
रहसि कृत-दूषणं रमणि मम भूषणं
कलय परिरम्भं-उपहारम् ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O Meenakshi, my love, cast aside, without further thinking, your
anger and my offence committed in solitude. O beautiful one, you
are my ornament; give me gift of embrace. (Refrain)
प्रसरतु तव प्रणय-सरसं-अवलोकनं
भजतु जगद्-अमृतरस-सेकम् ।
वचनमपि सप्रेम यदि भवति तावकं
वशयामि मदनं-अतिलोकम् ॥ (१)
Let your sweet loving look fall on me and let the sweet nectar of
the environment flow. If your speech also turns loving, I shall
bring the Manmatha-ruled world (of experience) under our
spell. (1)
तरुणि तव लोचनं न कलय रुषारुणं
दलित-कोकनद-दल-समानम् ।
विविध-रति-साहसैर्-अधिरजनि जागराद्-
अनुरागं-अनुवहतु नूनम् ॥ (२)
O my damsel, do not cast on me your angry eyes, red like the
blossomed red lotus leaf. May you bring love through many
different amorous acts by keeping awake the whole night. (2)
कलकण्ठि किमिति मयि दोष-परिगणनेन
मुखरयसि मुख-कमल-नालम् ।
मणितं-अनुनय मधुर-लीलम् ॥ (३)
O cuckoo of sweet voice, what is this- you are making unpleasant
sound from the stem of your lotus face (mouth) by counting my
offences. Enact sweet sport producing amorous sounds of murmur
like a young woman inspired by Manmatha. (3)
श्वसित-पवनेन परिशीलयसि वेपथुं
विद्रुम-लताङ्गि किं-अधीरम् ।
विषम-रति-रभसेन कुच-लिकुच-ताण्डवं
वियति कल्पय तरल-हारम् ॥ (४)
Why are you trembling in your form, slim like the coral creeper,
restlessly with the force of your breath? With different types of
amorous sport, you make your breasts, which are like Likucha
(bread-fruit) dance and create the appearance of a necklace
swaying in space. (4)
न तिरय करेण सुकपोलम् ।
देहि मम जित-मधुर-जालम् ॥ (५)
Do not conceal with your hand your beautiful cheek, which reflects
the gems in your ear-stud, radiating sweet rays. Give me the pack
of betel-leaf laced with fragrant camphor, which would outsmart
any other sweet snare. (5)
मयि किं-अनुचिन्तनं-अपारम् ।
वितर मधुराधरं-उदारम् ॥ (६)
Why this endless worry with your neck bent lightly and face
drooping down? Bestow generously your sweet lips oozing sweet
essence to the accompaniment of light bite of teeth. (6)
मणिसरं गमय कुच-भारम् ।
अनुयातु शशिकला तारक-समाजमिव
मम करज-रेखानुवारम् ॥ (७)
Get the necklace shining with pearls on to your bosom, large like
elephant’s temple. Like moon following the cluster of stars, let
it come in contact with the lines on my head again and
again. (7)
मम हृदि निधेहि सुकुमारम् ।
स्मर-ताप-शमनाय वर्षतु सुधारसं
हालास्य-कृत-राज्य-भारम् ॥ (८)
Rest on my heart your beautiful lotus feet with the jingling
anklet. May it shower the nectarine essence for removal of the
pain caused by Manmatha to the Lord of Halasya. (8)
यदि च कुपितं चेतो हेतुं विनैव तव प्रिये
प्रहर परुषं वेण्या वाण्या विनिन्द रुषं त्वज ।
अहह दहति क्रूरो मारः प्रयुज्य शरान्-बहून्-
व्यथित-वपुषं वामे भामे कथं समुपेक्षसे ॥ (९)
O beloved, if you remain angry without reason, you let out your
wrath through your stream of speech. O beautiful dame, the cruel
Manmatha burns me! How are you so indifferent to my body, pierced
by the many arrows despatched by him? (9)
दिशि मम दरस्मेरां दृष्टिं दिशेद्-अवलोक्य-मां
त्रिचतुर-पदं प्रत्युद्गच्छेन्-नितम्ब-भरालसा ।
उपगतमपि प्रेमावेशान्-निगूहन-चुम्बन-
प्रथम-वचनैर्-धन्यं कुर्यात्-प्रिये भवती कदा ॥ (१०)
O beloved, when will you direct your vision with gentle smile in
my direction? Get up, take three-four steps slowly with your heavy
hips, giving some kisses in secret in passionate love and uttering
a few first words of love, thus making me fortunate? (10)
अनुनय-विनयाभ्यां प्रापयित्वा प्रसादं
गतवति मधुरेशे मञ्जु सङ्केत-कुङ्जम् ।
तदनु शबर-नेत्रां प्राप्य काचित्-प्रदोषे
चतुरतरं-अवादीद्-रत्नपेटीं दधाना ॥ (११)
As the lord of Madhura left for his pleasure-grove after
gratifying Meenakshi with propitiation and humility, the female
companion of Meenakshi reached her at the time of dusk and,
holding jewel-box in her hands, spoke these very clever
words. (11)
Ashtapadi 20
कल्याणीरागेण गीयते । मिश्रछाप्
तालः । Raga:
Kalyani Tala: Misrachap
कान्ते शशिमकुतं-अभिसर ।
कातर-लोचने ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O damsel with eyes trembling with fear, approach Siva, who has the
crescent moon as crown. (Refrain)
तव हृदया-नुसरण-चतुरं रति-कौशल-गरिम-धुरीणम् ।
वेगवती-तट-कुसुमित-वञ्जुल-कुञ्जे कृत-मृदुगानम् ॥ (१)
Approach him, who is adept in acting in accordance with your heart
and expert in all aspects of amorous play and who is singing in
the grove of blossomed Vanjula flowers on the banks of river
Vegvathi. (1)
नवमणि-काञ्ची-कलरव-बोधित-शुक-कोकिल-परिवारम् ।
प्रतिपदं-अनुनय जघन-स्तन-भर-विघ्नित-गमन-विचारम् ॥ (२)
Follow in every step the flock of parrots and cuckoos, which are
taught to sing by the sweet sounds of the jingling bells of your
girdle, as you walk slowly, weighed down by your heavy hips and
breasts. (2)
अहमहमिकया नवनव-कुसुम-मधूलि-चलद्-अलिगुञ्जे ।
नटति विलोकय नव-पवनाहत-मञ्जरिका-नवकुञ्जे ॥ (३)
Look at Siva, who dances in the grove, where honey-bees throng in
competition to flavour ever-new flowers, brought in clusters by
breeze. (3)
कनक-दुकूल-चकच्चकित-स्तन-कलश-युगान्तर-लग्नम् ।
मृदु परिवेलय मणिसरं-उपकुरु करकमलेन वलग्नम् ॥ (४)
Your necklace is buried in the cleavage between the two pot-like
breasts, covered by the golden upper garment. You gently take it
off with your lotus hand and adorn it over the breasts and adjust
the waist. (4)
शङ्कित-नवजलद्-आगम-तिमिर-विलोकन-नटित-मयूरम् ।
अयनं-उपाश्रय विविध-पराग-भरालस-मलय-समीरम् ॥ (५)
Walk the path among peacocks, dancing on the sight of darkness on
suspicion of arrival of fresh clouds and gentle breeze from the
Malaya mountains, carrying abundant pollen dust of different
varieties. (5)
नयन-विलास-विनिर्मित-कुवलय-मालिकयैव वनान्तम् ।
भूषय दरहसिताङ्कुर कुसुमैर्-उपसर सखि तव कान्तम् ॥ (६)
O friend, adorn, by the budding flowers of your gentle smile, the
grove with rows of blue water-lilies, laid out in a manner
pleasing to the eye. Approach your lover. (6)
अवगतमेव सखीभिर्-उदाहर तव पति-समरस-भावम् ।
स्फुरद्-अधरं मुहुर्-उपचित-पुलकं न तिरय भवद्-अनुभावम् ॥ (७)
Please understand your husband’s passionate feelings, already
known to your friends. Do not conceal your experience of throbbing
lips and increasing horripilation. (7)
अनति-विभूषणं-अखिला-वयवं प्रिय-घटनाय तवाङ्गम् ।
कलय विलासिनि वशितानङ्गं हालास्याधिपसङ्गम् ॥ (८)
Wearing not too many ornaments on all your limbs, be ready for
pleasurable acts of love with the Lord of Halasya under the spell
of Manmatha. (8)
इति श्रीमत्-परमशिवातिवादिमूर्धन्यस्य सदाशिव-दीक्षितस्य कृतिषु
चतुःषष्टि-लीलासंग्रहे गीतसुन्दरे पञ्चमः सर्गः ॥
Thus ends Sarga 5 of GITASUNDARAM of the compendium of the 64
Divine Lilas of Lord Sundareswara composed by SADASIVA DIKSHITA,
the chief among Sri Paramasiva’s eloquent poets.
Sarga Six
रन्तुः पुष्पवतीं दिवा दिनमणेर्-भूयः प्रदोषागमे
तामिस्रालि-मिषाद्-अकीर्त्ति-पटली व्याप्नोति सर्वा
दिशः ।
किं चेहाभिसरद्-वधूकचमरामोद-प्रिया षट्पद-
श्रेणिर्-नील-सरोज-कानन-धिया व्यग्रा परिक्रामति ॥ (१)
As the sunlight of the day gave way to red coloured dusk, darkness
like infamy spreads in all directions. The swarm of honey-bees is
actively surrounding the copious hair of the damsel under the
mistaken notion of forest of blue lotuses. (1)
सलील-संव्यानमिव स्तनान्तरे ।
निरन्तरायं परिरम्भ-संभ्रमं
कलावतीनां तनुते चिरं तमः ॥ (२)
As the fading light throws up beautiful designs (on the breasts),
it also points to the sport of passion in the cleavage between the
breasts. The darkness intensifies the wish of tight embrace in
women. (2)
Ashtapadi 21
घण्टारागेण गीयते । झम्पातालः
। Raga:
Ghanta Tala: Jhampa
पश्य ललिते शंकर-विलासम् ।
पश्य ललिते ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O sporting woman, look at the splendour of Siva. (Refrain)
जलद-रुचि-वलभिद्-उपलाकर-घने ।
विलस सखि विद्युदिव मीननयने ॥ (१)
O Meenakshi, friend, sport like lightning amidst dense shining
clouds with which Indra plays. (1)
कनकमहि-परिलसित-धातु-निकरे ।
इह निवस मणिरिव सुगन्धि-चिकुरे ॥ (२)
O damsel with abundant shining ornaments of gold and gems, come
and live here like jewel in fragrant tuft of hair. (2)
शशि-किरण-विशद-तट-सौध-निकटे ।
इह भव चकोरीव चन्द्र-मकुटे ॥ (३)
Come, become like the chakori bird on the crown of crescent moon
(of Siva) on the clear ground near the mansion, flooded with rays
of moon. (3)
नलिनी-दला-रचित-मृदुल-शयने ।
इह चर मरालीव मन्द-गमने ॥ (४)
O damsel with gentle gait like swan, come here to the soft bed of
lotus leaves. (4)
वनपवन-दरदलित-सुमविताने ।
इह निनद रतिरिव सुललित-गाने ॥ (५)
O damsel who sings sweetly, come and sport here like Rati under
the flower canopy, moving gently in the breeze from the
grove. (5)
कोमल-तमालदल-कृत-कुटीरे ।
इह जय मयूरीव सुगुणहारे ॥ (६)
O damsel with nice garlands, come and conquer here like peahen in
the cottage made of soft leaves of Tamala tree. (6)
अतिरुचिर-नवरत्न-कुट्टिमपदे ।
इह विहर मञ्जीर-शिञ्जित-पदे ॥ (७)
O damsel with feet with anklets jingling, come and move about in
the floor inlaid with gorgeous gems of nine varieties. (7)
अतिशयित-हालास्य-स्थल-सद्-उपवने ।
इह रमय शिवमवित-सकल-भुवने ॥ (८)
O damsel, conqueror of all worlds, come and sport with Siva here
in the very attractive grove of Halasya. (8)
तव प्रियतमे सखि प्रसव-चाप-तापाधिके ।
करम्बित-कराम्बुजे न कलय प्रतीपं वृथा ॥ (४)
O friend with hair, the natural fragrance of which has been
established conclusively; you have dense heaving breasts and musk
enriched by cluster of flowers in your lotus hands. When your
lover is tormented by the flower-bow (of Manmatha), do not adopt a
disagreeable position in vain. (4)
आलीषु किल दाक्षिण्यात्-केलीशुक-सहायिनी ।
सानन्द-मदना प्राप मीनाक्षी सुन्दरेश्वरम् ॥ (५)
Owing to kindness towards her companions, Meenakshi, who had the
parrot for play and who was immersed in happiness wrought by
Manmatha, reached Sundareswara. (5)