Gita Sundaram

द्वाविंशाष्टपदी      Ashtapadi  22
मध्यमावतीरागेण गीयते  ।  आदितालः  ।      Raga:  Madhyamavati         Tala:  Adi

मधुराधिपतिं परिचित-समरस-भावम्  ।
सा ननन्द समवेक्ष्य समाहित-कुसुम-सरासन-भावम्  ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
She saw and delighted the Lord of Madhura, whose amour under the spell of Manmatha was visible.  (Refrain)

मीनाक्षी सविलास-समागम-समुदित-बहुविध-लीलम्  ।
विमल-कलानिधिमिव शरद्-उज्ज्वल-राका-रञ्जन-शीलम्  ॥ (१)
Like a treasure of the art of pure love, Meenakshi engaged in the many different types of passionate sport exhibiting the pleasing nature of the shining autumnal full moon. (1)

विशदं-उरःस्थलं-अधिगत-नवमणि-खचित-मनोहर-भूषम्  ।
अमृत-पयोनिधि-मध्यभागमिव समणिद्वीप-विशेषम्  ॥ (२)
She saw the gem-studded attractive ornament on the chest of Siva like Manidvipa in the ocean of nectar. (2)

गौरी-कुच-भरं-अनुकलयन्तं सरस-कटाक्ष-विहारम्  ।
कनक-महीधर-शिखराञ्चितमिव पारिजात-सुमहारम्  ॥ (३)
She noticed Siva’s passionate sidelong look at the garland of Parijatha flowers, swaying on the large bosom of Gowri as if on the peak of Meru, the golden mountain.  (3)

कुङ्कुम-रजसा गलनील-रुचिं विदधतं-उपरि सुदूरम्  ।
चलित-कदम्ब-पराग-विधूसरमिव मधुकरं-अनुवारम्  ॥ (४)
She saw the saffron paste on the shining black throat (of Siva), visible from a long distance as if honey-bees covered with pollen dust of Kadamba flowers, coming flying in the air.  (4)

कलित-कपोल-विकास-दरस्मितं-अनुरत-मदकल-गीतम्  ।
प्रेमपूरं-अतिलङ्घित-वेलं बहिरिव मुहुर्-अनुयातम्  ॥ (५)
She saw Siva’s cheeks blowing out with gentle smile, singing passionate sweet song, full of love, crossing all limits.  (5)

सित-सुकुमार-शरीरं-उदञ्चित-विद्रुम-राग-दुकूलम्  ।
राजहंसमिव नवयावक-रस-रञ्जित-पक्ष-विलोलम्  ॥ (६)
She saw his young white body covered by coral-coloured upper garment as if it were fresh attractive red lac essence on the wings of flamingo bird.  (6)

मरकत-वलय-विभूषित-पाटल-कोमल-करयुग-सीमम्  ।
वर-तापिञ्छ-स्तबकालंकृत-पल्लव-शरमिव कामम्  ॥ (७)
She saw the soft red hued upper ends of the two hands of Siva, decorated with green hued bracelets as if Manmatha’s arrow of tender shoots decorated with beautiful cluster of Tamala flowers.  (7)

निटिल-विराजित-काश्मीर-तिलकं-अमित-कुतूहल-सान्द्रम्  ।
हालास्य-पुरी-सौध-शृङ्ग-मणि-रुचि-रञ्जितमिव चन्द्रम्  ॥ (८)
She saw the forehead of Siva, decorated with saffron mark, showing his limitless and abundant joy, as if it were the gem-studded terrace of the mansion in the city of Halasya, soaked in the radiant rays of moon.  (8)

  चलत्-कर्णोत्तंसं कुसुम-शयनोपान्तगमने  ।
तदानीं मीनाक्ष्याः पति-समरसा-लोक-कुतुकाद्-
  उदीतो रोमाञ्चः स्मर-समर-रक्षा-कवचितः  ॥ (६)
At that time Meenakshi’s hairs stood on end out of joy caused by the passionate look of her husband, as if it were the protective armour in the battle waged by Manmatha.  (6)

लीलाशुकं प्रियतमस्य करे विधातुं
  सव्रीड-सस्मित-ससाध्वसं-उद्यतायाः  ।
तस्या मनोभव-विलास-वशंवदाया
  आलीजनैर्-उपगता बहिरेव वृत्तिः  ॥ (७)
Full of bashful smile mixed with fear, as she proceeded to lay her sportive parrot in the hands of her lover, her female companions trooped out, sensing her playful mood.  (7)

तदनु विजने केली-कुञ्जे सपल्लव-मल्लिका-
  कुवलय-दलाकल्पे तल्पे तरङ्गित-वीक्षणाम्  ।
  अनुकल-नवव्रीडां कान्तां जगाद जगत्पतिः  ॥ (८)
In the bed of tender shoots of jasmine and blue lotus leaves in the solitude of the sport garden,the lord of the universe spoke thus to her, who had tremulous eyes showing bashful fear of her passionate and playful lover’s display of firmness.  (8)

त्रयोविंशाष्टपदी           Ashtapadi  23
नादनामक्रियारागेण गीयते  ।   आदितालः  ।       Raga:  Nadanamakriya        Tala: Adi

ललिते सपदि सदाशिवम्  ।
समरसं-अनुभव कातरम्  ॥ (ध्रुवम्)
O sportive damsel, revel immediately with Sadasiva, who is passionate and yet afraid.  (Refrain)

प्रविश यवनिकां निविश ममाङ्के रम्भोरु प्रियसारे  ।
मामिव पाणि-स्पर्श-विलोलं तव शुकं-अनुवद धीरे  ॥ (१)
O essence of love, courageous one with lovely thighs like the interior of plantain tree, enter the enclosure behind the curtain and sit on my lap. Speak to your parrot, who is anxious like me for the touch of your hand.  (1)

विसृज विशृङ्खल-रतिगत-वैभव-विरस-विलज्जित-भेदम्  ।
विदलित-शेष-निचोलं-इवार्पित-गुरुकुच-संधि-विषादम्  ॥ (२)
Cast aside the impediment due to bashfulness, caused by amorous passion, with the blouse already tearing apart and remove the inconvenience of the close tightness of your large breasts.  (2)

मर्दन-चञ्चल-नखकिरणैर्-अवलोकय कुच-तट-रागम्  ।
मदन-मद-द्विपकुम्भ-विजृम्भितमिव सिन्दूर-परागम्  ॥ (३)
Enjoy the red colour of the slopes of your breasts being disfigured by nails, as the breasts, huge like the temple of elephant, swell with the passion of love, throwing off the red paste  on them.  (3)

विनमित वेणिकं-उन्नमिता-ननं-अधरा-स्वाद-विशङ्कम्  ।
न गमय नखमुख-घातं-इमं सखि पुनरिव विरहातङ्कम्  ॥ (४)
O friend, with hair loosely falling down, face drooping, lips enjoying the sweetness and body scratched with nails, you do not again court the pain of separation.  (4)

मृदुल-भुजान्तर-वलयित-कंधर-बहुलित-रागं-अपारे  ।
मां-आलिङ्ग्य सुमाशुग-तप्तं स्नपय सुखामृत-सारे  ॥ (५)
With your arms round my neck in limitless and variegated amour, embrace me and immerse me, who am hot with attack of the sun of the flower-arrows of Manmatha, in the pleasurable nectarine essence.  (5)

रूप-विलोकन-वचनाकर्णन-वदनास्वाद-सरूपम्  ।
अनुरञ्जय मां-अतनु-पराजितं-अभिमुख-सरसालापम्  ॥ (६)
Delight me by enabling look at form, hearing of sweet words and taste of mouth. I stand defeated by Manmatha (the formless) and look forward to pleasurable talk.  (6)

अकृत-श्रुति-पथ-लङ्घनमिव तव नयनाकर्ण-विलासम्  ।
अमृत-विलङ्घन-भीरुमिवा-ञ्चसि मुहुर्-अधरावधि-हासम्  ॥ (७)
The way your eyes travel upto the ears appears like attempt to transgress the path of Vedas and committing sins. The way your smile is limited by the lips appears like control due to fear of oozing out of nectar.  (7)

समरति-परवश-संजीवनमिव मलय-समीर-कुमारम्  ।
अनुरत-मणित-विलासैर्-अनुनय नवहालास्य-विहारम्  ॥ (८)
The gentle breeze from Malaya mountains appears to enliven the passionate submission of each to the other. Come to the new playhouse of Halasya with passionate and beautiful gestures.  (8)

आशास्यं मम पूरयेति सरसं संप्रार्थितायास्-तदा
  वक्तुं किंचिद्-उदञ्चितेऽधरदले मन्दाक्षमग्नं वचः  ।
अंसावर्तितं-आननं पुलकितं ताटङ्क-रत्न-प्रभा-
  रम्यं गण्डतलं मुहुर्-विवलिता दृष्टिः प्रियस्याधरे  ॥ (९)
Meenakshi appeared to coquettishly request for fulfilment of her wishes with a murmur emanating from her lips, with eyes lowered, face slightly turned, hairs on end, with cheeks beautifully reflecting the shine of her gem-studded ear-studs and her vision directed meekly at the lips of her lover.  (9)

प्रेम-पूर-परीवाह-कटाक्ष्-आविष्कृत्-आशयः  ।
शंकरः प्राह मीनाक्षीं साकूतं रन्तुं-इच्छया  ॥ (१०)
Sankara, having discovered the wishes of Meenakshi through her sidelong glance overflowing with love, spoke meaningfully to her thus.  (10)

चतुर्विंशाष्टपदी        Ashtapadi  24
नादनामक्रियारागेण गीयते  ।   त्र्यस्र एकतालः  ।      Raga:  Nadanamakriya     Tala:  Tryasra Eka

कलयाधुना मदनाहवं मीनाक्षि नयनोत्सवम्  । (ध्रुवम्)
Meenakshi, now enact the war of Manmatha and the festivity of eyes.  (Refrain)

सरस-दृगञ्चलभल्ल-पुरस्कृत-नखार्ध-चन्द्र-प्रकरे  ।
विलसति निष्क्रममाण-मनोभव-कुञ्जर-कुम्भ-कुचान्तरे  ॥ (१)
Having been gifted with the arrow of the passionate sidelong glance, the half-moon-like scratch of nails shines in the space between the large breasts, looking like elephant’s temples, signifying the effect of Manmatha.  (1)

शुक-पिक-कोकिल-चन्दिर-मारुत-मधुमाधव-परिवारे  ।
दिशि दिशि सज्जित-मधुर-शरासन-सुमशर-विविध-विहारे  ॥ (२)
Enjoy in the midst of the parrots and cuckoos, the moon, gentle breeze and honey-bees, with the sweet flower-arrows of Manmatha decorating all directions inviting many types of sport.  (2)

मणित-विजृम्भित-काहलि-कलकल-रव-मुखरे रत्यगारे  ।
मणि-रशनाकृत-जयघण्टाध्वनि-मिश्रित-हंसक-रणित-भरे  ॥ (३)
Revel in the playhouse in the midst of pleasing sounds of jingling bells in the ornaments of young women and crackle of swans mixed with the chime of victory-bells pulled with gem-studded cords.  (3)

नवनव-विकसित-रोमाञ्च-कवचित-तदिद्-उपमान-शरीरे  ।
वशयति मां-अवशं रति-साहस-तत्व-निरूपण-सुन्दरे  ॥ (४)
Your body, covered with the armour of ever-new development of horripilation and appearing like lightning with beauty conveying the intent of amorous passion, enchants me uncontrollably.  (4)

अविरल-संगत-सून-शराञ्चित-सरस-रसाल-किसाले  ।
विरहि-मनोगत-मर्म-निकृन्त-नक्रकच-धुरंधर-शीले  ॥ (५)
In the tender foliage of mango leaves indicating the close deployment of the flower-arrows of Manmatha), you show your mastery in attacking the painful spots of grief of separation and catching like a crocodile.  (5)

दृढ-परिरम्भण-चुम्बन-ताडन-कारित-घर्मज-शीकरे  ।
मधुरिम-भरित-शरास-विलास-कन्दलितास्य-निशाकरे  ॥ (६)
Enjoy cooling down of the heat through tight embrace, kisses, tapping by hands etc. and amorous play of Manmatha’s bow full of sweetness and small talk in the night.  (6)

मलय-समीरण-चञ्चल-कुन्तल-मधुपावृत-मुख-पङ्कजे  ।
त्रिजगद्-अहंकृति-जलनिधि-शोषण-मण्डन-मण्डित-कुम्भजे  ॥ (७)
O damsel, sport with hair swaying in the breeze from Malaya mountains, lotus face surrounded by honey-bees and pot-like huge breasts capable of drying up the ocean of pride of all three worlds.  (7)

विजयरमा-प्रथमागम-मङ्गल-वाद्यक-वादन-संभ्रमे  ।
नवरस-भरित-विलास-समेधित-नवहालस्य-गृहोत्तमे  ॥ (८)
Revel in the midst of festivities of playing of auspicious musical instruments indicating first arrival of Vijayalakshmi and in sport filled with nine Rasas (emotions) in the finest mansion in the new Halasya.  (8)

प्रत्यङ्गं स्पृशतः करौ नियमितौ यद्-बाहुमूले तया
  स्थानाद्-उच्चलतो यद्-ऊरु-घटनं श्रोणी-तटेनाहतम्  ।
वक्षोजात-वली-तरङ्ग-जघनाभोग-श्रियं पश्यतो
  दष्टोऽयं मधुराधरोऽस्य तदिदं शृङ्गार-वीरायितम्  ॥ (११)
The hands touching every limb being controlled at the shoulder level; the rise of thighs attacked by the slope of the hips; the breasts, the fold below and the loins being drunk by look, and her sweet lips being bitten- all this aggression was there in the amorous play.  (11)

तत्तद्-भाव-कला-विलासकतया कामः कृतार्थस्-तयोर्-
  उन्मृष्ट-श्रमवारि-शीकरतया धन्योऽस्तु मन्दानिलः  ।
दत्तान्योन्य-जयश्रियोः समरति-प्रोत्साहन-प्रौढयोर्-
  गौरीशंकर-मौलिचन्द्रकलयोर्-भाग्यं तदन्यादृशम्  ॥ (१२)
Manmatha felt fulfilled by the art of passionate love of Gowri and Sankara. Let the gentle breeze be fulfilled by cooling down the perspiration of love. With each providing victory to the other and each encouraging passionate sport, the good fortune of Gowri and Sankara with crescent moon on head is unparalleled.  (12)

इति श्रीमत्-परमशिवातिवादिमूर्धन्यस्य सदाशिव-दीक्षितस्य कृतिषु
चतुःषष्टि-लीलासंग्रहे गीतसुन्दरे  षष्ठः सर्गः  ॥

Thus ends Sarga 6 of GITASUNDARAM of the compendium of the 64 Divine Lilas of Lord Sundareswara composed by SADASIVA DIKSHITA, the chief among Sri Paramasiva’s eloquent poets.

॥  समाप्तम् गीतसुन्दरम्  ॥

॥  शिवार्पणमस्तु  ॥

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